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10 Cards in this Set

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Shorten phase 3 re-polarization, Fast disassociation from Na Channels, Used in arrhythmia s/p ischemic cardiac event. Class and examples
Class IB (Lidocane, Mexilitne, and Tocainide)
Increase AP duration, Increase relative refractory period, Good for both atrial and ventricular arrhythmia, (reentrant and ectopic). Class and examples
IA (Quinidine, Procainide[SLE like symptoms], Disopyramide)
No effect on AP duration, useful in V tach, good for patients with structural abnormalities. Class and examples and Contra?
IC (Flecainide, Encainide, Propafenone) Contra s/p MI
Hyperkalemia causes an increase in toxicity of which antiarrhithmics?
All Class I
Decrease cAMP, Decrease Ca2+ currents, Decrease slope of phase 4.

Class and examples
Class II (Beta blockers), Propranolol, esmolol, metoprolol, atenolol, and timolol.
Increase AP duration, Increase Effective Refractory period, Increase QT. Cause Torsade de points.
What to check? Class and Examples
Class III K+ blockers (Sotalol, ibutilide, bretylium, dofetilide, amiodarone) Check, PFT, LFT, and TFT
Pt. con cardiac hx on "some med" has pulmonary fibrosis, hepatotoxicity, and thyroid problems. Durg?
amiodarone (doesn't cases torsade de points)
Primalry affect AV nodal cells, Decrease conduction velocity, Increase Effective Refractory period, Used for nodal arrhithmias. Class and examples
Class IV (Ca2+ blockers: Verapamil and deltiazam).
Toxicity of a cardiac drug that causes flushing, hypotension, and chest pain. Short acting. Used to diagnose/abolish Supravent. Tach.
Ca2+ channel blockers that are vasodialators that don't affect conduction?
Nifedipine, and Amylodipine.