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Term used to refer to that type of reading "in which the primary concern of the reader is with what he of she will carry away from the reading." We read efferently when we read solely for info, as we do when we read the directions on heating a can of soup. We are interested only in newly gained info
Efferent Reading
Used by Louse M. Rosenblatt in The Reader, the Text, the Poem (1978)
Term used to describe the act of reading or the process whereby a reader transacts with a text. During this event, the "object of aesthetic contemplation is what perceivers or readers make of their responses to the artistic stimulus, no matter whether this be a physical object such as a statue, or a set of verbal symbols. Term refers to each reader's personal response to a text and how individual readers find and create meaning when transacting with printed material
Aesthetic Reading
Also used by Louise M. Rosenblatt. used in The Reader, the Text, the Poem: the Transactional Theory of the Literary Work (1978)
Term used by the Russian formalists and meaning a unified collection of various literary devices and conventions that can be objectively analyzed
The reader who "embodies all those predispositions laid down, not by an empirical outside reality, but by the text itself. Hence, the implied reader has his or her roots firmly planted in the structure of the text."
Implied Reader
Also devised by German Phenomenologist Wolfgang Iser
The person who physically picks up the text and reads it. Actual reader comes to the text shaped by cultural and personal norms and prejudices.
Actual Reader
Term devised by Wolfgang Iser
One who explicitly and implicitly understands all the nuances, terminology, and structure of a text
Ideal Reader
Devised by the narratologist Gerard Prince to differentiate among real, virtual and ideal readers
refers to the person to whom the narrator of a text is speaking. The narratee is not the actual person reading the text but, in fact, is produced by the narrative itself
Also Gerard Prince term
An approach to lit analysis that flourished in the 1960s. by using the techniques, methodologies, and vocabulary of linguistics*, structuralism offers a scientific view of how we achieve meaning not only in literary works but also in all forms of communication and social behavior
* as articulated by Ferdinand de Saussure.
People: Jonathan Culler, Tzvetan Todorov, Roland Barthes, and Gerard Genette
A modern philosophical tendency that emphasizes the perceiver. Objects exist and achieve meaning if and only if we register them on our consciousness.
Phenomenolgical critics are therefore concerned with the ways that our consciousness perceives works of art.
founded by Edmund Husserl
Term denoting that any given text's meaning or interpretation is related or interrelated to the meaning of all other texts. Hence, no text can be interpreted in isolation, and all texts are intertextual