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35 Cards in this Set

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The World Health Organization of Health
"A complete state of mental, physical, and social well-being…"
The ability of leisure to help people to cope with negative daily stress.
The ability of leisure to prevent illness.
The ability of leisure to help a person overcome a traumatic life event.
Emotional state and well-being
positive emotion or pleasure creates a direct link to well-being
Four primary means of evaluating well-being
1. Economically
2. Medically
3. Philosophically
4. Psychologically
Elements of a community and neighborhood that impact quality of life and well-being
1. Community involvement
2. Residency (ownership/pride)
3. Community pride
4. Community elements (special events)
5. Recreation participation
Good stress, encompassing events that are perceived as challenging but in which the challenge is perceived manageable.
Stress that leads to negative outcomes. Based on our perceptions. Fight or flight. Can lead to chronic stress problems.
Original Purpose of Stress
Saving ourselves
Whitehall study
higher up in job=less health problems and stress
Physical health problems associated with high levels of stress
high blood pressure, fat around the abdomen, heart attacks, depression, anxiety
Impact of experience more positive than negative emotion
then meaningful leisure
Leisure with recreation can help create lower stress by providing people with opportunities to
cope with the stress
Primary factors impacting happiness
1. Genetics 50%
2. Circumstantial Factors 105
3. Intentional Activity
Psychological impacts of active leisure
Creates positive emotions, helps you cope, social support, perception of freedom and control
Social support
"The assistance and protection given to others, especially individuals."
Social Networks
How big?
Social Capital
Interpersonal networks through volunteering and recreational activity.
Social Embeddedness
depth and strength
Leisure and personal control and autonomy
Enhances positive emotion and increases self-confidence
Leads to full immersion
Full immersion
Deep mental involvement in the leisure activity.
Person-Activity Fit
Purposefully selecting recreation that creates positive emotion. Build them into daily life, reminiscing/ storytelling, requires active engagement.
Leisure based stress coping strategies
1. Palliative Coping
2. Leisure Mood Enhancement
3. Leisure Companionship
4. Relaxation
Savoring Leisure
"Paying attention to the positive aspects of, emotions associated with, leisure involvement and purposefully seeking leisure experiences that give rise to positive emotions."
Authentic Leisure
Activity feels natural, enjoyable, inherent value for you, does not involve guilt or obligation, not done because of requirements.
Mindful Leisure
Narrowing attention to the positive aspects of the leisure and involves focusing one's full attention on experience.
Virtuous Leisure
"The capacity to engage in leisure experiences that develop and or mobilize personal strengths, capacities, interests, and abilities in the service of something larger than oneself."
Leisure Gratification
"Leisure experiences that are optimally challenging and engaging, and that lead to sustained personal effort and commitment to the experience."
Palliative Leisure
Emotion Focused Coping
1. Examine the ways in which their irrational thoughts contribute to their negative emotions.
2. Distraction
3. Acceptance
Problem Focused Coping
People can take action to address directly the environmental challenges (challenges of life). Development of one's personal strengths and resources contributes to one's ability to cope with life's demands.
Leisure Based Coping
Provides temporary relief from stress and an opportunity to regroup and gain perspective.
The process of diverting attention away from one issuer and focusing attention on another.