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41 Cards in this Set

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Hilar shadow is formed by

Pulmonary artery ( main component )

Upper lobe pulmonary vein


Preferred x-ray view for pneumoperitoneum

Chest x-ray erect

Review areas of chest x-ray

1. Costophrenic angle

2. Cardiophrenic angle

3. Hilum

4. Apex

Alignment of ribs

Posterior ribs: more horizontal

Anterior ribs : oblique

Inspiratory effort on the basis of number of ribs

1. Good : 5-7 anterior ribs or 9-10 posterior ribs

2. Poor : < 5

3. Hyperinflated : > 7

Hilum convergence sign

To differentiate between dilated pulmonary artery and hilar mass / lymph nodes

Film focal distance

In normal chest x-ray: 180 cm

In any other conventional radiology: 100cm

Chest x-ray AP vs PA view


- no gastric bubble

- apparent cardiomegaly

- clavicle lies above lung apex


- gastric bubble +

- no cardiomegaly

- clavicle lies on the lung apex

Cardiothoracic ratio

1. In cardiomegaly

2. Measured in

1. C/T > 0.5

2. X-RAY PA VIEW , in full inspiration

Expiratory films preferred in


Lordotic view is used to evaluate

1. Lung apex

2. Middle lobe

3. Lingular pathology

Bronchial cut - off sign

Seen in lung collapse

( Eg left main stem bronchus in left lung collapse)

IOC in pneumothorax


( For lesions containing air, IOC is always CT)

Visceral pleural reflection


Chest x-ray in pneumothorax

1. Absent bronchoalveolar margins

2. Visceral pleural reflection

3. Deep sulcus sign in supine position

USG signs of pneumothorax

1. Absent sea shore sign

2. Absent B lines

3. Absent comet tail

4. Barcode sign

5. Stratosphere sign

4 and 5 on M- mode of USG

Normal lung USG

1. sea shore sign

2. Batwing appearance of ribs and pleura

3. Comet tail appearance

4. B lines

Fallen lung sign

Fracture of bronchus


- inferiorly and laterally in upright posture

- posteriorly in supine position in

CXR signs of pneumomediastinum

1. Thymic sail sign

2. Spinnaker sign

3. Continuous diaphragm sign

4. V sign of Naclerio

Spinnaker sign

- aka Thymic sail sign- seen in pneumomediastinum- air comes in between thymus and heart, lifting the thymus away from heart

Pneumoperitoneum signs

1. Air under diaphragm

2. Football sign

3. Cupola sign

4. Umbilical ligament sign

5. Inverted V sign

6. Rigler's sign

7. Falciform ligament sign

8. Ligamentum teres sign

9. Uranus sign

10. Telltale triangle sign

11. Morrison gas sign

12. Doge's Cap sign

Cupola sign

Air under central tendon of diaphragm

Doge's Cap sign

Air in Morrison's pouch

Rigler's sign

Air on either side of bowel

Telltale triangle sign

Triangular air lucency

Pseudo pneumoperitoneum

1. Chilaiditi syndrome - bowel is interscoped between right hemi diaphragm and liver

2. Other causes : subphrenic abscess, basal atelectasis, subpulmonic pneumothorax

Ellis curve

Concave upward curve seen in pleural effusion

Pleural effusion and amount of fluid required to be detected

1. PA view CXR

2. Lateral view

3. Lateral decubitus

4. USG

1. 150 - 200 ml

2. 75 ml

3. 15-25 ml

4. < 10 ml

Phantom tumor

Interlobar effusion

Split pleura sign in CT


Horizontal air fluid level in CXR


Golden S sign

- aka reverse S sign

- seen in bronchogenic carcinoma with right upper lobe collapse

- upper concavity : RUL collapse

- lower convexity : mass ( bronchogenic Ca)

Juxta phrenic peak sign

- Due to upper lobe atelectasis

- Shadow is caused by traction on the lower end of the major fissure / inferior accessory fissure / inferior pulmonary ligament

Silhouette signs : obstruction of

1. Left heart border

2. Aortic knuckle

3. Right heart border

1. Lingular pathology

2. Left apico-posterior pathology

3. Right middle lobe pathology

1. Cervicothoracic sign

2. Thoracoabdominal sign

1. To differentiate lesion in thoracic inlet-

Anterior / posterior mediastinum / cervical region

2. Differentiate lesions located close to hemidiaphragm

Spine sign

- lateral x-ray

- commonly occurs in left lower lobe pneumonia

- sudden interruption of vertebral body lucency

✓ normally the vertebral body lucency increases as we go downwards

Luftsichel sign

- Sickle shaped lucency of air in CXR

- seen in left upper lobe collapse

- d/t compensatory hyperinflation of superior segment of left lower lobe

Flat waist sign

- left lower lobe collapse

- caused by leftward displacement and rotation of heart

Air bronchogram sign

Alveolar opacities with air inside bronchus intact

Seen in :

✓ consolidation / pneumonia

✓ pulmonary edema

✓ bronchoalveolar carcinoma

✓ ARDS / Hyaline membrane ds

Carcinoma that mimics pneumonia

Bronchoalveolar carcinoma

CT angiogram sign

vessels seen in airless portion of lung in CECT

Associated with

- bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma

- lymphoma

- infectious pneumonias