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24 Cards in this Set

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Most common malignancy in the skeleton?
Metastisis! Esp. lytic mets
Most common PRIMARY malignancy in the skeleton?
Multiple MYELOMA
Most common "true" skeletal malignancy?
What is a misnomer about myeloma?
though it is the primary skeletal malignancy, it does NOT ARISE FROM OSTEOCYTES; it arises from hematologic cells
Osteosarcoma usually comes in what form?
LYTIC (70% lytic, 20% blastic, 10% other)
diffuse osteopenia in a MALE = _____ ; diffuse osteopenia in a FEMALE = _______
male = multiple myeloma ; female = post-menopausal osteoporosis
calcified lesions are usually benign, except for_______
_____ favors pedicles and _____ spares the pedicles
favor pedicles = metastisis, spares = myeloma
long bone lesions are usually:
Giant cell tumors are ______ tumors
quasi-malignant (no clear radiographic indication of benign or malignant status; though strong potential for malignancy)
Teratomas begin from _______
SPERM and OVUM (most pluripotential cells in body! hence the mixed tissue types in teratomas)
alkaline phosphatase tests for?
blastic metastasis
acid phosphatase tests for?
prostate metastasis
calcium tests for?
lytic metastasis
mild vs. moderate vs high WBC elevation indicate?
mild = bone malignancies
moderate = infection
high = leukemia
serum protein electrophoresis looks for _____ characteristic of _____ disease?
"M spike" characteristic; multiple myeloma
ostesarcoma m/c around which area?
osteoma m/c around which area?
skull & sinuses
diaphysis = ?
mostly, Mets & Ewings sarcoma
epiphysis = ?
giant cell tumor
metaphysis =?
mets, osteo-,fibro-chondro-sarcoma, multiple myeloma
subarticular = ?
giant cell tumor
flat bones = ?
reticulo-endolethial tumors (these need red marrow and flat bones are where its at, yo)
diffuse lesions m/c from ______ and are seen in _______
from blastic mets & paget's (tho paget's enlarges the bone and mets don't) ; seen in VB's