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17 Cards in this Set

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Chi rideva, chi piangeva. Parlavano tutti una lingua straniera, chi il francese, chi l' inglese.
Some people laughed, others cried. They all spoke a foriegn language, some of them french, others English.
Insomma, hanno presentato certe idee, ma io non ci ho capito niente.
Well, they presented some ideas or other, but I didnt understand any of it.
Gli uomini, si illudono di dare un corso diverso alla storia, ma non modificano un bel niente.
men like to think they change the course of history, but they dont change a thing.
saro se lo trova sempre davanti, sbucato dal nulla, in procinto di sparire nel nulla.
S. is always seeing him, popping out of nowhere and appear to disappear into nowhere.
Era andata ad assicurarsi che non fosse successo nulla alla sua vicina.
She had gone to make sure nothing had happened to her neighbor.
Cosa crede di fare quel pappagalletto appollaiato vicino al padre, come se lo conoscesse da sempre, come se avesse tenuto fra le sue dita le mani impazienti di lui, come se ne conoscesse a memoria i contorni come se avesse sempre avuto da appena nato gli odori di lui nelle narici, come se fosse stato preso mille volte per la vita da due braccia robuste che lo facevano saltare da una carozza.
What does that little parrot of a man perched next to her father think he's up to as if he has always known him, as if he had held his impatient hands between his fingers, as if he knew their shape by memory, as if he had always had the smell of him in his nostrils, from the moment he was born, as if he had been held around the waist a thousand times by two strong arms helping him jump down from a carriage.
Una vicenda per molti versi penosa, che doveva(penosamente) risolversi nel privato, e' diventata oggetto di scherno e di curiosita, morbosa. Una vittima c'e gia stata, il di lui figlio(e di lei marito) e' uscita di testa, gridando a tutti il suo dolore di uomo doppiamente tradito.
A story which was in many respects painful and which should have been sorted out(painfully) in private, has become a matter for derision and morbid curiosity. there has already been one victim, his son(and her husband) went out of his mind, bawling to everybody the distress he felt as a doubly betrayed man.
Infrangeva tanto piu facilmente le regole dell' alta cucina in quanto cio' corrispondeva ai propri gusti.
he broke the rulkes of haute cuisine all the more easily because that correspond to his own tastes.
Non ripeteva pappagallescamente opinioni o tesi altrui.
He did not just parrot other peoples views or propositions.
I tratti le si sono deformati, dilatati e gli occhi le si sono infossati.
Her features have become deformed and swollen and her yeys have become sunken.
Con tutti i pregi che riconosco al nuovo preside, non pare la persona adatta.
For all the virtues that I acknowledge in the new headmaster, he doesnt seem the right person.
E' un libro scritto da una bambina, o meglio da una ragazzina di 12 anni. Ma malgrado cio non e' un libro facile.
Its a book written by a child, or rather a little girl of 12. But despite that its not an easy book.
Quando muore, il poveretto e considerato dagli investigatori un altra seccatura da affrontare, benche tutti dovessero ammettere che, malgrado tutto fosse un brav' uomo.
When he dies, the poor chap is considered by the investigators as just another nuisance to be dealt with, although everybody had to admit that in spite of everything he was a fine fellow.
A determinare la decisione e' stato il simpatico anedotto che, tuo malgrado, ti ha visto protagonista nell' estate 97.
The decision was determined by the nice story in which, despite yourself, you played the main role in the summer of 97.
combattere per la patria
to fight for ones country.
Fila cammina a piccoli passi ttubanti.
F. walks in tiny hesitant steps.
E non fare stupidaggini da farti prendere.
And dont do the sort of stupid things that will get you caught.