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20 Cards in this Set

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What name did the Democrats give the southerners who became republicans?
What organizations did African Americans help form throughout the South during Reconstruction?
Union Leagues
Why was the Freedsman Bureau established by Congress during Southern Reconstruction?
To help former slaves obtain food shelter clothing and education.
Which group of people were against the Republicans party and the rights given to African Americans after the Civil War?
Ku Klux Klan
Whties voters of British descent did not have to pay the poll tax or take the literacy test. This was illegal until 1965 because of the...
Grandfather Clause
Which African American leader tolerated Segregation as long as African Americans Were given Opportunties for Education and Work?
Booker T. Washigton
How did sharecroppers get paid/
They were paid a percentage of the crop's market value.
What was a response to the economic effects of Reconstruction in Georgia?
What is an example of De Jure segregation?
A law that says people of different races cannot marry.
The Ku Klux Klan sought out to control the political and social status of the freed slaves. It wanted to deny black people access to education, economic advantage,voting rights, and the right to bear arms. However, the Klan's focus was not limited to African-Americans. Other people like "scalawags" and "carpetbaggers" also became the targets of the Klan. Describe why the Klan wanted to limit the right to bear arm.
So their targets could not defend themselves against attack.
Who announced Reconsrtuction?
President Lincoln.
When wre Reconstruction policies finally abandoned?
The Conpromise of 1877.
Why was sharecropping called a "new form of slavery?"
It kept the black farmers poor and dependent on white landowners.
Describe how the one-partysystem in Georgia contributed to segregation?
Black voters lost influence in politics.
You gag on your daily diet of chitlins and hog jowls.
Go back 3 spaces.
You are a Union Soldier that finds a notebook full of General Lee's battle strategies that were left behind
Move foward 3 spaces.
You've tripped over a dead body.
Move back 8 spaces.
You help saved an injured soldier.
Move forward 5 spaces.
Uh-oh! You got hit by a bullet.
Go back 2 spaces to revive.
You dodged a bullet.
Move foward 6 spaces.