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217 Cards in this Set

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Thermionic emission

Heating of the filament to the point that electrons boil off it’s surface.

The step-down transformer is responsible for ____ that takes place on the ____.

Thermionic emission; filament of the cathode end.

High electrical potential refers to...

The voltage

____ is produced as a result of high speed electrons bombarding the tungsten target (Affective focal spot) or anode.


____ and ____ make up the cathode.

Filament; focusing cup

The focusing cup is typically made of ____.

Molybdenum or nickel

The filament is made up of ___.

Thoriated tungsten

Where is the conversion site of high speed electrons occur?

Tungsten target (affective focal spot) of the anode

The formula to determine an electrons valence number is ___.



Occurs when an energy source contains sufficient energy to REMOVE AN ELECTRON FROM ONE OF THE ORBITAL SHELLS.

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

High speed projectile electron interacts with the electrostatic charge of the target (tungsten) nucleus.

Bremsstrahlung radiation undergoes ____.

The momentum effect: slows down, changes direction, and loses some of its energy.

Characteristic radiation

High speed projectile electron interact with tungsten target atom by ejecting an inner shell electron and ionizing the atom. This k-shell vacancy may be filled by and outer shell electron (L,M,N,O, or P).

The process of filling the k-shell vacancy results in the emission of a ______.

Characteristic xray photon

The energy of the characteristic xray photon is equal to ____

The difference between the electron binding energies of the orbiting shell that contained the k-shell electron and the orbital shell that filled the vacancy.

Characteristic Radiation needs ____ to happen.

70 kev or above

X-ray emission spectrum

Maintains frequency

Velocity (speed) is a ____

constant factor.

These interactions result in ____ and ____.

99% heat (thermal energy) and 1% xray (electromagnetic energy)

What is the speed of light?

186,000 m/s (3x10^8)

X-ray photons move at the?

Speed of light or not at all.


The rate of rise and fall (oscillation) of the electromagnetic photon and is measured in the unit of Hertz (Htz.)

Wavelength (^)

Is the distance between two successive peaks of an electromagnetic photon.

Wavelength and frequency are __.

inversely proportional

Wavelength and energy are ___.

Inversely proportional

Frequency and energy are ____.

Directly proportional

Photon (quantum)

Smallest bit of electromagnetic energy.

X-ray is a form of ___________.

Electromagnetic energy on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Other forms of radiation such as ____ and _____, travel in particles —- _________

Alpha and beta; particulate radiation.


Smallest subdivision of an element that maintains all the physical and chemical properties of the element.

Quality is associated with ____, ___, _____, and _______.

Energy, kvp, penetration, and wavelength.

Quantity is associated with ___, ___, _____, and ____.

Intensity, mas, rate, pt dose.

Filtration results in

Increase in quality and decrease in quantity.

Filtration is measured in

Half-value layer.

Half value layer

Thickness of an absorbing material required to reduce xray intensity by one-half its original value.

The only technical factors that can affect HVL are ___ and ____.

Kvp; filtration

X-ray quantity is _____

Indirectly proportional to distance.

Primary radiation (AKA useful radiation)

Consists of the xray photons directed through the ray tubes window port in a direction towards the patient.

Secondary radiation

Radiation that is emitted from atoms of matter after an xray photon from the primary beam interacts with matter

Remnant radiation

Also known as exit radiation, is the portion of attenuated xray beam that emerges from the patient and interacts with the image receptor.

Atomic Number (Z)

Equals the number of protons in the nucleus.

Remnant xray beam

The image forming beam (exist radiation)


The progressive absorption of the xray beam as it passes through matter.


Packets of energy that travel in wave form

Xrays are _____ and _____.

Heterogeneous and polyenergetic — have a wide variety of wavelengths and energies.

Xrays can produce ___ and ____ radiation.

Secondary and scatter

Xrays contains no ___ and ___.

Mass ; electrical charge

Xrays are highly ___, ___ that are a form of ______

Penetrating, invisible; electromagnetic radiation.

Every time an xray photon gets scattered it will leave with ____.

1/100 intensity

The biggest source of scatter radiation?

The patient

The # of times an xray photon can be scattered is?

2 times

Atomic Mass (A)

Equals the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus

At what angle will a tech receive the least amount of radiation during fluoro?

90 degrees, right angle, and perpendicular to the source

Incident x-ray photon (primary beam photon) interact with an ___ of a target atom and removes the electron. This is also where the Compton effect takes place.

