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59 Cards in this Set

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What is the First Cause Argument?

(Cosmological argument)

The argument that everything must have been started off (caused by) something else.

Define the Design Argument

(Theological argument)

The world must have been designed by someone or something as things are designed for a purpose.

What is Argument from Morality?

People have a conscience. Theists believe the voice which tells us what is right/wrong is god.

What is Argument from Religious Experience?

An experience that is out of the ordinary involving the supernatural (god). It is convincing as ones personal emotion has weight on their thoughts.

Define the term 'Theist'

Someone who believes in god.

Define an 'Atheist'

Someone who denies the existence of god absolutely.

Define an 'Agnostic'

Someone who believes the existence of god is neither certain nor impossible. But there is not enough evidence to make an absolute decision.

Define a 'miracle'

Events that are out of the ordinary and against what we believe as the rules of science.



Why is Evil a problem?

Evil is what separates humans from god. Christians find it a problem as they see god as a symbol of 'love'. Why would a god of love allow us and others to suffer?

Define 'God is Omnipotent'

All Powerful

Define 'God is Omnipresent'

All Present

Define 'Eternal'

Ever lasting

Define 'Natural Evil'

Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami's .etc

What is Moral Evil?

Any evil that is down to human choices.

What is Metaphysical Evil?

Supernatural evil.

Define 'Devil'

When evil is given a face or personality.

Define 'Conscience'

Inner conception of what is right or wrong.

What is suffering?

To be in pain/distressed/experience hardship/ experience stress.

What is the problem of suffering?

Suffering is the result of evil.

Define 'Karma' (Hinduism)

By choices or actions over a humans lifetime, positive/negative karma is built. The nature of the karma affects the humans next physical life when they are reincarnated.



Explain the term 'Body' in reference to philosophy.

Our body is physical. Has a limited/finite life-span. It ages and dies: it is mortal.

Explain the term 'Soul' in reference to philosophy.

Our soul is physical. It is infinite. It does not age or die: it is immortal.

Define 'Reincarnation'

The idea that our body dies but our soul migrates to a new physical form when we are reborn.

What is a 'spiritual body'?

What Christians believe we are given when we are resurrected.

What do we mean by a 'legacy'

The sense that we remember people based on what they have done within their lifetime.

What is the belief of 'Dualism'?

The belief that there are two distinct parts of a human: mind and soul. They are linked in life but separate at death.

What is 'channelling'?

Mediums and spiritualists say that they have a gift whereby they can see and contact the dead. They give messages to the living.

Define 'Heaven'

The state of eternal happiness in the presence of God that Christians believe will be granted to the faithful after their life.

Define 'Hell'

A state of eternal separation from God, seen as punishment for Sin.

Define 'Purgatory'

Intermediate state after physical death in which those destined for heaven "undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven".

Define 'Judgement'

The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.

Define 'Repentance'

Act of being sorry for wrongdoing and deciding not to do it again.

Define 'Forgiveness'

Showing grace and mercy and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong.

Define 'Immortality'

Endless life or existence, life after death.

Define 'Resurrection'

Belief that the person is raised from the dead in some form. This could either be in physical form or an immortal soul.

What is a 'Near Death Experience'

Some people when they are close to death or in an intense operation situation, claim to have had a sense of themselves leaving their bodies and seeing what exists beyond this life



Define 'Truth'

What is correct/believed to be correct.

What is 'religious truth'?

Truth which is believed or felt to a point where scientific proof/evidence is not required.

What is 'Scientific Truth'?

Truth where you can use your five senses to prove something.

Define 'Historical Truth'

Truth based upon primary sources and our own deductions as we can't personally experience it.

e.g. Henry VIII had 6 wives

Define 'Individual Truth'

Things which we personally think are true and important to ourselves.

e.g. I hate the taste of ...

Define 'Collective Truth'

Things which groups of people think are true and important.

e.g. Football supporters

Define 'Relative Truth'

A truth that can change according to circumstance.

Define 'Absolute Truth'

Something that everyone will always agree with.

Define 'Literal Truth'

When you take something word for word.

e.g. Adam and Eve. People literally believe everyone came from two people.

What is 'Evolution'?

Life began with very simple cells which later developed/mutated into more complex life forms (that we see today).

Explain 'Intelligent Design'

Evolution may be accepted but god as the intelligent designer steers evolution into a particular direction. i.e. the development of humans.

What is 'fine-tuning'

Theory of evolution is correct but an intelligence may have made small changes so life could develop.

What is the 'Big Bang Theory'?

A huge expansion in the universe created all the stars and planets, including Earth.

What is: Mankind in the "Image of God"

Everyone should be treated with proper respect and honour because they reflect God and god created life.

Explain the 'Cosmological Revolution'

A proof for the existence of God based on the idea that there had to be an uncaused cause that made everything else happen, cosmological = to do with the nature of the universe

Define 'Interpretation'

Assignment of meanings to various concepts, symbols, or objects under consideration.

Define 'Steward'

A caretaker for someone else.

Define 'Literal'

Taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or exaggeration.

Define 'Metaphor'

A figure of speech that identifies something as being the same as some unrelated thing for rhetorical effect that, usually, provides clarity

Define 'Creationist'

Someone who believes the universe and life originated "from specific acts of divine creation."