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26 Cards in this Set

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Deductive Argument
Theory is an explanation of phenomena that is tested by examining hypotheses
Inductive Argument
Focus is on analyzing distinct phenomena that co-occur to identify the underlying causal factor
Scientific Argument
Other points of view consider
open-mided to contradiction
collegial relationship
engage in conversation
How Inductive and Deductive Reasoning work together
Theories developed inductively
Hypotheses test Theories deductively
Deductive Argument
Theory is an explanation of phenomena that is tested by examining hypotheses
Inductive Argument
Focus is on analyzing distinct phenomena that co-occur to identify the underlying causal factor
Scientific Argument
Other points of view consider
open-mided to contradiction
collegial relationship
engage in conversation
How Inductive and Deductive Reasoning work together
Theories developed inductively
Hypotheses test Theories deductively
Strong Inference
Test Several competing hyptheses that are mutually exclusive
Devise a crucial experiment (can prove or disprove)
Hypothesis with most support becomes starting point for next
Analogical Reasoning
If 2 things are similar to eachother in some respects they will probably be different in others
Specific to Specific
Unexpected Findings
50% of the time
New starting point for successful researchers
Unsuccessful researchers engage in confirmation bias
Distributed Reasoning
Together as a research team to develop your theory
Diversity of skills and abilities leads to better outcomes
No competing goals or domination by one member
Abductive Reasoning
Observe and study research issue
look for patterns in observations to create theory
generate competing hypotheses
Experimentally test hypotheses
"Inference to best explanation"
Biased Thinking
Confirmation Bias
Assimilations Bias
Correlation is not causation
Ineffective Arguments
Ad Hominem
Appeals to Authority or Tradition
Appeals to Emotion or Intuition
Two Groups
Olympia Academy - Einstein
Inklings - Tolkan and C.S. Lewis
Draft Writing
Introduce Research Issue 1
Establish Importance
What is known
Key Concepts
Uknown about topic
Goals for Inroduction
Establish topic is worth study
Establish need for more study
State Theoretical Exlanation
State proposed theory
Explain how your theory logically accounts for what is unknown
Review Related Research
Each Paragraph addresses one major point in your argument
supporting sentences for topic sentence
Literature Review
Establish your theory is logical
Set stage for Hypothesis
Overview of Area
Introduce Current Study and Hypotheses
Next logical step to take in research
Introduce study with operational definitions
Revising and Editing your Writing
1. Paragraph level
- topic sentence and supporting sentences
2. Paragraph structure
3. Sentence Level
Working as a Team
Confict Resolution
Use Positive and Negative Feedback