Outer shell electron

Compton effect

Partial absorption of the incident photon.

Compton interaction can be ____, resulting in degradation of image contrast; _____, resulting in occupational exposure; or ____, resulting in patient exposure.

Forward scattering, side scatter, backscattering

First orbital shell of an electrons is know as the ____.

K shell. Then it’s the L-shell followed by the M-Shell

Electrons are held in their shell by _____.

electron binding energy (ebe)

Strength of an electron is dependent on ___ and ____.

Location of the electron (the closer to the nucleus the stronger the ebe) and the complexity of the atom (the higher Z the stronger its ebe)

69.53 kev is the ebe of ____.

The k-shell of tungsten.

Outermost shell number of electrons is called ___. And never exceeds ___.

Valence number; 8

Where is the conversion site of high speed electrons occur?

Tungsten target (affective focal spot) of the anode

Damage to the lens occurs?

On the posterior pole of the lens.

Damage to the eye follows?

Non-linear threshold (non-stochastic) relationship.

Thyroid follows a?

Linear, nonthreshold dose (stochastic) relationship.

Breast follows a

Linear nonthreshold dose (stochastic) relationship

Bone marrow follows a

Follows a linear, threshold dose relationship.


Depression of all cell counts.

Skin follows a

Threshold (non-stochastic) dose relationship.


Reddening of the skin

Epilation or alepecia

Hair loss


Nose bleed

The formula to determine an electrons valence number is ___.


The amount of radiation is takes to sterilize a male is ____.

5-6 gy

To convert gy to rad

Times it by 100

Local somatic effects

Effects that are limited to the exposed individual and the specific area of exposure only.

General somatic effects

Effects that are limited to the exposed individual but the repose of radiation effects to the entire body, not just the exposure site.

Ten day rule

Radiation exposure to female patients within the child bearing age should be limited to a period of time within ten days following the ONSET of menstration.

Rules of holding

1) worker never holds

2) male will hold before female

3) non occupational out of childbearing age.

Children are sensitive to radiation for the following reasons:

1) Peds cells reproduce frequently

2) longer life expectancy therefore giving more time for long-term somatic effects to develop.

3) due to their smaller size more of their body gets exposed during the exam.

Hemopoetic syndrome (bone marrow syndrome)

Occurs with exposure doses ranging between 1-10 gy to the whole body. Death occurs in 3-6 weeks.

Gastrointestinal syndrome

Requires 10-50 gy. Death occurs in one week.

Central Nervous System Syndrome

Occurs with exposure over 50 gy. Death occurs within hours or days.


Occurs when an energy source contains sufficient energy to REMOVE AN ELECTRON FROM ONE OF THE ORBITAL SHELLS.

Genetic Significant Dose (GSD)

The dose, which if delivered to every member of the population, would be expected to yield the same total genetic injury as the actual doses received by the various individuals.

Rationale for use of gonadal shielding.

God nasal shields should be used anytime the gonads are within 5 cm of the primary beam.

Filtration removes ______ from the xray beam.

Low energy, non-diagnostic xray photons.

Filtration makes primary purpose is to _______.

Reduce entrance skin exposure to the patient.

With use of a grid you get a _____

High rate of exposure.

The air gap technique ______

Increases contrast

Pulses radiography ______

Decreases patient exposure.

Fluoroscopy time

must be measured by a 5 minute cumulative timer.

ABC or AERC allows the viewer to _____

Select an image brightness level that is maintained automatically by varying the kvp, mA, or sometimes both.

C-arm minimum source to collimator assembly distance is _____

12 inches (15 for fixed units)

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

High speed projectile electron interacts with the electrostatic charge of the target (tungsten) nucleus.

Portable machine has a cord that extends ________ for safe exposure.

6ft, 72 inches, 180 cm, 2 meters.

Medical image’s principle of radiation protection is based on _______.

Non-threshold linear dose relationship. (No safe dose)

Natural sources of radiation:

Radon, cosmic, and terrestrial

Artificial (man-made) sources of radiation:

Medical imaging, which are the largest source of man-made radiation.

Radon gas is _____

The largest source of natural radiation.

Cardinal rules are:

Time, Distance, Shielding

Lead aprons & thyroid shield:

0.5 mmPb


0.25 mm Pb

Bucky slot cover:

0.25 mm Pb

Portable shield:

0.25 mm Pb

Bremsstrahlung radiation undergoes ____.

