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5 Cards in this Set

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Quello che mi diventava sempre piu chiaro, mentre mi ingozzavo come un oca di Strasburgo, era che il mio pane, il mio burro, i miei disturbi psicosomatici erano proprieta che non bastavano a zavorrarmi convenientemente. Dovevo poter dire mio riferendomi a qualcos'altro. Mi sembrava che su di me ci fosse un buco al posto dell, anima, e dentro a quel buco, niente.
What was becoming increasingly clear to me, as I stuffed myself like a Strasbourg goose, was that my bread, my butter, my psycosomatic ailments were factors which were not sufficient to provide me with the appropriate ballast. I had to be able to say that something else was mine. It seemed to me that I had a hole in place of a soul, and that in that hole there was nothing.
Dopo il divorzio, tutto era diverso. L'unico conforto? Al mattino mi svegliavo e sapevo dov'ero. Per esempio, il letto era lo stesso dove avevo doemito dieci anni con Riccardo, mangiavo allo stesso tavolo, facevo la spesa allo stesso supermercato. Solo, non dovevo piu' comprare il formaggio. Io il formaggio, lo odio.
After the divorce everything was different. The sole consolation was that in the morning, I would wake up and know where I was. For example, the bed was the same bed in which I had slept for 10 years with R, I ate at the same table, I shopped at the same supermarket. Except that I no longer had to buy the cheese. Cheese, i cant stand.
La sera, quando rientrava dal lavoro, stava dieci minuti sotto la doccia, poi si sedeva davanti alla toelette ricoperta di tulle rosa, e mentre si massaggiava le mani con la crema mi faceva ripetere le tabelline. Mio padre tornava la sera, e lei gli andava incontro tutta trepida e profumata. Lui commentava le notizie del telegiornale, e lei gli dava sempre ragione, e girava intorno al tavolo con la zuppiera riempiendo il piatto prima a lui, poi alla nonna, poi a me. Lei si serviva sempre per ultima.
In the evening, when she got back from work, she would spend 10 minutes in the shower, then would sit at her makeup table covered in pink tulle, and as she massaged her hands with cream she would make me repeat my tables. My father would come home in the evening, and she would go up to him all trembling and sweet-smelling. He would comment on on the TV news, and she would always agree with him, and would go round the table with the tureen, filling his dish first, then grandmothers, then mine. She would always serve herself last.
Quando eravamo appena sposati facevamo colazione a letto la domenica mattina, io preparavo il cappuccino e scaldavo le sfogliatelle, lui mi aspettava sotto le coperte e ogni volta accoglieva il vassoio come se fosse una sorpresa.
When we were just married we used to have breakfast in bed on Sunday mornings; I would make the cappuccino, and heat the sfogliatelle, he would wait for me under the blankets and would always receive the tray as if it were a surprise.
Sotto le sue carezze, lei chiuse gli occhi e comincio' a sognare. Ecco, loro due partivano per la vacanza che sognavano da anni. Un volo in aereo e arrivavano all' albergo, quello vecchiotto che gia conoscevano. Ordinavano una cena leggera, e si portavano in camera, una bottiglia di champagne. Cominciavano i giorni piu belli della sua vita. ma sarebbe successo davvero?
Under his caresses she closed her eyes and began to dream. There they were, the two of them were leaving on the holiday they'd dremed of for years. A plane trip and they were arriving at the hotel, the little old one they already knew. They ordered a light dinner and took a bottle of champagne back to their room. The lovliest days of her life began. But would it really happen?