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6 Cards in this Set

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What is Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is a process that assists people with disabilities to develop or strengthen their physical, mental and social skills. It also includes the measures for training and retraining an individual to the highest possible level of functional ability

Forms/Aspect of Rehabilitation

1.Medical rehabilitation - focuses on restoration of function.

2.Vocational rehabilitation – restoration of capacity to earn a livelihood

3. Social rehabilitation –restoration of family and social relationships.

4.Psychological rehabilitation – restoration of personal dignity & confidence.


Impairment is any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function


is any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment ) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within a range considered normal for an individual.


Is a disadvantage resulting from an impairment or disability that limits or prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal ( depending on the age sex and cultural factors ) for that individual.

Example of an impairment, disability and Handicap

The loss of a foot is an impairment, the inability to walk is the disability, the unemployment which results in him not being able to earn a living is the handicap.