The momentum effect: slows down, changes direction, and loses some of its energy.

Primary protective barriers are:

1) surfaces that can be struck by beam.

2) barriers perpendicular to the beam.

3) require 1/16 inch Pb equivalent.

Occupancy factors (T) controlled area

Area occupied by radiation workers; exposure rate must be no greater than 100 mR/week

Occupational factor (T) uncontrolled area

Area, such as halls, restrooms, or waiting rooms, occupied by anyone; exposure rate must be no greater than 10 mR/week.

Secondary protective barriers:

Barriers located parallel to the beam and requires 1/32 Pb equivalent.

1/2 inch of the secondary barrier must overlap the primary beam barrier where the two meet.

M on reports stands for?

Minimal - below the level of detection

Film badge

Relies on the ability of ionizing radiation to effect a density change on the film emulsion. Provides archival record.

Thermolumunescent dosimeter (TLD)

The functional component is lithium fluoride. The light spectrum chip yields will change with changing levels of energy absorbed by the chip.

Pocket dosimeter

Gives immediate feedback, but also gives false positives. Rely on the ability of ionizing radiation to ionize a gas within a sealed chamber resulting in a change of a charged electrode.

Optically stimulated luminesent dosimeter (OSLD)

Utilizes an aluminum oxide dosimeter. Laser light reads the sensing material. Made of aluminum, tin, copper. Gives archival record.

Occupational exposure should never exceed ______ annually.

5 rem (50msv)

Characteristic radiation

High speed projectile electron interact with tungsten target atom by ejecting an inner shell electron and ionizing the atom. This k-shell vacancy may be filled by and outer shell electron (L,M,N,O, or P).

Cumulative effect limit formula

1 rem x age in years

Embryo/fetus exposure

5 Msv for the ENTIRE gestational period and 0.5 msv per month during the gestational period.

Stochastic (probabilistic) effects

These are “all or nothing” effects—- non-threshold.

Stochastic example

Prenatal death due to radiation exposure delivered during first trimester.

Non-stochastic (deterministic) effects

Exhibit the existence of threshold. (Effect not observed with low doses)

Non-stochastic example

Erythema at the site of radiation therapy field. As the amount of radiation increases the severity of the skin reddening increases.

The process of filling the k-shell vacancy results in the emission of a ______.

Characteristic xray photon

The energy of the characteristic xray photon is equal to ____

The difference between the electron binding energies of the orbiting shell that contained the k-shell electron and the orbital shell that filled the vacancy.

Characteristic Radiation needs ____ to happen.

70 kev or above

X-ray emission spectrum

Maintains frequency

Velocity (speed) is a ____

constant factor.

These interactions result in ____ and ____.

99% heat (thermal energy) and 1% xray (electromagnetic energy)

What is the speed of light?

186,000 m/s (3x10^8)

X-ray photons move at the?

Speed of light or not at all.


The rate of rise and fall (oscillation) of the electromagnetic photon and is measured in the unit of Hertz (Htz.)

Wavelength (^)

Is the distance between two successive peaks of an electromagnetic photon.

Wavelength and frequency are __.

inversely proportional

Wavelength and energy are ___.

Inversely proportional

Frequency and energy are ____.

Directly proportional

Photon (quantum)

Smallest bit of electromagnetic energy.

X-ray is a form of ___________.

Electromagnetic energy on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Other forms of radiation such as ____ and _____, travel in particles —- _________

Alpha and beta; particulate radiation.


Smallest subdivision of an element that maintains all the physical and chemical properties of the element.

Quality is associated with ____, ___, _____, and _______.

Energy, kvp, penetration, and wavelength.

Quantity is associated with ___, ___, _____, and ____.

Intensity, mas, rate, pt dose.

Filtration results in

Increase in quality and decrease in quantity.

Filtration is measured in

Half-value layer.

Half value layer

Thickness of an absorbing material required to reduce xray intensity by one-half its original value.

The only technical factors that can affect HVL are ___ and ____.

Kvp; filtration

X-ray quantity is _____

Indirectly proportional to distance.

Primary radiation (AKA useful radiation)

Consists of the xray photons directed through the ray tubes window port in a direction towards the patient.

Secondary radiation

Radiation that is emitted from atoms of matter after an xray photon from the primary beam interacts with matter

Remnant radiation

Also known as exit radiation, is the portion of attenuated xray beam that emerges from the patient and interacts with the image receptor.

