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59 Cards in this Set

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equals rebuilding

reconstruction 2

a time after the civil war where the federal gov protected the rights of newly free slaves
reconstruction 3

This was the time to reunite the north and the south and not a time to rebuild the south's economy (aka money)

reconstruction 4

the united states did not think that it was their responsibility to rebuild the south's economy; they felt that it was each state's responsibility

plans of reconstruction 1

President Lincoln had a plan because the confederate leaders refused to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

plans of reconstruction 2

Congress passed a 2nd plan that brought federal military to many southern states to ensure that newly freed slaves rights were protected

changes to the constitution

13th amendment

abolished slavery

14th amendment

gave African americans the rights to be treated as citizens of the US

15th amendment

gave African americans the right to vote

new constitution

with the help of many African americans states had to write a new constitution that recognized these rights

African Americans were now allowed 4 things

vote, own property, serve on juries, and be elected to legislature (government)

Happy or unhappy

the elite were very unhappy that African americans were given these rights

to participate or not

Many whites refused to participate in gov as long as African americans were able to vote/hold office


whites called anyone who cooperated with the new state government this name


northerners who came to SC as missionaries or for jobs and money


the Ku Klux Klan tried to intimidate freed men by burning their homes and churches to prevent them from exercising their rights
most political power, very wealthy, owned many slaves
middle class

merchants, doctors, lawyers, not wealthy but comfortable, owned a slave or two, lived in town
lower class

no skills, no education, very poor, no power, owned nothing, often competed with the slaves for jobs

free blacks

had a skill to earn a living, some education, children educated in a skill or at home


illegal to read and write, no power, no freedom, very few had skills, very poor, owned nothing
elite children

private tutors or schools, well educated
lower class children

no education, had to work with parents to earn money
slave children

no education, no freedom, worked the same as parents did

elites and slave children

both lived on plantations

lower and slave children

often did the same time of jobs

how were some slaves able to become free blacks?

by having a skill- blacksmith, seamstress, cobbler, carpenter . . . they shared a portion with their masters, over time they purchased their freedom

attitude of southerners towards slaves

slaves were property owned by the master

who invented the cotton gin

eli whitney- and the gin caused slavery to increase- more cotton could be cleaned faster

abolotionists believed slavery was wrong and spoke out against it

two famous abolotionists

Grimke sisters- quakers forced to leave SC

underground railroad

a system of hidden, secret routes, taking slaves to freedom in the north

what political beliefs did southerners have about gov?

southerners believed in state rights to decide what is best for each state and that states had the right to keep slaves if they decided it was best
what caused SC to secede from the Union

Lincoln was elected President and they feared he would end slavery
what was the blockade of charleston

union ships blocked the harbor and cut off ships going in and out as a result SC ran out of supplies and food
what even started the civil war

shots fired by the confederate troops on union troops at fort sumter

what was the purpose of the HL Hunley

to break through the blockade by sinking a union ship - it was successful in sinking the ship but not breaking the blockade

Robert smalls

was a slave that became a boat pilot and worked on the docks, he imitated the caption of a conferate ship and escaped past the forts in the harbor to reach freedom by surrendering the ship to the union hsips positioned off the harbor. he went on to be a pilot of a union navy ship; he returned to SC to serve as a state senator
general Sherman's goal- march to sea

the goals was to destroy factories, crops, bridges and railroads to make the south surrender
Elite affected

still had most of the power- lost money and land

plantations affected

plantation system no longer existed
farming affected

truck farming started; sharecropping started

economy affected

sharecropping became a way many farmers lived; textile mills grew, railroads, built mill villages around mills
slaves affected

freed and now called freedman, had no education or many and many stayed on as sharecroppers, many moved north for factory jobs or west for free land
elite affected socially

lost land and money but still had power and some plantations

middle class affected socially

lost business and money but able to have same job as before such as lawyer, doctor, artisan, merchant

lower class affected socially

competed with former slaves /freedman for jobs and became sharecroppers and still poor and uneducated

slaves affected socially

became sharecroppers, moved west or north, remained poor and often lived on the same plantation where they were a slave


a system where a landowner divided his land into smaller farming tracts; they often owed more than they made at harvest time and continued to increase their debt and never could get ahead because they had to buy supplies at very high prices.
how did farming change during reconstruction

truck farming from vegetable gardens started; sharecropping started

economy during reconstruction

sharecropping became a way; textile mills; railroads; mill villages
education during reconstruction

free public education for both blacks and whites

freedmans bureau

it was established to provide medical care, food, and education to newly free slaves called Freedman.
who is meagan

someone who needs a shower

who is zachary

someone who is grouchy

who it buttercup

a cute dog

who is mistletoe

a cute cat

who is molly

a heavy dog when she leans on you