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37 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of 'community'?

A community is a group of people who live/work together.

What are the three distinct vows that monks and nuns have?

1. Vow of poverty - to give up ownership of all worldly possessions to show complete trust in God and to understand what it is like to be poor.

2. Vow of Chastity - to give up family life to follow Jesus. Monks and Nuns give up sexual relationships and do not have a husband or wife.

3. Vow of obedience - to be obedient to the Rule.

Facts about Sikhism

Service is very important in Sikhism and is a means a serving, honouring or worshipping. God is not separate from people and so service to humanity is a form of worship. True service (seva) can be three any type of work but must be without gain and in humility.

Facts about Islam

The Qur'an and Hadith teach that Muslims should help everyone. Being a true Muslim means that you must serve others and seek no reward for yourself.

Facts about Buddhism

Buddhism teaches that people should show compassion for all beings. According to the Dhammapada, serving those in need is not a burden but sweetness. It is an opportunity to share happiness and do something good before leaving this life.

Facts about Judaism

Judaism teaches that everyone is responsible for each other. Those who do not perform kind acts do not know God.

Facts about Hinduism

Service of others is love in action. It shows unselfishness and the sense of unity between people. Every selfless act comes from God because it shows no sense of the separate doer.

Facts about Humanism

Humanists believe that communities can work well and increase happiness by caring for young and old and treating others in a way you would want to be treated.

Facts about Christianity

Christian scriptures teach that giving is better than receiving. This is seen by the woods and actions of Jesus. In the Gospel of John, Jesus washes his disciples' feet, giving a practical example of humble service. In the Parable of the 🐑Sheep and Goats, Jesus taught that those who serve others are praised and those who do not are condemned. The letters in the New Testament also show how important it is for Christians to serve others.

Here are 15 facts about the Amish

1. They don't wear moustaches because they are connected to the war and they do not believe in war at all.

2. Amish men follow the Hebrew scriptures and so have beards when they are married.

3. They are conscientious objectors and never resort to violence.

4. Women wear long 👗dresses with long sleeves.

At a wedding the 👰bride will wear either blue or purple.

5. They are forbidden to swear oaths in court.

6. Like many Muslims and some Orthodox Jews many Amish do not allow photographs of their full faces as they believe that goes against the 10 commandments, 'you shall not make an image...'.

7. Very few Amish have cars. They use 🏇horse and cart as transport.

8. Amish do not have phones, TVs or computers although they can get them in an emergency.

9. They believe in living life separate from the rest of the world. Partly because of the persecution they have suffered and partly so that they do not become 'polluted'.

10. Men work on the farm and women work in the home.

11. Amish are not miserable. They have lots of celebrations. They celebrate all the traditional Christian Holy Days.

12. They try not to use electricity as this would connect them to the world.

13. The Amish do not collect pensions from the state.

14. Amish do not build churches to worship in but worship in the homes of members. It is the people not the church 🏢building who are really the church.

15. Children normally stop going to 🏫school at 14 and start helping on the farm or in the home.

How did the name 'Quaker' come about?

It is thought that the name 'Quaker' came about when a Justice Bennett, was told by George Fox, the founder of Friends, to tremble at the word of God. He responded by referring to Fox and those with him as Quakers.

Here are 6 facts about William Edmondson

1. He was born in Westmoreland in England.

2. He married Margaret Stanford.

3. He travelled to Ireland to become a shopkeeper in Antrim.

4. He met James Nayler.

5. He eventually moved to Lurgan.

6. Other people who moved were: Richard Jacob, John Pim and William Penn.

7. Friends are remembered for two ✋main reasons: 1. Their stand against violence in the 1798 Uprising and 2. Their work to relieve suffering during the 🥔potato famines.

George Fox Character Profile

• Year of Birth ~ ____

• Occupation ______________________

• Birthplace ~ _____________________________

• What he did not like about the church ~ ____________________________________________________________________________

• Formed a group called ~ _______

• Later renamed ~ _________________________________

Year of Birth: 1624

Occupation: shepherding, shoemaking

Birthplace: Fenny Drayton, Leicestershire

What he did not like about the church: In his observations of others, he saw hypocrisy within the established church.

Formed a group called: Seekers

Later renamed: The Religious Society of Friends

He was imprisoned many times but remained steadfast to his beliefs. He died on 31st January 1691 and is buried in Bunhill Fields outside London.

Quaker Testimonies: Truth and Integrity (flip over)

Quakers try to live according to the deepest truth they know, which they believe comes from God. It means showing the truth to everyone, including people in powerful positions. Integrity is the guiding principle they set for ourselves and expect in public life.

Quaker Testimonies: Justice, Equality and Community (flip over)

Quakers recognise the equal worth and unique nature of every person. This means working to change the systems that cause injustice and hinder true community. It also means working with people who are suffering from Injustice, such as prisoners and asylum seekers.

