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115 Cards in this Set

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departure, leaving


hand, round (cards)


line item, item


to be a good catch (good relationship partner)

ser un buen partido

cleft chin

barba partida

baseline, foundation, starting point

punto de partida

doubly (twice), on two accounts, for two reasons

por partida doble, doblemente, doble

eat like a bird (fig: to eat very little)

comer como un pajarito

dent (in object)


pang, tightening (in chest)

golpe (en el pecho)

stroke (golf)


with a blow

a golpe

to burst open, to spring open

abrirse de golpe

withstand the blow

aguantar el golpe

appear all of a sudden, out of the blue

aparecer de golpe

"to guzzle"

beber de golpe

all at once, suddenly

de golpe

in one go

de un golpe

in one hit, in just one blow

de un solo golpe

low blow

golpe bajo

heat wave

golpe de calor

stroke of luck

golpe de suerte

never lift a finger, never do a stroke of work, "be bone idle"

no dar ni golpe

learn from a story, apply the moral of the story

aplicarse el cuento

juju (magic charm)

amuleto, talismán

to upset, to annoy


malt (germinated grain)


malt (malted milkshake)

batido de malta

malt (malt whisky)

whisky de malta

malt house (beer)


malt liquor

licor de malta

meringued milk (ice cream-like dessert made from milk and egg whites)

leche merengada

light, crumbly shortbread


heated (argumentative), worked up, impassioned


if need be

en caso de ser necesario

if necessary

si hace falta, si es necesario

substitute, replacement

sucedáneo (sustitutivo)

man eater

cazadora de hombres

hunter, predator


leather jacket, bomber jacket

cazadora de cuero

denim jacket

cazadora tejana



mamma mia! / oh my God!

¡Madre mía!

good lord! / good heavens!

¡Dios mío! / ¡Señor!

stingy, tight-fisted

cutre (adj)

shabby, seedy

cutre (barato, descuidado)

be slapdash (careless, slovenly, thoughtless)

ser un cutre



heads or tails

cara o cruz

win the toss, win the flip (of coin)

ganar a cara o cruz, ganar echándolo a suertes

to pull out, to draw (pistol)


draw your gun!

¡desenfunda tu pistola!

to grin from ear to ear, have a wide grin, broad grin

sonreír de oreja a oreja

to curl up, to nestle

acurrucarse (encogerse por el frío)

to snuggle, curl up, to cuddle

acurrucarse (en la cama: dormir abrazados)

to tuck (into bed)


to protect the victims

arropar a las víctimas

to leap

dar un salto


salto de agua

to go off (alarms)

saltar (p. ej. Las alarmas saltaron)

to break the bank

saltar la banca

take the leap, take the plunge

dar el salto

make a qualitative leap forward (fig)

dar un salto cualitativo (mejorar)

in one leap

de un salto

long jump

salto de longitud

skip a page

salto de página

triple somersault

triple salto mortal

a generational leap

un salto generacional

leap of faith

acto de fe, voto de confianza, "salto de confianza" (fig), confianza ciega, fe ciega

excessive, disproportionate




tolerance (endurance of something)

tolerancia, "aguante"

tolerance (permissiveness)


zero tolerance

tolerancia cero (mantener tolerancia cero)

antipathy (dislike, hostility)

antipatía, aversión

pallor (pale complexion)

la palidez, el palor

nefarious (wicked)

malvado, vil, perverso, ruin (adj)

conundrum (puzzling situation)

problema, misterio, enigma

conundrum (puzzle, riddle)

acertijo, adivinanza

to collude (to conspire)

conspirar, complotar

to collude with (to conspire or plot jointly with)


ramshackle (dilapidated, run down)

destartalado, desvencijado, en ruinas

ragtag (motley, assorted)

heterogéneo, diverso, variado, "dispar y desharrapado" (dicho de un grupo)

rag (cloth for cleaning)

trapo, sacudidor

rags (torn old clothing)

harapos, andrajos

rag (low quality newspaper)

periodicucho, revistilla, pasquín

rag (scrap)

trozo de tela, jirón

hemp rag

tela de cáñamo

rag and bone man


rag doll

muñeca de trapo

rag-picker (one who scavenges for a living)

"ciruja" (AR: ofensivo, peyorativo), cartonero/a (ES), chatarrero/a (ES)

ragtime (music)


in ragtime


scurf (formal: dead skin)

escama; caspa

scurfy (covered with scales or scurf)


machination (plotting, scheming)


to nitpick (find faults)

"encontrarle tres pies al gato", ser un tiquismiquis (ES), encontrarle la quinta pata al gato (AR), encontrarle el pelo al huevo (AR)

nitpicking (pedantry, fussiness)


nitpicking (adj: pedantic, fussy)

quisquilloso/a, puntilloso

gut (stomach)

panza, barriga

to gut (remove intestines)

destripar (limpiar)

gut instinct

reacción visceral, instinto

guts (intestines)

tripas, intestinos

guts (slang: courage)

agallas, coraje, valentía

beer gut

tripa cervecera, panza cervecera

"to bust a gut" (try very hard, make extreme effort)

romperse el lomo, herniarse

bust a gut laughing

morirse de risa

gut feeling (instinct)

corazonada, sensación, presentimiento

gut reaction (instinctive response)

reflejo, intuición

gutwrenching (causing great mental or emtional pain)

devastador, que le revuelve las tripas a uno, desgarrador

"to bust a move" (dance move)

echar unos pasos

poignant (emotionally moving)

conmovedor, emotivo, enternecedor

poise (manner: body position)

equilibrio, aplomo

poise (manner)

desenvoltura, elegancia

inner poise (composure)

presencia de ánimo