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20 Cards in this Set

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Five Simple Factors for a Successful Small Animal Diet

1) Check water daily

2) feed fresh food

3) When feeding fresh food, make sure your specific creature can get it

4) Wash fresh food with water to remove chemicals

5) Limit the amount of iceberg lettuce

Rats and Mice nutrient requirements are __________.

Well defined (published in 1978 by NRC).

1) Commercially diets that are readily available (w/ 16% CP)

2) Fresh clean water ad libidum

3) something to chew to prevent incisor overgrowth

Background on mice

1) Social, they need friends

2) unless breeding, keep females (the urine of males is very pungent [acetamide] and used to mark territory

3) if mice eat cheese or greens (lettuce), they will develop a rank odor

Background on Rats

1) can make tame and affectionate pets (very intelligent)

2) Much cleaner than guinea pigs

3) live 2 to 4 years

4) as rats get older they are more prone to respiratory problems and benign tumors

5) Tend to become obese more so than mice

How do I keep my mouse/rat thin?

1) limit oil rich foods like sunflow seeds

2) limit table scraps to a max of 15% of the diet

3) exercise

The daily metabolizable energy (ME) requirment for rats and mice at maintenance

110 kcal per kg W[.75]*/day

The daily metabolizable energy (ME) requirment for rats and mice at growth and gestation

145 kcal per kg W[.75]*/day

The daily metabolizable energy (ME) requirment for rats and mice at lactation

440 kcal per kg W[.75]*/day

W[.75]* is __________

metabolic body size used for interspecies comparison. Metabolic rate of an animal per unit of body weight decreased as body size increased. When body weight doubled, metabolic rate increases by only 75%


1) Breeding diets contain 17-20% CP

2) Maintenance avg. 16% CP but can contain 13-14% CP if it is high quality

Fats and Fatty acids

provides essential fatty acids, and primarily linoleic acid. Maize oil contains about 50% linoleic acid and only 1.2% inclustion is needed to meet requirments

Recommended levels of Linoleic Acids (NRC 1978)

Males: ______ of diet

Females: ______ of diet

Males: 0.6% of diet

Females: 0.3% of diet


found in NRC (1978), there seems to be not difference in age or development stage, so one requriment seems to be used


Require a source of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Do rats and mice practice coprophagy? Why?

Yes, to obtain some of their B vitamin requirments. Although a B vitamin supplement is probably safer to add.

Special Food needs?

No special needs

They will eat literally everything

Nutritional Disorders





A fat animal; is associated with increased tumors and reduced life span


Excessive protein during maintenance; animal must overwork kidney to detoxify the metabolites produced by protien breakdown and excrete them


inappropriate dietary levels of calcium, phosphorous and magnesium; severe renal disease that causes depositying of calcium phosphate in the renal pelvis and a major cause of premature death;