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27 Cards in this Set

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the same sounds, or the repetition of sounds at the beginning of a word. Example: Little Lucy loves luscious licorice lolipops.
opponent in the story- aka "the bad guy". Example: The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz. She is the bad person in the story so she is the antagonist.
main character- good guy, hero. Example: Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy is the good person in the story, the one everyone likes, so she is the protagonist.
person in story or play; also describes the characters personality through speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions, and looks. Example: The intense young woman was quiet and shy, but I felt there was much more to her.
feelings and thoughts associated with a word- opposite of denotation. Example: She's a fox which means she's good looking.
dictionary definition of a word- opposite of connotation. Example: She's a fox which means she's a female fox (animal).
Reciprocal conversation between reciprocal conversation between two or more people. Example: " Do you want to get something to eat?" Anna asked. "Sure!" Sally responded.
Telling/reflecting of something that happened in the past. Example: Last week I made cookies with my Grandma.
Figurative Language
Not to be taken literally- simile, metaphor, alliteration, hyperbole, idiom...etc. Example: Busy as a bee.
To hint or indicate before it happens. Example: A boy in a book saying he doesn't feel so good in the beginning of the book and later in the book he becomes very ill with a disease.
Type/category of literature. Example: mystery, fiction, poetry, non-fiction, mythology, sports, folk and fairy tales, science fiction, etc.
Exaggeration not meant to be taken literal. Example: I haven't seen you in a million years!
the opposite of what isexpected -verbal, situational, or dramatic irony. Example: situational: If a fireman goes on vacation and when he gets back his house burns down. Verbal: OOHH Beautiful... when something goes wrong. Dramatic irony: " We will be together forever" ( in titanic when we know that he is going to die)
figurative language that compares two things using LIKE or AS. Example: Cute as a kitten.
figurative language that compares two or more things (says one thing IS something else)- NOT USING LIKE OR AS. Example: A rollercoaster of emotions.
a legendary story passed on from generation to generation that explains why things in nature are the way they are. Example: Greek Mythology.
making an educated guess combining what you read plus what you know (your background knowledge). Example:I heard a meow at the door and got up to let the cat in.
something that is not human that is given human-like characteristics. Example: The rifrigerator opened like a screeching child.
the events that take place in a story- exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. Example: The woman burst into the room to find her daughter laying on the floor crying. She then went to her and learned that her daughter had just learned that her best friend was very ill with cancer. She picked her daughter up off the floor and they talked and cried together the rest of the night.
Point of View
From the vantage point a story is told--usually told in 1st person, 3rd person or omniscient. Example: !st person: As I turned around, I realized that had forgotten my purse in the car. 3rd person: As she turned around, she realized that she had forgotten her purse in the car, Ominscient: As she turned around, her face got hot as she realized that she had forgotten her purse in the car. "How could I have done that?!", she thought.
A broad statement that is known to be true most of the time. Example: If you work hard, you will do well.
Where the story takes place. Example: The story takes place in Narvik , Norway.
A reference to a something well known. Example: Dont be an old scrooge!
A concrete object that actually stands for another abstract idea or object. Example: The US flag is a symbol of freedom and liberty.
Life lesson learned/moral of the story. Example: "Love is all you need in life".
A point by point comparison made between two things to show how they are alike; includes verbal analogies. Example: My father is like a rock. ( he is strong and you can count on him)
Struggle or clash between opposing characters or opposing forces. Examples: Internal conflict: the struggle between doing whats right and wrong. You may want to cheat on soemthing to make it easier, but your morales tell you its wrong, that is internal conflict. Extrenal conflict: A struggle between two separte things or people. Man against man, a conflict between two men over the love of a woman.