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99 Cards in this Set

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What is PSS?
Needs Satisfaction Selling Process
What is the goal of PSS?
To make informed, mutually beneficial decisions.
What are the steps of PSS?
Opening, Probing, Supporting, Closing.
What is the goal of the Opening?
To agree on what will be covered or accomplished.
What is the goal of Probing?
To build a clear, complete, mutual understanding of a customers needs.
What is the goal of Supporting?
To help a customer understand specifically how you can satisfy a need.
What is the goal of Closing?
To agree on appropriate next steps.
When do you Open?
You and the customer are ready to conduct business.
How do you Open?
Proprose an agenda, state the value to the customer, and check for acceptance.
When do you Probe?
You want to elicit information from a prospect.
How do you Probe?
use open and closed probes to explore the customer's circumstances/needs.
When do you Support?
The customer has expressed a need, you clearly understand the need, and you know how your product/organization can address that need.
How do you Support?
Acknowledge the need, describe relevant features and benefits, and check for acceptance.
When do you Close?
The customer signals a readiness to move ahead or the customer has accepted the benefits you've described.
How do you Close?
Review previously accepted benefits, propose next steps for you and the customer, and check for acceptance.
Resolving Skepticism:
First probe to understand the concern. When: It's clear that the customer doubts a feature or benefit you've described. How: Acknowledge the concern, offer relevant proof, and check for acceptance.
Resolving a Misunderstanding:
First probe to understand the concern. When: It's clear that the customer thinks you can't provide a feature or benefit you can provide. How: Confirm the need behind the concern, Support the need: Acknowledge the need. Describe relevant features and benefits, check for acceptance.
Resolving a Drawback:
First probe to understand the concern. When: It's clear that the customer is dissatisfied with the absence or presence of a feature or benefit. How: Acknowledge the concern, refocus on the bigger picture, outweigh with previously accepted benefits, and check for acceptance.
Overcoming Customer Indifference:
When: A customer expresses satisfaction with his or her circumstances. How: Acknowledge the customers point of view, request permission to probe, probe to create customer awareness of needs: Explore the customer's circumstances for opportunities and effects. Confirm the existence of a need.
When should a recruiter take the PSS Applications course?
4-6 months after reporting on-board
What are the different types of inspections?
NIT, Production and Turnover
When is a production inspection required?
When a station misses goal 2 consecutive months in a row.
Who can waive the production inspection?
If a station misses goal 3 months in a row, can the production inspection be waived?
No. No waiver is authorized.
When must a recruiter be RQS qualified?
Within 6 months (9 months with re-board).
When should a recruiter have a Recruiter Development Board?
At the 4 month on-board mark.
What is the purpose of the RDB?
To make sure the individual recruiter is tracking towards PQS qualification and solicit members' feedback on the command check-in process, training programs and quality of life.
What is a Tab "D"?
Recruiter Development Board Input.
What are some items on the Tab "D"?
High schools assigned, % or NRS market assigned, ASAD data (Past 12 months), % of PQS completed, Home visits, High school presentations conducted, NCO to date - Active/Reserve, Attrition, Recruiter comments, RinC comments, Zone Supervisor comments.
What is a Tab "E"?
Recruiter Development Board Results - The findings are either "Satisfactory", or "Unsatisfactory". The boards' recommendations and a plan of action if necessary.
What is ERPMS?
Enlisted Recruiter Production Management System
What are the three parts of ERPMS?
2) Planner
3) Applicant Log
How long do you maintain the PATE?
Current month plus previous 12 months. (Recruiter will retain for as long as they are on-board)
How long must the applicant logs be retained?
Current plus 12 months.
How long must the planner be retained?
Current plus 12 months.
What percentage of the District's NCO is the LEADS department responsible for?
At least 34%.
The current CRUITMAN is?
What does LEADS stand for?
Local Effective Accession Delivery System
What are the different reports that you may print out of STEAM?
1) History
2) Population
3) Quality
4) Totals
How often is ASAD updated?
How long is a valid ASVAB score good for?
2 years
How long is a MEPS Physical good for?
