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46 Cards in this Set

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4 types of healthcare reimbursement
Self-pay, insurance private insurance, employment-based private inssurance, government issurance
self pay
fee-for service, out of pocket
employment based private insurance
what is different about employment based private insurance
It is not taxed
Government Issurance
medicare, medicair, worker's comp, military
What happened between 97 and 07?
The goal was to get emplyers to insure their emploees
Which type of insurance is declining in number?.
Emploee plans
2 ways to control healthcare cost
finance and reimbursement
how much does the us spend on HC?
what is finance controlled by?
regulation (laws and rules) and competition
how is reimbursement done?
Providers/insurance companies say the amount that the will pay per service/visit/copayment required
What is the theory of copayment
To make you accountable, if something is free, you will abuse it
balanced budget act was in response to
uncontrolled healthcare costs and fraud
Are most payments reimbursed through retrospective payment or prospective payment?
Prospective payment
what is retrospective payment
fees negotiated after services rendered
what is prospective payment
negotiated before services have been rendered
what are the 4 basic reimbursement methods
fee for service, per visit, per case/ per episode, capitation
what is capitation?
a way of controlling cost from payers perspective, you negotiate to provide services per group for X amount of money, for a certain amount of time, its kind of like a per member/per month
which is the highest risk for payer?
which is most rish for provider?
what is bundling?
lumping tx's togther and saying youre going to give them a fee for it
which has the most bundling
least amount of bundling
Some insurerers will not pay for what, regarding your hired personal?
They will not pay for certain services or any service given by PTAs
do we provide gait training or ambulation/
gait training
what are the buzzwords of managed care?
effectiveness and efficiency
what is managed care?
A general term for organizing physicians, hospitals, and other providers into groups in order to enhance the quality and cost effectiveness of health care
Who is always always affiliated with HMO?
Can HMO's go outside of HMO provider and get reinbursed?
Which is the cheapest to member?
what does POS stand for?
piece of shit and point of service
What is a POS like?
not always a gatekeeper and they may go outside of HMO; higher cost
what is PPO?
preferred provider organization?
what is a PPO like?
no gatekeeper, list of providers to go to; higher cost to go outside, most expensive to member
What is co-insurance?
an extra amount(a percentage) to pay for each visit
what is the differentce between copayment and coinsurance?
co payment is a set amount, co insurance is percentage
what is cost shifting?
if you insure a large group of people, you are going to have people who need a lot of care and some not, and if you shift the cost, things will balance out
How do you qualify for medicare?
"1.      Must be a citizen or permanent resident, 2.      Must be 65 years old, or, receiving Social Security for 2 years or dx. endstage renal disease
What is Medicare A?
You get services at hospital, snf, hospice, home health
What is Medicare B?
outpaitent, services, transport, durable medical equipment
does everyone get both?
No everyone that qualifies gets A but B you have to pay a fee
what is DRG
diagnosis related groups. They are in a group that medicare will pay x amount of dollars for the diagnosis, prospective paymet for a particular diagnosis
Where does resource utilization groups?
a SKN term, they need to assess you right away and group you into a resource utilization group and depending on what group your n , will dictate how much patient will be covered for
What aare the specifics of medicare B?
services must be provided by PT/PTA
who is medicaid for?
low income and diabled
who is workers compensation?
for workers injured on the job, florida funded by emplyers