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51 Cards in this Set

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to camouflage appearance (like soldiers);protects itself from the enemies
organs that help frog see in front and on the sides
Upper & Lower Eyelids
protection for the eyes; upper=thick and moveable, lower= thin and nonmoveable
Nictitating Membrane
"nature's goggles", transparent, allows frog to see in water; protects eye
Internal & External Nares
breathing nasal flaps; may be opened or closed
toes or fingers; male's thumb pad is very thick
4 toes on each; shorter than hind ones; body balance;used for amplexus by male
Hind Limbs
5 toes=webbed;used for jumping and hopping
synonymous with epidermis, endodermis and mesodermis; protects entire body. dorsal=dark,thick, easy remove ventral=light, thin harder to remove integument
a muscle ventrally connecting trunk to forelimbs; promotes movement of forelimbs
Pectoralis Major
located on the ventral side; strengthens the abdominal muscles
helps push food down esophagus to stomach; moves lower jaw
organ that helpsfrog introduce food into the body providing nutrients (mostly live insects)
Rectus Abdominis
tenses abdomen;main support for abdominal muscles surrounding linea alba
Longissimus Dorsi
protects dorsal side of skeletal system;gives protection to the spinal column
Latissimus Dorsi
provides strength to dorsal side and helps in motion of the forelimbs
helps extend forelimb; muscle that strengthens the connection between trunk and forelimb
Flexes leg;helps in hopping and jumping
Gracilis Major
flexes knee, extends thigh
Gracilis Minor
flexes knee, extends thigh
External and Internal Oblique
supports and tenses the ventral and lateral sides of the abdomen
Adductor Magnus
used for jumping and hopping; flexes thigh and extends leg
Triceps Femoris
flexes thigh and extends leg; used for jumping and hopping
flexes knee and toes; initiates jumping off the ground (part that is eaten)
Tendon of Achilles
gives strenght to the ankle; white tendon; named after Greek characters in mythology
largest muscle in hind limb; helps in high jumps
Masseter Major
muscle surrounding and supporting tympanum
Masseter Minor
muscle surrounding and supporting tympanum
muscle that protects tibio fibula; helps in jumping; location ventral to gastrocnemius
catches food (live insects) long, flexible, quick acting; muscle
Maxillary Teeth
holds on to food tightly before swallowing it whole. Frogs do not chew their food
Vomerine Teeth
two in number, located on the upper palate; prevent prey from escaping
respiratory organs; two lobes; exchange of gases between outer environment and blood
churns the food by mixing w/ gastric juices; also stores undigested food for hibernation
Small Intestines
site of digestion; carry absorbed nutrients to the body via blood vessels
Large Intestines
collects waste products and through peristalisis helps eliminate them through cloaca
the first part of the small intestine
composed of 3 lobes: right, left anterior, and left posterior; storage of glycogen;destruction of red blood cells;formation of urea; secretes bile; largest organ in Rana's body
Gall Bladder
stores bile until needed by duodenum for the digestion of fatty foods
secretes hormone insulin; secretes pancreatic juice directly into the blood stream; located between duodenum and stomach
serves as reservoir of blood and functions in formation of blood cells
Fat Bodies
serve as the reserve food supply during hibernation and breeding; also serve as protection of eggs and internal organs;
has 3 chambers; right atrium, left atrium & ventricle; PLUS truncus arteriosus & sinus venosus; carries oxygenated, deoxygenated, & mixed blood; strongest muscle in the body
Rana only has ONE; receives mixed blood and then separates it
Two are present;removes nitrogen wastes; maintains body's water balance
Urinary Bladder
stores urine; opens directly into cloaca to discharge urine
two male gonads; produce sperms and male sex hormones
convoluted white tubules; releases gel-like materials to cover released egg mass just before breeding;
female sex cells, black on one side and white on the other;
female gonads produce & store eggs and female sex hormones;
Aorta & Anterior Vena Cava
major artery and major vein;