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48 Cards in this Set

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aluminum based antacids
Maalox, Tums, Amphojel
aluminum based antacids side effects are
constipation (contains a significant amount of sodium)
Magnesium based (MOM) antacid side effects are
Antacids react with
gastric acid to produce neutral salts or salts of lower acidity
Antacids should be administration _____ hours between antacid and other meds
one hour
Antacids should be administered 1 to 3 hours
post consumption and hour of sleep
H2 Histamine receptor Antagonists
Suppress secretion of gastric acid.
H2 is used to treat
GERD and TUD (peptic ulcer disease)
H2 one should avoid
alcohol, NSAID, chocolate, caffeine, peppermint, acid foods. One should also avoid cigarete smoking as it interferes with drug action
Proton Pump Inhibitors-used to treat ulcer diseaes
Mucosal Healing Agents (Carafate)
treatment of peptic ulcer disease
Mucosal Healing Agent nursing implications are...
Med is to be taken one hour prior to meal and antacids interfere with absorption
Gastrointestinal Stimulants (Reglan) are used to treat____by
used to tx GERD by stimulate motility of the UPPER GI tract and increase rate of gastric emplying without stimulating gastric, biliary or pancreatic secretions.
Most popular antimicrobial for H. pylori.
A bulk forming laxative (Senokot, Metamucil)
absorb water into feces and increase bulk to produce stool (acts as ruffage)
A stimulant cathartic (laxative) (Ducolax, Caster oil, Ex Lax)
increases peristalsis. Can irritate mucosal lining.
Osmotic (Saline) cathartics (MOM, Fleet Enema)
draw in fluids from surrounding tissue into the intestine.
Stool Softeners (Colace)
softens the stool to allow easier passage
Lubricant (laxative) (mineral oil)
soften feces
decrease motility and peristalisis
Types of Antidiarrheal
opiods, lomotil, immodium
antispasmodics (Bentyl)
relax the smooth muscle of GI tract
Absorbant antidiarrheal drugs
Pepto Bismol and Kaopectate (both OTC)
Oral anesthetics are used for
gum issues, teething baby. (Orajel)
Antifungal Agent Nystatin
is a swish and swallow. Many antibiotics taken for long periods of time cause fungus infection so antifungal agents are given to decrease
is an Antiviral agent
Upper GI series (Barium Swallow) nursing indications
Pre and Post test: Keep NPO after midnight or 6-8 h pretest. Barium will taste chalky. Drink fluids after to eliminate barium, admin. laxative to enhance elimination, explain stool may be white
Upper GI series (Barium Swallow) is a fluoroscop exam of upper GI tract to determine...
structural problems and gastric emptying time. Pt. swallows barium and sequential films are taken as it moves through the system.
Barium tests are done AFTER an
endoscopy tests to insure visulization with endoscopies
ERCP (endoscopy)
looks at the common bile duct
A Liver biopsy is taken with the patient lying on the ____side so that the Liver can be reached.
Left side
A liver biopsy a needle is inserted into the liver to remove a small piece of
liver tissue to study
Post Liver Biopsy the patient is to lie
on the Right side for a few hours post test to provide pressure on the liver (so they don't bleed)
Nursing indications for liver biopsy
NPO 6-8 hours prior to test. Observe pt. for hemorrhage, shock and pneumothorax
Oral cholecystogram is an injection of radiopaque dye and is a test of the gallbladder to determine the
Gallbladder ability to concentrate and store dye and to assess patency of biliary tract.
An Ultrasound is used in detecting
cystic structures (cysts, abscesses, tumors)
difficulty swallowing
General Guidelines for safe swallowing
Maintain upright position (near 90 degrees) when eating/drinking. Take small bites, eat slowly, avoid talking when eating.
Vitamin A
maintains health of specialized tissues such as the retina, aids in growth of mucous membranes, promotes normal dev. of teeth and soft and skeletal tissue.
Vitamin A sources
animal sources such as meat, eggs, dairy. Beta-carotene (precursor to Vit. A) and from green leafy vegetables and int. colored fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin A deficiency-loss of night vision
Vitamin D promotes the body's absorption of _____, which is essential for the dev. of healthy bone and teeth
Vitamin D sources
The body makes its own when it is exposed to sunlight and als from Cheese, butter, margarine, as well as fortified milk, fish, and cereals
Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin E
aids in formation of RBC, prevents aging of cells
Sources of Vitamin E
corn, nuts, olives, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil, wheat germ. Food alone is not sufficient so suppliments are helpful
Vitamin K
helps to maintain healthy levels of prothrombin (benefits in blood clotting)
Vitamin C (asorbic acid)
healthy immune system, helps wound heal, maintains connective tissue and aids in iron absorption