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62 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Me acuesto
I go to bed
Te acuestas
You go to bed
Se acuesta
He goes to bed
Nos acostamos
We go to bed
Se acuestan
They go to bed
Me afeito
I shave (myself)
Te afeitas
You shave (yourself)
Se afeita
He shaves (himself)
Nos afeitamos
We shave (ourselves)
Se afeitan
They shave (themselves)
Me baño
I take a bath
Te bañas
You take a bath
Se baña
He takes a bath
Nos bañamos
We take a bath
Se bañan
They take a bath
Me cepillo
I brush (my hair)
Te cepillas
You brush (your hair)
Se cepilla
He brushes (your hair)
Nos cepillamos
We brush (our hair)
Se cepillan
They brush (their hair)
Me despierto
I wake up
Te despiertas
You wake up
Se despierta
He wakes up
Nos despertamos
We wake up
Se despiertan
They all wake up
Me duermo
I fall asleep
Te duermes
You fall asleep
Se duerme
He fall asleep
Nos dormimos
We fall asleep
Se duermen
They fall asleep
Me lavo
I wash (myself)
Te lavas
You wash (yourself)
Se lava
He washes (himself)
Nos lavamos
We wash (ourselves)
Se lavan
They wash (themselves)
Me levanto
I get up
Te levantas
You get up
Se levanta
He gets up
Nos levantamos
We get up
Se levantan
They get up
Me maquillo
I put on makeup
Te maquillas
You put on makeup
Se maquilla
She puts on makeup
Nos maquillamos
We put on makeup
Se maquillan
They put on makeup
Me pongo
I put (on)
Te pones
You put (on)
Se pone
He puts (on)
Nos ponemos
We put (on)
Se ponen
They put (on)
Me seco
I dry off
Te secas
You dry off
Se seca
He dries off
Nos secamos
We dry off
Se secan
They dry off
Me visto
I get dressed
Te vistes
You get dressed
me peino
I comb (my hair)
te peinas
you comb (your hair)
se peina
he combs (his hair)
nos peinamos
we comb (our hair)
se peinan
they comb (their hair)