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30 Cards in this Set

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Recognize that red blood cells are unusual cells in the body in areas of lifespan, metabolism, nuclear status and physiology.
Be aware that having normal levels of healthy red blood cells requires nutrients and an effective place of production (bone marrow), a plasma environment free of immune attack against them, and intact blood vessels to contain them (including those in the spleen needed to destroy them when old and dysfunctional).
Understand the basic schemes and terminologies used to classify anemia, with iron deficiency anemia as an example within those classification schemes.



1. anucleate- no DNA

2. no mito- rely on glucose (glycolysis/HMP shunt) as only E source → anaerobic → lactate

-d= 7.8 um

-Shape: biconcave disc

--high SA/V


CO poisoned Hb



1. high altitude

2. chronic lung disease

3. poor cardiac function

4. anemia


hormone released by kidney in response to low O2 levels in blood → stimulates erythropoiesis in bone marrow by binding to its receptor on stem cells → increased production of proerythroblasts (takes a few days for new RBCs to emerge)

-gene activated by hypoxia-inducible factor-1


-Fe2+ absorbed in SI → plasma and bound by Transferrin → tissues and released as Free iron → stored by Ferritin

-Transferrin takes to bone marrow → incorporated into Hb= RBCs


CO2 loaded Hb

iron deficiency anemia

microcytic hypochromic anemia

(small and very pale on slide)

(example of mechanistic and morphologic classification)

RBC dysfunction

anemia: reduction to below normal limits of RBC mass or O2 carrying capacity


polycythemia: excess RBCs


main transporter of CO2


-immature RBC

-Reticulocyte Count: 0.5-1.5% (normal)

-still contains basophilic material= organelle and RNA remnants


-Wright Stain: hard to see but slightly grayish hue

-New Methylene Blue Stain = "reticulocyte stain" = "brilliant cresyl blue" (old) → binds the residual RNA still present


-RBC fraction = ~40%

-centrifuge blood →

RBCs got to bottom,

WBCs/platelets middle,

plasma to top (~60%)

*avg adult blood V= 5 Liters

3 L=plasma

42 L = total Body Water

chloride shift

1. carbonic anhydrase: CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ HCO3- + H+

-only in RBCs

2. anion exchange protein (Band 3):

-on RBC cell membrane

-exchanges HCO3- for Cl-


-when cell is reticulocyte passes from marrow through vessel capillary wall into blood capillary

-w/n two days loses basophilic material (organelle and RNA remnants) → mature RBC

blood type

-glycoproteins (agglutinogens) determine blood type

--don't make Ab to whats on your RBCs (O- is universal donor, AB+ universal acceptor)

chloride shift at tissues

CO2 diffuses into RBC down conc. grad → HCO3- + H+ → HCO3- goes down conc. grad through Band 3 and Cl- comes in; H+ binds Hb → O2 released

chloride shift at lungs

CO2 exits blood to lung → H+ and HCO3- converted to H2O and CO2 → breathe out

→ decreased pH → O2 binds Hb

bone marrow

-specialized burturing environment for blood stem cells

-fetus: liver makes RBCs

-< 5 yrs = marrow of all bones makes (esp long bones)

-after 20 = RBCs made in torso bone marrow (vertebrae, sternum, ribs)

erythrocyte stem cells

-pluripotential hematopoieitic stem cell: all blood cells trace back to

-proerythroblast: first cell in RBC series= stem cells committed to being RBCs

eryhtrocyte homeostasis

decreased RBC → hypoxia → hypoxemia → drop in oxygen supplied to tissues → kidney detects low O2 → upregulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (TF) → erythropoietin transcription activated → releases erythropoietin → travels to bone marrow → binds receptor on stem cells → increased production of proerythrobloasts → more RBCs produced → reticulocyte stage does diapedesis → increased O2 carrying ability of blood

-total RBC mass regulated

--enough to transport O2 well

--don't want too much → reduced flow

RBCs lifespan and destruction

120 days

(math makes sense for reticulocytes being 0.5-1.5%)

-cell membrane becomes fragile → tight/winding/challenging vessels tear membrane → destroyed (Spleen major organ with these vessels)

-macrophages ingest debris

-heme → bilirubin

anemia classification: mechanisms

1. blood loss

-acute (stabbed)

-chronic (colon bleed)

2. increased RBC destruction

-G6PD deficiency, sickle cell, pyruvate kinase deficiency. hemolytic disease of newborn (Rh disease)

3. decreased RBC production

-whole body irradiation, Fe deficiency

anemia symptoms




-short of breath on exertion


anemia classification: morphological criteria

(reflects features on microscope)

1. microcytic-small

2. macrocytic-big

3. normocytic-normal

4. hypochromic- pale, less Hb


combine size and color: microcytic hypochromic anemia

anemia diagnosis


-peripheral smear

-bone marrow


-serum chemistry (other special studies)

Complete blood count (CBC)

-impedence cytometer directly measures:

1. WBC

2. RBC

3. Hgb

4. MCV (Mean Cell V)

5. Platelets

-→ calculate: Hematocrit= RBC x MCV (and other thigns)

Peripheral smear

-blood smear?

-perfect position is near edge but don't want too thin! (don't want too think.. want just right!)

Lab tests in anemia workup

1. Red Blood Cell Count (RBC):

#RBCs/unit V

2. Hematocrit (Hct):

V RBCs/ V blood

3. Hemoglobin concentration (Hgb):

amount of Hb/V of blood