Quaker Testimonies: Simplicity (flip over)

Quakers are concerned about the excesses and unfairness of our consumer society, and the unsustainable use of natural resources. They try to live simply and to give space for the things that really matter: the people around them, the natural world, their experience of God.

Quaker Testimonies: ☮️Peace (flip over)

Perhaps Quakers are best known for their ☮️peace testimony. This derives from their conviction that love is at the heart of existence and all human beings are equal in the eyes of God, and that they must live in a way that reflects this. It has led Quakers to refuse military service, and to become involved in a wide range of ☮️peace activities from practical work in areas affected by violent conflict to the development of alternatives to violence at all levels from personal to international.

Quaker Testimonies: Prepared to be Different (flip over)

Quaker testimonies are not a set of words, but an expression of their spirituality in action. In attempting to live out their testimonies, they are holding up an alternative vision of humanity and society, centred on meeting real needs rather than ever changing desires.

Quaker meetings: What are Quaker meetings based on?

Quaker meetings are based on silence of waiting and listening.

Quaker meetings: In the silence explain what Quakers are doing.

In the silence Quakers are trying to become nearer to others and to God without reciting creeds, singing hymns or repeating set prayers.

Quaker meetings: Why do Quakers go to meetings?

Quakers go to meetings because they feel the need to worship.

Quaker meetings: When does the meeting for worship begin?

The meeting for worship begins when the first person goes in and sits down.

Quaker meetings: When is the silence broken? What type of thing does the person talk about?

The silence may be broken if someone present feels called to say something which will deepen and enrich the worship.

Quaker meetings: Who can break the silence?

Anyone can break the silence.

Quaker meetings: Explain what happens after about an hour.

After about an hour, two people (usually elders) shake hands to mark the end of the worship. Then the clerk will make announcements.

How many books are there in the Bible?


How many books are there in the Old Testament?


How many books are there in the New Testament?


Take away the last question's answer away from the answer of the question before that.

What language was the Old Testament originally written in and what language was it rewritten in?

It was originally written in Hebrew and was later written in Greek.

What language was the New Testament written in?


It was the same language that the Old Testament was rewritten in.

What does 'Testament' mean?

Statement of belief.

What is the first book in the Bible?


What is the last book in the Bible?


How many Gospels are there in the Bible?


The Dead Sea Scrolls (flip over)

In 1947 a young shepherd boy was searching for a stray 🐐goat among caves near the Dead Sea, thirteen miles east of Jerusalem. He picked up a stone and threw it though the opening of one of the caves to see if the 🐐goat would come out. Instead, he heard the sound of breaking pottery. He was scared and went away, but he returned the following day with his cousin. When they looked inside they found many old pottery jars. The jars were 21 inches high and just over 9 inches wide and they contained what looked like rolls of wallpaper. These scrolls were very fragile and broke easily into tiny pieces. When experts began to examine the pieces they realised that they had found the oldest copies of parts of the Hebrew Scriptures (sacred writings). Since then, this has become a place of major importance. Other caves have also been explored and more pottery jars with scrolls inside have been discovered.

These scrolls, known today as the Dead Sea Scrolls, are extremely important for scholars who wish to study early versions of the Old Testament.

How do Christians use the Bible???

1. Individual reading

Many Christians feel that reading the Bible regularly at home helps them to understand more about God and the ways he wants them to live their lives.

Christians often read the Bible slowly so that the meaning becomes clearer. A Bible passage can guide or help them.

2. Reading in groups

Christians often come together in small groups to study the Bible. This means they share what they learn with each other.

Christians read the Bible for guidance and encouragement because they feel it helps them in every situation of life. They believe it is God's word - God speaking to His people.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" Psalm 119:105

1. Parts of the Bible are usually read aloud during a church service. In some churches people remain standing during a reading to show respect.

2. Passages from the Bible are read during ceremonies like baptisms, weddings and funerals.

Facts about Gideon's International (flip over)

Gideons are Christian business and professional men who believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that its message is relevant to the problems and pressures of today.

All Gideons are members in God standing of local Christian churches and they meet together for Christian service and witness. They share the joy of their faith in Christ by personal testimony and by providing copies of God's Word in many hotels, prisons, hospitals, schools and homes.


The Gideon Association was formed in Wisconsin, USA in 1899 by three Christian commercial travellers ~

• Samuel Hill

• William Knight

• John Nicholson

In 1908 Gideons started to place Bibles in Hotels in the USA. The work in Canada started in 1911 but it wasn't until the end of 1949 that the Gideon ministry was officially launched in the British Isles.

Their name and the badge come from a person who lived in the Old Testament. Gideon miraculously won a battle against another nation with an army of 300 compared with 135,000 on the enemy side, simply by obeying God and using clay jars with a lamp inside and trumpets. Like wise the Gideons with only three founders knew that if they trusted and obeyed God they could win the battle.