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24 Cards in this Set

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blood composition


-erythrocytes (hematocrit: males 44%, females 40%, infants 50%)






-clotting factors



RBC size and features

-small (7-8 microns in diameter; 0.8 microns thick at center, 1.6 microns thick at edge)

-biconcave disk (center is central palet)

-stains acidophilic


-same diameter as leukocyte nucleus

-too small : microcytic; too big: macrocytic

-variation in size = anisocytosis


-young RBC

-anucleated, but slightly basophilic due to remaining mRNA being translated to hemoglobin

-slightly larger

-normally about 1% of the RBC population (increases during high RBC production)

function of RBCs

transport oxygen

-requires ability to bind oxygen tightly in the lung and release it at the tissues --> hemoglobin

-they are deformed (squished) through capillaries with smaller diameter to allow interaction of membranes and gas exchange to take place



-tetramer; two alpha and two beta chains

-each subunit binds a heme

-heme is a ferrous (Fe2+) binding ring structure, where the iron binds oxygen

-binds oxygen coopratively (relaxed state has high affinity, taut state has low affinity)

-affinity is altered by allosteric factors (e.g. temp, pH, 2,3-DPG, and pCO2); right shift during metabolic action

hemoglobin isoforms

-fetus makes HgbF (alpha1gamma2) (resistant to 2,3-DPG)

-embryo makes many isoforms

-adult makes mostly HgbA (alpha2beta2)

-small amount of HgbA2 in adults (alpha2delta2)

-mutations in the beta chain cause hemoglobinopathies such as HgbS (sickle), which alters the solubility --> pathology

RBC life span

-120 days

-100,000 circulations

-produces wear and tear --> macrophages will remove bad RBCs at capillaries

RBC specializations

-highly specialized membrane: cholesterol and phospholipids with transporters for glucose, ions, and bicarbonate

-specialized cytoskeleton: includes spectrin (supportive hexagonal meshwork just below membrane) which forms complexes with ankyrin and band4.1 which are anchored to integral membrane proteins band 3 and glycophorin C

RBC shape

-biconcave discs

-many potential (generally problematic) variations; e.g. elliptocytes, spherocytes, target cells, sickle cells, schistocytes

-variation in shape = poikilocytosis


variation is size of RBCs


variation in shape of RBCs

routinely measured RBC parameters

-mean cell volume

-mean cell hemoglobin

-mean cell hemoglobin concentration

-red cell distribution width (measure of the distribution of mean cell volume)



-derived from glycolytic intermediates

-regulates the affinity of Hgb for O2

-shifts curve rightward, causing O2 to dissociate more rapidly

-made in response to increased hypoxia, anemia

-takes hours to days to increase amounts --> adaptive response

CO poisoning

-binds heme iron with higher affinity than O2

-shifts O2 dissociation curve left


-iron in ferric state due to oxidative stress (drugs, toxins)

-cannot transport oxygen

-cyt B5 can reduce ferric iron back to ferrous with NADH

RBC handling of other ROS

-superoxide dismutase


-glutathione (reduces hydrogen peroxide; uses NADPH from pentose pathway to recycle back)

hemoglobin A1C

-glycated Hb


-proportional to blood glucose levels

-integrated measure of glucose control over prolonged period

the spleen role in RBC

-cell that has lost flexibility cannot squeeze between the specialized endothelial cells

-most of cell becomes bilirubin and goes to liver to be degraded


-band 1

-gives the RBC its elasticity

-all around the membrane in a meshwork


anchors spectrin to membrane

band 3

-anion exchanger important for moving bicarbonate in and out

-integral membrane protein

band 4.1

-anchors spectrin to the membrane

-binds to integral membrane proteins

hereditary elliptocytosis

-due to spectrin mutations

-most patients are asymptomatic

-confers resistance to malaria

herediitary spherocytosis

-abnormal RBC shape

-shortened lifespan

-caused by mutations in: spectrin, ankyrin, or band 3