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9 Cards in this Set

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What is a reflex?
A reflex is a:

Fast, involuntary sequence of actions that occurs in response to a particular stimulus.
Reflexes can be both a spinal reflex and a cranial reflex.

True or False?
Reflex Arc
*Basic functional unit of nervous system and simplest portion capable of receiving a stimulus and producing a response

*Automatic response to a stimulus that occurs without conscious thought. Homeostatic.
Reflex Arc

1) Sensory receptors transmitted to 2) sensory neuron to 3) Interneurons to 4) motor neurons to 5) motor neurons to 6) effector organ which responds with a reflex.
Variety of Reflexes
+Some integrated within spinal cord; some within brain
+Some involve excitatory neurons ; some involve inhibitory neurons .
+Higher brain centers can influence, suppress, or exaggerate reflex responses
Stretch Reflex
+Muscles contract in response to a stretching force applied to them. Unique because no interneuron.
+Muscle spindle: specialized muscle cells that respond to stretch.
+Sensory neurons innervate the noncontractile centers of the muscle spindle cells.
+These sensory neurons synapse with motor neurons of the spinal cord which in turn innervate the muscle in which the muscle spindle is embedded.
Golgi Tendon Reflex
+Prevents contracting muscles from applying excessive tension to tendons
+Golgi tendon organ.
+Nerve endings that have at their ends numerous terminal branches .
+Prevent damage to tendons that could be caused by excessive tension
+Produces sudden relaxation of the muscles
Example: weight lifter suddenly drops heavy weight.
Withdrawal Reflex
Function is to remove a body limb or other part from a painful stimulus.
Relationship of brain and spinal cord reflexes
+Sensory information goes to brain; e.g., pain.
+Descending tracts from brain carry info to reflexes.
+Neurotransmitters produce either EPSPs or IPSPs modifying the reflex.