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23 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of Vocational Assessment?
A client is assessed to gain RELEVANT knowledge about the person and to assist that individual in making SALIENT decisions pertaining to his or her vocational goal(s). (What is it that they are able to do)
What is the definition of Vocational Evaluation?
A comprehensive process that systematically utilizes work, real or simulated, as the focal point for assessment and vocational exploration to assist people in vocational development. It incorporates medical, psychological, social, vocational, educational, cultural, and economic data in the attainment of the goals of the evaluation process. (Are there other issues that might inhibit them getting a job)
What is the number 1 part of the vocational evaluation process?
Intake Interview
What are the 5 components of the evaluation process?
Intake Interview(#1 Part), Medical History(conditions & disability), Psychological Examination(how are you doing, personality issues), Work Evaluation(what type of work can you do), and Assessments(8 types)
What are the 8 types of assessments?
Interest(Career Occupational Preference System (COPS)), Personality (Myers-Briggs), Aptitude (CAPS)-abilities such as mechanical, clerical, & speed-reading, Achievement (Wonderlic Basic Skills)-how high have you achieved something like verbal or math, Intelligence (Wonderlic Personnel Test), Work Samples (VALPAR)-Work Samples are generalized work-like tasks that are administered under specific instructions & are tested and validated. Language and reading requirements are low, so they do not present barriers. ie-Purdue Pegboard. Situational Assessments-set up and simulate job, not used as often & more subjective, you use creativity ie-calculator phone on desk see if you can multitask, On-the-Job Evaluation-observing on-the-job, interacting well with others
What are the 6 things you need to find out about the person in the initial interview in order to get to know the person?
Work History, Worker Function-description of worker's relationship to data, people, and things, Work Fields-methodologies and techniques employed, MTEWA-Machines, Tools, Equipment, and Work Aids used, MPSMS-Materials, Products, Subject Matter, or Services which result, Worker Characteristics-worker attributes that contribute to successul job performance, what is it about you that makes you succeed on the job
Why is it important to understand an individual's medical history?
because some previous issues might be exacerbated
How does the medical background affect an individual's ability to perform tasks of a job(4 ways)?
Accomodations, Financial Situation-exhaust a lot of finances on medical situations, Psychological Issues, and Long-term Implications
What was occurring during the turn of the 20th century concerning the history of career development(3 things)?
US developing as an industrial nation-increase in jobs, Changes in the labor market and labor structure, From a rural society to and urban society-from agrigarian society to industrial one
What 3 things occurred during the 1930's-1950's in career development?
Depression created need to retain workers-idea of work became strong, WWII created the need to select and train people-needed to have the right people in each job, Development of Minnesota Aptitude tests, Army General Classification Tests, and interest inventories
What are the 5 types of theories?
Trait & Factor Theory, Personality-based Theory, Social learning Theory, Developmental Theory, and Situational Theories
What is the Trait & Factor Theory?
oldest theoretical approach and involves joining of concepts of individual differences and job analysis. Each individual seen as possessing a unique set of characteristics, or traits. Each occupation requires certain factors for successful performance. Counselor's task to identify the pattern of client traits against requirement for successful job performance; rehab. counselors must educate physicians in this. Trait refers to a characteristic of an individual that can be measured through testing. Factor refers to a characteristic required for successful job performance.
What is the Personality-Based Theory?
Most important for job. The appropriateness of an occupation for a specific individual depends on that individual's personality, which in turn is primarily the product of early experience. Anne Roe and John Holland are two widely respected theorists in this area. Roe bases her theory primarily on the writings of Maslow(1954) who proposed a hierarchy of psychological need. If we can meet all of our needs at work then our life will be fulfilled. Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice: Assumes that a person expresses personality through choice of a vocation. Members of a vocation have similar personalities and therefore will respond to many situations and problems in similar ways. Assumptions that vocational satisfaction, stability, and achievement depend on the extent to which individual's personality and work environment are compatible.
What is Social Learning Theory?
Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory (4 factors that influence an individual's career decision: genetic and endowment abilities, environment conditions and events, learning experience, and task approach skills). Interests are learned and limitations in learning experiences can predispose a person to develop maladaptive career beliefs.
What are the 4 factors in Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory?
Genetic endowment and abilities-inherit from parents, environment conditions and events-what enviro. you grow up in, learning experience-ability to get education, and task approach skills-how do you approach things
What is Developmental Theory?
Career decision making as a process rather than an event and incorporates developmental concepts into this process. Donald Super(1953)-vocational development is a process of making several decisions, which culminate in vocational choices that represent an implementation of the self-concept. Gottfredson(1996)-views vocational choice first as an implementation of the social self (varied by sex, race, and social class) and secondarily as the psychological self.
What is the Situational Theory?
Relationship between the individual and work. Society, Race, and Gender (ie-females not accepted in some jobs). Meet the needs of the employers. How do you do in the situation.
What is the history of the Trait and Factor Theory?
Early development of the trait and factor approach is usually attributed to Frank Parsons(1854-1909). Parsons suggested that a wise vocational choice requires: A-Clear understanding of oneself(attitudes, abilities, interests, ambitions, resources, and limitations). B-Knowledge of the requirements and conditions in various lines of work. True understanding between A and B.

US participation in WWII (1939-1945) accelerated research and application of the trait and factor approach i both civilian and military life.
What two major contributions to career counseling did Trait and Factor Theory produce?
1-emphasis on identifying individual characteristics as attitude, ability, interest, and personality leading to the development of many assessment instruments. 2-emphasis on knowing and understanding the components of occupations has encouraged the development of occupational information.
Tell me more about Holland's Theory of Vocational Personalities and Work Environments.
Evolutionary extension of Trait and Factor Theory. Person-Environment Psychology: idea that people influence their environment and environment influences people. Holland describes his theory in answering 3 fundamental questions: 1-What characteristics of persons and environments lead to positive or negative vocational outcomes? 2-What characteristics of persons and environments lead to career stability or change over the lifespan? 3-What are the most effective ways of providing assistance to people with career concerns? (Holland believes these ?s can be answered by examining personality traits). Assumption that career choice is an expression of one's personality and thus, that members of an occupation have similar personalities and similar histories. Holland proposes 6 personality types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. Each personality type associated with attitudes, skills in response to problems encountered in the environment.
What are Holland's 6 personality types?
realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional
What is a realistic personality type?
Deal with the environment in an objective, concrete, and physically manipulative manner. Avoid goals and tasks that demand subjectivity, intellectual or artistic expressions, or social abilities. Activities that involves motor skills, things, and structure.
What is an investigative personality?
Deal with the environment by use of intelligence manipulating ideas, words, and symbols. Avoid social situations and see themselves as unsociable, persistent, scholarly, and introverted