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21 Cards in this Set

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How are RTKs generally activated?

Extracellular portion binds ligands; causes a dimerization of receptors.

Dimerization causes the activation of the cytoplasmic kinase domain. Once activated, it does through trans-autophosphorylation (see notes) which activates the RTK

What are adapter proteins? ?

Adapter proteins contain unique domains that recognize specific sequences on RTKs

What are the two main domains on adapter proteins?

SH2 (src homology 2 domain) and PTB (phosphotyrosine-binding domain)

SH2 domain

src homology 2 domain. Recognizes phosphorylated tyrosine residues. Found on GRB (growth factor receptor bound protein)

PTB domain

phosphotyrosine-binding domain. Found on multi-docking proteins, serve as docking sites for other signal transduction proteins. Brings other adapter proteins in.

Ras protein

Monomeric G protein. Has GTPase function. Downstream effector of RTK signaling.

Regulated from GEFs and GAPs

Epidermal growth factor (EGF)

Binds receptor EGFR; promotes dimerization and the activation of the cytosolic kinase domain. Causes autophosphorylation of EGFR

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)

Binds to EGF and dimerizes. Causes activation of the cytosolic kinase domain and autophosphorylation

SH3 domain

Facilitates protein-protein interactions. Found on GRB (growth factor receptor bound protein). Binds to proline residues on Sos

Growth factor receptor bound protein (GRB)

Contains one SH2 and two SH3 domains, that recognize and bind to phosphorylated tyrosine residues on EGFR.

Adapter protein with NO ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY

Sos protein

A GEF. SH3 binds to the proline residues on it. Activated Sos leads to recruitment of Ras.

Promotes dissociation of GDP from Ras

Ras protein

Recruited by activated Sos. Once activated by binding GTP, dissociates from Sos.

Active Ras triggers the downstream kinase cascase (Raf--> MEK -->MAPKKK --> MAPKK --> MAPK)

Raf protein/MAPKKK

Activated by the hydrolysis of GTP on Ras. Usually bound to inhibitory protein 14-3-3. Phosphorylates/activates MEK.

14-3-3 protein

Inhibitor of Raf


Activated by Raf, phosphorylates/activates MAPK


Mitogen-activated protein kinase.

Regulates many parts of the cell cycle.

Phosphorylates CDK

Her2 Receptor

Example of an EGF. When mutated, causes artificial dimerization and activated of receptor in absence of ligand (Neu)

ErbB oncoprotein

Deletion in this causes loss of extracellular ligand bind domain in another EGF receptor leads to constitutive activation of cytoplasmic kinase domain. Leads to it always being turned on (ayy)


Bind epidermal growth factors in humans.

HER1 makes homodimers.

HER2 cannot directly bind a ligand; instead forms heterodimers with HER1,3 or 4 that leads to activation

What's the importance of HER2 in breast cancer?

25% of breast cancers have a huge amplification of HER2. This changes the dynamics of the cell and leads to HER2 being turned on inappropriately


A drug that targets HER2; antibody-based approach