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45 Cards in this Set

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In w' case there is tender in preauricular lymph node?

Acute viral conjunctivitis

What is the most common cause of acute viral conjunctivitis?


In w' type of conjunctivitis there is subconjutival hemorrhage?

Acute viral conjunctivitis

In w' type of conjunctivitis there is chemosis

Acute allergic and acute bacterial

In w' type of conjunctivitis there is conjuntival papillae of palpebral conjunctiva?

-Acute allergic

-Vernal keratoconjunctivitis

In w' type of conjunctivitis cold compresses can be very effective?

Acute Allergic

What is the type of hypersensitivity reaction seen in phlyctenular kerato conjunctivitis

Type 4

Appear as multiple yellow to gray inflammatory lesions at limbus or conjuntiva surrounded by injection

Phynticualr keratoconjunctivitis

What are the signs of bacterial keratitis

-lid edema

-conjunctival chemosis

-ciliary injection

-2ry iritis

Complication of perforating corneal ulcer



2ry glucoma

Benfical effect of hot fomentation in corneal ulcer

Gives comfort

Relives pain

Vasodilatation so brings antibiotics

Benfical effect of cycloplegic drugs in corneal ulcer

1-relives pain caused by spasm

2-prevention of posterior synechiae

Benfical effect of systemic anelgesics in corneal ulcer

1-relives pain

2-decrease edema

Site of latency of th herpes virus type 1

Gasserian ganglion of trigeminal nerve

Treatment of viral keratitis


-epithelial deprimentes

Which nerve is the most commonly affected in herpes zóster ophthalmicus?

Frontal nerve

Does herpes zóster ophthalmicus commonly occur uni or bilateral


What are the clinical phases of HZO

1-acute resolving

2-chronic persistent

3-relapsing acute or chronic

In which type of keratitis hypopyon is usually present


In which type of keratitis vascularization is abcent?


Treatment of fungal corneal ulcer

Natamaycin or fluconazol

6 to 8 weeks

W' type of keratitis characterised by very severe restless pain non proportional to the degree of inflammation?


W' type of keratitis characterized by ring shaped lesion with stromal infiltration


Ttt of protozoal keratitis

*propamide isethionate (brolene) for 1 year

*keratoplasty in non responsive cases

W' type of errors of refractions is assosiated with Closed angle glucoma



Anterior subcapsular obacity of lens denoting previos attacks of markedly raised IOP

Why myotics can't function in high IOP

Due to ischemic paralysis of muscles

Motton fat.

Large KPs seen in granulomatous uviits

Ttt of iridocyclitis

1- cycloplegic by atropin

2-topical steroids

What is the cause of Endogenous Endophthalmitis

Hematogenous spread of organisms from a distant source of infection

Clinical picture of Endophthalmitis

1-vision is decreased

2-conjunctiva is injected


Ttt of Endophthalmitis

1-intravitreal antibiotic

ما نفع


Is Endophthalmitis assosiated with visual problems


Is orbital cillulitis assosiated with drop of vision

No unless eye globe is involved

What is the most common cause of orbital cellulitis?

2ry to preexisting sinus infections most commonly ethmoid sinus

Ttt of orbital cellulitis

Hospitalization and IV antibiotics

Can cause meningitis and cavernous thrombosis

Orbital cellulitis

Fleshy apperance of limbus

Cobblestone papellae in palpebral conguntiva

With mechanical ptosis

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis

Punctuate epithelial erosion occurs in T🧠

1-acute viral conjunctivitis

2-herpes simplex keratitis

2-herpes zóster ophthalmicus

4-vernal keratoconjunctivitis

Can cause keratoconus

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis


Both antihistamine and mast cell stabilizer

Antibiotics ttt tracoma




Can lead to mechanical ptosis


Vernal keratoconjunctivitis

Why ptosis occurs in tracoma?

1-heavy Cellular infiltration of lid

2-fibrosis of Müllers muscle

Assosiated with citricial entrobium
