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41 Cards in this Set

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Q. Axilla Anterior Wall
Pectoralis Major and Minor
Q. Axilla Posterior Wall
Teres Major and Lat
Q. Axilla Medial Wall
Serratus Anterior
Q. Axilla Apex
Head of humerus
Q. Sternoclavicular Joint
Complex joint, has meniscus
Q. Ligaments
Hold upper extremity onto body
Q. Serratus Anterior
Or: Ribs 1-8
Ins: Medial border of scapula
Act: Protracts (abducts) scapula, holds scapula against throracic wall, rotates scapula
Inner: Long Thoracic Nerve
Q. Pectoralis Minor
Or: Ribs 3-5
Ins: Coracoid Process of Scapula
act: Depresses scapula, rotates it inferiorly, pulls scapula anteriorly
Inner: Medial Pectoral Nerve
Q. Subclavius
Or; 1st Rib
Ins: Inferior surface of middle third of the clavicle
act: Draws clavicle medially
Inner: Nerve to Subclavius
Q. Supraspinatus
Or: Supraspinous Fossa of Scapula
Ins: Greater Tubercle of the Humerus
Act: Abduction of Humerus
Inner: Suprascapular Nerve
Q. Infraspinatus
Or: Infraspinous Fossa of Scapula
Ins: Greater Tubercle of Humerus
Act: Lateral rotation of humerus; common action of rotator cuff muscles
Inner: Suprascapular Nerve
Q. Teres Minor
Or: Lateral Border of Scapula
Ins: Greater Tubercle of the Humerus
Act: Lateral rotation of humerus
Inner: Axillary Nerve
Q. Subscapularis
Or: Subscapular Fossa
Ins: Lesser tubercle of the humerus
Act: Medial rotation and adduction of arm
Inner: Upper and Lower Subscapular Nerves
Q. Supraspinatus
Or:supraspinous fossa
Ins: greater tubercle of the humerus
Act: abduction of arm
Q. Infraspinatus
Or: infraspinous fossa
Ins: greater tubercle of the humerus
Act: lateral rotation of the humerus, stabilizes GH joint
Q. Subscapularis
Or: subscapular fossa
Ins: lesser tubercle of the humerus
Act: medial rotation of the humerus, stabilizes GH joint
Iinner: Subscapular nerve
Q. Teres Minor
Or: middle half of scapula’s lateral margin
Ins: greater tubercle of humerus
Act: lateral rotation of humerus, stabilizes GH joint
inner: Subscapular Nerve
Q. Biceps Brachii
Or: long head: supraglenoid tubercle and glenohumeral labrum. short head: tip of the coaracoid process
Ins: long head: radial tuberosity. short head: bicipital aponeurosis
Act: flexes the forearm, supinates, stabilizes, flexes shoulder
Inner: musculocutaneous nerve
Q. Brachialis
Or: lower ½ of anterior humerus
Ins: ulnar tuberosity, slightly on the coronoid process
Act: elbow flexion
inner: musculocutaneous Nerve
Q. Coracobrachialis
Or: coracoid process
Ins: medial shaft of humerus
Act: flexes the humerus, assists with adduction of the humerus
Inner: musculocutaneous nerve
Q. Triceps Brachii
Or: Long head: infraglenoid tubercle. Lateral head: upper half of the humeral shaft
Medial head: posterior shaft of humerus, distal to radial groove and septa
Ins: Posterior surface of the olecranon process
Deep fascia of the antebrachium (forearm)
Act: Long: adducts arm, extends at shoulder, minimal elbow flexion. Lateral & Medial: extends forearm at the elbow
INNER: radial nerve
Q. Flexor Carpi Radialis
Or: Medial epicondyle via the common flexor tendon (CFT), antebrachial fascia
Ins: base of the 2nd & 3rd metacarpals
Act: flexes the hand at the wrist, radially deviates the wrist, may assist with pronation
inner: Median Nerve
Q. Palmaris Longus
Or: medial epicondyle via the CFT, antebrachial fascia
Ins: central portion of flexor retinaculum, superficial portion of the palmar aponeurosis
Act: flexes the hand at the wrist
Inner: Median Nerve
Q. Pronator Teres
Or: Humeral head: upper portion of medial epicondyle via the common flexor tendon
Ulnar head: coronoid process of ulna. Antebrachial fascia
Ins: Lateral aspect of radius at the middle of the shaft
Act: pronates the forearm, weakly flexes the elbow
Inner: Median Nerve
Q. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Or: Humeral head: medial epicondyle via the CFT
Ulnar head: medial aspect of olecranon
Ins: Pisiform and hamate bones. Base of the 5th metacarpal