2 years however, requires an inspect if it's more than 30 days old.
Who assigns the UDA to a newly reporting recruiter?
The CR
CNRC uses what type of goaling method?
Fair Share Goaling
Recruiter indoctrination should be completed within how many days of reporting to the NRS?
45 days
What is the board composition for a RinC PQS board?
1) XO (Chair)
2) EPO
3) CR or ACR
4) District Trainer or ZS
What is the CNRCINST 1650.1?
CNRC Awards Instruction
What is the CNRCINST 1430.7?
Recruiting Command Advancement Program (RCAP)
What are some of the reasons a recruiter would be subject to a Fault Transfer?
Rendered them ineligible for recruiting duty due to their own actions. (Misconduct, DUI in GOV, Missuse of GOV, etc...)
Explain no-fault transfers:
Recruiter is found incompatible with recruiting duty through no-fault of their own. (Must be identified within the first 9 months, documentation must be very thorough and indicate all weaknesses were trained to).
What are the three types of Coaching Calls?
1) Modeling
2) Supporting
3) Observing
How many volumes are there in the 1130.8 and what is in each volume?
There are five total.
Volume I: Recruiting Operations
Volume II: Eligibility Requirements
Volume III: Forms and Documents
Volume IV: Programs and Classification
Volume V: Delayed Entry Program (DEP)
What are the steps of diagnosis during a coaching call?
Set the stage, explore the situation, and confirm buy-in on the action plan.
What are the NERP Core Contact Skills?
Skill 1: Engage the prospect
Skill 2: Explore prospect issues
Skill 3: Qualify the prospect
Skill 4: Request action
What does the acronym PRIDE stand for?
Personalized Recruiting for Immediate and Delayed Enlistment
What does CNRCINST 1500.4 cover?
Training program policy and procedures for Navy Recruiting Command Field Activities.
What instruction would you go to if you were looking for RCAP eligibility?
CNRCINST 1430.7 Recruiting Command Advancement Program.
What are the two different types of RCAP advancements available to an NRD?
1) Meritorious based on 1 RCAP per 50 enlisted Sailors
2) Production based on specific command production goal attainments
What is the minimum DEP Meeting attendance required?
List the applicant record tabs in R-TOOLS:
1) 1-Screen
2) Additional
3) Sales
4) Remarks
5) Blueprint
6) Medical
7) Employment
8) Tests
9) Education
10) Prior Service
11) Feedback (LEADS)
What are the time frames for LEADS?
1) Contacted within 24 hours.
2) Disposition within 30 days.
3) Maintained in working tickler for four months or until contracted or unworkable.
How long are DEP Records maintained in working tickler?
Through RTC graduation.
What is the max number of records allowed at one time in the current working tickler?
No more than 50 records at one time.
How is the working tickler loaded?
Loaded based on Goaling Letter on the last day of the current week.
How long are Applicant Records retained in R-TOOLS?
For at least four years after high school graduation.
What is the purpose of Blueprinting?
To reduce or eliminate call reluctance.
What does PATE stand for?
Production Analysis Training and Evaluation
What does SMART stand for?
Station Market Analysis and Review Technique
What is SMART designed to accomplish?
Designed to target quality market centers by showing areas that will provide the best possible success in recruiting.
Where does the majority of the information used in SMART come from?
How many parts does SMART consist of and what are they?
SMART consists of 5 parts:
1) NRS Territorial Map
2) Goal Recap Sheets
3) DEP Status Board
4) High School/Community College Folders
What is ASAD?
All Service Acession Data
What is CIRIMS?
Command Integrated Recruiting Information management Support
Local Lead
National Lead
Mail Out
Prior Service
Selective Service
High School List
Name List
DEP Referral
Applicant Referral
School Counselor/COI
Personally Developed Contact
Walk In
Recruiting Assistance Program
Recruiter Assignment Factor
Hometown Area Recruiting Program
Senior Enlisted Minority Assistance to Recruiting Program
Advance Pay Grade
Recruiting Selected Conversion Reenlistment
Other Service Veterans
Navy Veterans
New Accession Training
Recruiting District Assistance Council