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29 Cards in this Set

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How to Add/subtract fractions?

If same denominator, can just add or subtract numberator. If not, you need to first find a common demoniator.

Two ways you can perform this equations.

2/3+ 3/4=

common denomiator= 12. 3 * 4= 12 so multiply 2 by 4= 8; 4*3= 12 so multiply 3*3=9; 8/12 + 9/12= 17/12


multiply denominator of one with numerator of another after multiplying denomiinators to find common denominator.

2*4= 8

3*3= 9

8/12+ 9/12= 17/12.


How to multiply fractions?

Just multiply across...numberator with numerator denominator with denominator.

How to divide fractions?

Find recipricol of 2nd fraction and then multipily with first fraction

Ex. 7/ (one-half)

recipricol of 1/2 is 2. Multiply 7 * 2= 14

How to compare fractions?

3 ways.

ex. 6/19 vs 2/13


find common denominator


use bowtie method

19*2= 38

6*13= 78

6/19 is greater than 2/13

How to compare decimals?

Line it up, fill in missing zeros. have a look see.

What are the different digits places called?


0 is in the units

1 is tenth

4 is hundreth

5 is thousandeth

Fractions are a fancy way of


To convert fraction to percent?

get denominator to be 100

Convert decimal to percentage?

move decimal two places to right.

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


1/100; 1%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


1/5; 20%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


1/3; 33 1/3 %

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


1/10; 10%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


1/4; 25%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


2/5; 40%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


1/2; 50%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


3/5; 60%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


2/3; 66 2/3 %

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


3/4; 75%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


4/5; 80%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


1/1; 100%

Percentage-decimal fraction equivalence


2/1; 200%

Percentage increase/decrease equation

Percent change= (larger #- smaller #) / original * 100

Word and symbol equivalent



of, times, product


percent- /100

is- =

of, times, product= *

what- any variable

What is difference between ratio and fraction/percentage?

ratio is relationsihp from part to part

fraction and percentage is relationsihp to the whole

But can manipulate similarly

For ratio problems, use what method?

ratio box;


multiply by


see p 237

What is a proportion?

equivalent relationship between 2 ratios or 2 fractions

ex. 1/2 is proportional to 2/4