Act: flexes and ulnarly deviates the wrist, stabilizes wrist
Inner: Median Nerve
Q. Flexor digitorum superficialis
Or: Humeral/ulnar head: medial epicondyle via CFT, coronoid process of ulna
Radial head: oblique line of radius along upper anterior border
Ins: both sides of the base of each middle phalanx of the 4 fingers
Act: flexes the proximal and middle phalanges, flexes the wrist if fingers are extended
Inner: Median Nerve
Q. Flexor digitorum profundus
O: anterior & medial surface of upper ¾ of ulna, adjacent interosseuous membrane
I: distal phalanx of medial 4 digits
A: flexes the distal IP joint and in doing so, flexes the proximal & middle IP joint, flexes the wrist if fingers are extended
inner: Ulnar Nerve
Q. Flexor pollicis longus
Or: middle anterior surface of the radius, interosseous membrane
Ins: palmar aspect of base of the distal phalanx of the thumb (deep to flexor retinaculum)
Act: flexes distal phalanx of thumb, flexes other joints to the wrist
Inner: median Nerve
Q. Pronator Quadratus
Or: distal ¼ anteriomedial surface of ulna
Ins: distal ¼ anteriolateral surface of radius
Act: pronates the forearm and hand
inner: Median Nerve
Q. Brachioradialis
Or: upper lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
Ins: styloid process of radius
Act: flexes the forearm at the elbow, pronates the forearm when supinated, supinates the forearm when pronated
Inner: Radial Nerve
Q. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Or: lower lateral supracondylar ridge
Ins: base of 2nd metacarpal
Act: extends and radially deviates the hand, weakly flexes and supinates the forearm
Inner: Radial Nerve
Q. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Or: lateral epicondyle via the common extensor tendon
Ins: base of 3rd metacarpal
Act: extends and radially deviates the hand
Inner: Radial nerve
Q. Extensor Digitorum
Or: lateral epicondyle
Ins: base of middle and distal phalanx of each of the four fingers
Act: extends 4 medial digits and wrist, abducts the digits
inner: radial Nerve
Q. Extensor Digiti Minimi
Or: lateral epicondyl via CET, antebrachial fascia, ulnar aspect of extensor digitorum
Ins: base of middle and distal phalanx of 5th digit
Act: extends and abducts the 5th digit
Inner: Radial Nerve
Q. Anconeus
Or: posteior surface of lateral epicondyle of humerus
Ins: lateral aspect of olecranon
Act: extends forearm and support elbow when in full extension
inner: Radial nerve
Q. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Or: 1st head: lateral epicondyle. 2nd head: posterior body of ulna
Antebrachial fascia
Ins: medial side of base of 5th metacarpal
Act: extends and ulnarly deviates the hand
inner: radial Nerve
Q. Abductor pollicis longus
Or: posterior surface of radius and ulna, interosseous membrane, antebrachial fascia
Ins: lateral aspect of base of 1st metacarpal
Act: abducts 1st MC, extends & rotates thumb, radially deviates and flexes hand
Inner: Posterior Interosseous nerve
Q. Extensor Pollicis Brevis
Or: posterior surface of radius, interosseous membrane, antebrachial fascia
Ins: base of proximal phalanx of thumb
Act: extends proximal phalanx and 1st MC of thumb, radial deviates hand
Inner: Posterior Interosseous nerve
Q. Extensor Pollicis Longus
Or: posterior surface of ulna, interosseous membrane, antebrachial fascia
Ins: distal phalanx of thumb
Act: extends distal and proximal phalanx of thumb, helps extend the hand
Inner: Posterior Interosseous nerve
Q. Extensor Indicis
Or: posteior surface of ulna, interosseous membrane, antebrachial fascia
Ins: base of middle and distal phalanx of index finger
Act: extends & adducts 2nd digit, helps extend hand, stabilizes MCP joint for flexion of IP solely
Inner: Posterior Interosseous nerve
Q. Supinator
Or: lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral ligament, annular ligament, antebrachial fascia
Ins: proximal portion of anteriolateral surface of the radius
Act: supinates the forearm
Inner: Posterior Interosseous nerve