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47 Cards in this Set

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CSF Color Changes in Pathologis Bleeds- After Centrifugations
Yellow to Orange
Pink - oxyHb from ruptured RBC, first occurs 2-4 after bleed, peaks in 24-36hrs, subsides in 4-8 days
Yellow to orange - (Xanthochromia) sign of pathologic bleed, due to oxyHb breakdown to bilirubin, appears at 12hrs, pks at 2-4 days, subsides at 2-4wks
Increased CSF protein (IgG)
Increased permeability - acute inflammation
Increased CNS plasma cell production - demyelinating disorders (MS)
CSF Index
Indications for demyelinating disease
Increased values = demyelinating ds
Decreased = acute inflammation
[CSF IgG x serum albumin]/[CSF albumin x serum IgG]
Normal : < /= 0.85
increased CSF IgG, Increase CSF index (>0.85), oligoclonal bands, increased MBP (active disease)
Diseases with Decreased CSF Glucose
Diseases with Normal CSF levels
Normal = 66% of serum (50-75 mg/dL
Decreased (<40) - bacteria, fungal, metastatic disease to meninges, mumps, herpes simplex, lymphocytic choriomeningitis
viral meningitis, neurosyphilis, demyelinating disease, cerebral abscess
Normal : 0-5 mononuclear cells/m3
Neutrophils are NOT normally present in CSF
Increased CSF WBC
Bacterial Meningitis:
Total WBC
CSF glucose
CSF Protein
Bacterial Meningits - Neutrophils predominate
Viral - Neutros 1st 24hrs then Lymphocytes
Fungal - Mononuclear (lymphs and monocytes)
Parasites - Mixed, (eosinophils suggest helminth infx.)
Total WBC>1000
Differential>90% Neutrophils
CSF glucose<40mg/dL
CSF Protein>150mg/dL
Viral Meningitis
Total WBC
CSF glucose
CSF Protein
Total WBC
CSF glucose
CSF Protein
Total WBC<1000
Differential: Lymphocytes
CSF glucose usually normal
CSF Protein: 50-100mg/dL
Total WBC<500
Differential: Lymphocytes/monocytes
CSF glucose<40mg/dL
CSF Protein>150mg/dL
Multiple Sclerosis
Most Common Demyelinated disease, female 2:1 ~20-40yrs old
CD8 destrol myelin, Abs to MBP
Acute relapse and remission of sensory and motor sympt.
Multiple Sclerosis Lab Findings
Total WBC
CSF glucose
CSF Protein
Total WBC: increased (Tcells)
CSF glucose : Normal
CSF Protein: increased IgG to MBP
Oligoclonal bands
Increased CSF Index
Pleural Effusions:
Increased hydrostatic pressure in visceral pleura
Congestive Heart Failure
Pleural Effusions: Decreased oncotic pressure
Nephrotic Syndrome
Pleural Effusions: Obstruction of lymphatic drainage from visceral pleura
Lung cancer
Pleural Effusions: Increased vessel permeability of visceral pleural capillaries
pneumonia, pulmonary infarction
Pleural Effusions: Metastesis to the pleura
Metastatic Breast cancer
Types of Pleural Effusion
1.Transudates - changes in starling forces
2.Exudates - protein and cell, increased vessel permeability in acute inflammation
3.Chylous Fluid - interuption of thoracic duct (malignancy is most common) high PF Chylomicrons diagnostic
4.Psuedochylous Fluid - inflammation with necrotic debri, PF Cholesterol increased, most common Rheumatoid Lung disease
PF Transudates vs Exudates
a.PFprotein/serum protein
b.PF LDH/serum LDH
d. pH
Transudate - a.<0.5, b. <0.6, c.<200U/L, pH>7.4
Exudate- a. >0.5, b. >0.6, c. > 200U/L, d. pH<7.4
PF Exudate:
Empyema from pneumonia
pulmonary infarction
PF Exudate:
TB is most common
Lymph blockage by tumor
Viral pneumonia
Metastatic leukemia or lymphoma
PF Exudate:
Resolving Bacterial pneumonia
Mesothelioma (malignant mesothelial cells are also present)
Causes of Increased PF amylase
Acute pancreatitis - left sided effusion
Boerhaave's Syndrome - rupture of the esophagus
Rheumatoid Lung Disease
Characteristic decrease in PF Glucose
increased PF cholesterol
Increased Maximal Acid Output (MAO)
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome and Duodenal Ulcer
Blood In Stool
90% of all bleeds are upper GI
1.Melena - Dark tarry stools
2.Hematochezia bright red blood in stool
3. Blood Coating stool
Dark tarry stool, upper GI
proximal to Ligament of Treitz
Peptic Ulcer is most common cause (and for hematemesis)
Bright red blood in stool
Colonic bleeding below ileocecal valve (90%)
Sigmoid diverticulosis is most common
Blood Coating stool
Internal Hemorrhoids most common
Leukocytes in Stool
1. Invasive diarrhea and acute inflammation
2. Noninvasive causes - Pseudomembrane colitis - Clostridium difficile or ulcerative colitis
Stool pH<6.0
Lactase deficiency, common in Native American, Asian, Black Americans. Anaerobe convert lactose to lactate and H2 gas.
Causes of Malabsorption
Pancreatic insufficiency
Bile salt/acid deficiency
Small Bowel disease
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Most often due to Chronic Pancreatitis due to: ROH (adults) and CysticFib(kids). Diminished Lipase, and trypsin. Carb metab is not affected
Bile Salt deficiency
1. Production defect - Cirrhosis
2. Blockage - primary biliary cirrhosis, stone in common bile duct
3. Bacterial Overgrowth
4.Binding of Salts - Cholestyramine
5.Terminal Ileal disease - prevents recycling - Crohn's and resection of Ileum.
Small Bowel Diseas
1. Inability to resorb micelles Celiac disease, Whipple's ds
2. Lymphatic Obstruction - Whipple's and Abetalipoproteinemia
Ascites - Peritoneal Effusion
Cirrosis is most common cause via
1. High hydrostatic pressure
2. Low Oncotic Pressure
3. Increased lymph formation
Metastasis to Peritoneum
Surface derived Ovarian cancer
Meig's Syndrome
Benign fibroma of the of Ovary, ascites, right-sided pleural effusion
Spontaneous Peritonitis
Ascites due to Cirrhosis or Nephrotic Syndrome
Spontaneous Bacterial peritonitis
15% of patients with ascities due to cirrhosis or nephrotic syndrome
Adults - E.coli
Children - Strep.pneumoniae
Fever, Rebound Tenderness, Peritoneal Exudate
Reiter's Syndrome
Increased Synovial WBC
Reiter's Cells - Monocytes with phagocytosed Neutrophils
HLA-B27 positive arthritis with Urethritis due Chlamydia trachomatis
Present in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Neutraphiles containing granules of phagocytosed Rheumatoid factor
Rheumatoid Factor
Complexed IgM against Fc of IgG
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals (CPPD)
Triclinic (Rhomboid) Crystals specific for CPPD
Blue and Positive Birefringence
Pseudogout in Knee, radiographic
Monosodium Urate Crystals
Monoclinic (needle) Crystals
Yellow and Negative birefringence
Sign of Gouty Arthritis
Pseudogout (chondrocalcinosis)
Degenerative joint disease
usually the knee
CDDP crystal on Radiograph
Crystals phagocytosed by neutrophils show Positive birefringence