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15 Cards in this Set

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consideration (noun)

Proposals put forward for consideration.

formal: careful thought and attention, especially before making an official or important decision.

grief (noun)

The grief she felt over Helen's death was almost unbearable.

extreme sadness, especially because someone you love has died .

helpless (adjective)

She began to feel depressed and helpless.

unable to look after yourself or to do anything to help yourself .

impulsive (adjective)

Rosa was impulsive and sometimes regretted things she'd done.

someone who is impulsive does things without considering the possible dangers or problems first.

manipulate ( verb)

He was one of those men who manipulated people.

to make someone think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skillfully deceiving or influencing them.

manners ( noun)

He felt some guilt over the manner of her death.

formal : it is the way in which something is done or happens.

proceed ( verb)

The government was determined to proceed with the election.

formal: to continue to do something that has already been planned or started.

reinforce ( verb)

The film reinforces the idea, or felling and make it stronger.

to give support to an opinion, idea or feeling, and make it stronger.

slam (verb)

He heard a door car slam.

if a door, gate etc., slams, or if someone slams it, it shuts with a loud noise.

wail ( verb)

"But what shall I do ?" Bernard wailed.

to say something loud , sad and complaining way.

writhe ( verb)

He lay writhing in pain.

to twist your body from side to side violently, especially because you are suffering pain.

authoritative ( adjective)

The most authoritative work on English surnames.

an authoritative book, account etc; is respected because the person who wrote it knows a lot about the subject.

jerk ( verb)

Is that the only way out of here? He asked, jerking a thumb at the door.

to move with a quick sudden movement, or to make a part of your body move in this way.

moan ( verb)

My mum never stops moaning on me.

to complain in an annoying way, especially in an unhappy voice and without good reason.

pleadingly ( adverb)

Kathleen looked at him pleadingly.

in an emotional way that shows you very much what someone to do something.