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13 Cards in this Set

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Determination of ECFV

[Na] is constant -> ECFV determined by the amount of EC Na

ISF ~ PV [eq. by Starling forces]

Long-term control of BP

~ control of BV, by kidneys:

- PV (Δ in ECFV)

- RBC volume (via erythropoietin)

- Na appetite

Receptors governing Na balance

High-P R's - dominant => RAAS, sNS

- afferent arterioles (kidney) [carotid sinus, aortic arch - minor role: adaptable -> short-term] - renin-producing granular cells lack contractile fibers -> chronic

Low-P R's => ANP

- cardiac atria, VC, large pulmonary vessels - distensible -> greatest response to ΔBP -> intermediate ctrl [adaptible; water immersion scenario]

RAAS (Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System)

Granular cells (afferent arterioles): low BP/[Na] =>

-> Renin: (Antensinogen -> AI)

-> ACE: (AI -> AII) [surface of endothelial cells]

=> AII

Angiotensin II - renal effects

- ↑ Na reabsorption in PT (Na/H exchanger)

- lowers set pt -> ↑ sensitivity of TGF:

↑ NaCl in macula densa -> ↓↓↓ GFR- ↓ eff. arterioles -> vasa recta reabsorption from PT

- ↓ medullary BF -> ↑ urinary concentrating ability & ↑ Na reabsorption in TAL

Angiotensin II - extrarenal effects

- ↑ aldosterone secretion in zona glomerulosa, adrenal cortex

- direct vasoconstriction; indirect:

-- sNS -> Sm

-- ↓ vagal tone & baroreflex sensitivity

-- ↑ norepinephrine release & ↓ reuptake in synapses

- ↑ thirst & Na appetite

Activity of Aldosterone

-> Mineralocorticoid R (MR) - intracellular TF

Most important for maintaining Na homeostasis:

- ↑ Na reabsorption in DT & CD (reg. final Na excretion)

- ↑ Na absorption in colon & sweat glands -> ↓ extrarenal Na loss

- ↑ Na intake: CNS => salt appetite; ↑ taste bud sensitivity to NaCl; ↓ salivary [Na]

-> in general: ↑ ENaC (CD, epithelia) & Na/K-ATPase

Low Na delivery -> CD ensured by

TGF (tubulo-glomerular fb)

AII & catecholamines -> PT na reabsorption

aldosterone -> DT

Regulation of RAA axis

Renin release from granular cells in afferent aa's = rate-limiting step

- ↓ BP -> ↑ renin (X ↑ renal perfusion)

- sNS -> afferent aa.'s -> ↑ renin

- macula densa: ↓ NaCl -> ↑ renin

- pressor hormones (AII) -> -fb -> ↓ renin

- prostaglandins, NO, ANP -> ↓ renin

Aldosterone synthesis: AII ↑, ANP & plasma [K] ↓

Renal effects of sympathetic NS (sNS)

-> afferent aa.'s -> ↑ renin

-> PT -> Na reabsorption

Activity of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)

Distension of atria -> ANP (also BNP released by ventricles)

-> ↓ heart contractility

-> vasodilators (resistance vv.'s, venules, large v.'s) [↓ preload & afterload]

-> ↑ capillary permeability

-> ↑ Na excretion:

- ↑ GFR & ↑ medullary BF

- ↓ Na reabsorption (medullary CD's)

- ↓ renin, aldosterone, ADH

Pressure natriuresis

↑ in P(perfusion) -> ↓ Na reabsorption -> ↑ Na excretion

(while GFR is constant)

Renal regulation of RBC V

renal O2 consumed by Na reabsorption:

↑ RBF -> ↑ GFR -> ↑ Na reabsorption => Na balance maintained

=>> p(O2) stable over a wide range of RBF, p(O2, aff.) - p(O2, eff.) ~ constant

-> ideal for monitoring Δp(O2):

Δ p(O2) ~ ? RBC V (info integration) -> Δ? Epo (erythropoietin) in interstitial fibroblasts (b/w PT's)