Atomic Number (Z)

Equals the number of protons in the nucleus.

Remnant xray beam

The image forming beam (exist radiation)


The progressive absorption of the xray beam as it passes through matter.


Packets of energy that travel in wave form

Xrays are _____ and _____.

Heterogeneous and polyenergetic — have a wide variety of wavelengths and energies.

Xrays can produce ___ and ____ radiation.

Secondary and scatter

Xrays contains no ___ and ___.

Mass ; electrical charge

Xrays are highly ___, ___ that are a form of ______

Penetrating, invisible; electromagnetic radiation.

Every time an xray photon get scattered is will leave with ____.

1/100 intensity

The biggest source of scatter radiation?

The patient

The # of times an xray photon can be scattered is?

2 times

Atomic Mass (A)

Equals the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus

At what angle will a tech receive the least amount of radiation during fluoro?

90 degrees, right angle, and perpendicular to the source

Incident x-ray photon (primary beam photon) interact with an ___ of a target atom and removes the electron. This is also where the Compton effect takes place.

Outer shell electron

Compton effect

Partial absorption of the incident photon.

Compton interaction can be ____, resulting in degradation of image contrast; _____, resulting in occupational exposure; or ____, resulting in patient exposure.

Forward scattering, side scatter, backscattering

An incident xray photon interact with the _____ and removes the electron.

Inner k-shell electron of a target atom.

All of the remaining energy of the incident photon is transferred to the ____.

Ejected electron (photo electron). (Post absorption)

What is the primary source of patient radiation exposure?

Photoelectric interaction

Photoelectric absorption is responsible for ____.

Patient dose effect RBE.

Incident xray photon interacts with _____ and excites _____.

A target atom; the atom.

In coherent scatter no _____ and no ____ takes place.

Orbital electrons are ejected; ionization

First orbital shell of an electrons is know as the ____.

K shell. Then it’s the L-shell followed by the M-Shell

Mass density

Thickness of a body part.

As atomic number of tissue increases,

Attenuation increases.

As the atomic number of tissue increases,

The probability of photoelectric increases with no change in the number of Compton interactions; decreased xray transmission. (basically, it has no affect on Compton scatter)

Unit for absorbed dose


Unit for dose equivalent


Absorbed dose

Determines the amount of energy from the xray beam that is transferred to the absorbing object.

Dose equivalent

Measurement of the biologic effectiveness of radiation.

Unit for exposure


Exposure (roentgen)

The unit of radiation exposure that will yield 258x10^-4 coulombs per kilogram of air.


Any given amount of radiation will yield some measurable effect.

Electrons are held in their shell by _____.

electron binding energy (ebe)


Some amount of radiation is required before a measurable effect can be detected.


An observed response is directly proportional to the dose.

Curvilinear (non-linear)

An observed response is not directly proportional to the dose.

Law of Bergonie and Tribindeau

Cell radio-sensitivity is affected by: mitotic activity, maturity, and degree of specificity.

Mitotic activity

Radio-sensitivity increases with mitotic activity.


The more mature a cell the more sensitive. (Nerve, muscle, stem cell (intestinal crypt), lymphocyte.

What is the most radio-sensitive cell in the body?


Degree of specificity

Radio-sensitivity decreases with increased specificity (specialization)


The rate of energy deposited per unit length track through an absorber. (Amount of radiation that is transferred to the body as the X-ray beams travels through the body)

LET and ___ are ____.

Relative biologic effectiveness (RBE) ; directly proportional.

Strength of an electron is dependent on ___ and ____.

Location of the electron (the closer to the nucleus the stronger the ebe) and the complexity of the atom (the higher Z the stronger its ebe)

Oxygen effect

The ability of aerobic conditions to enhance the effectiveness of radiation (the more O2 the more sensitive)

Relative biologic effectiveness (RBE)

Ability to produce biologic damage

Diagnostic x-rays are considered _____

Low LET radiation.

LD^50 stands for?

Lethal dose^50% of the population.


Equal dose of radiation that are delivered with time interval separations.


Radiation dose that is delivered continuously but at a lower dose rate.


Radiation interaction with water. Radiation is indirectly proportional to the cause of RBE. A vast majority of radiation damage to the body is caused by the indirect action of radiation interacting with the water in a cell.

Metaphase is

The most radiosensitive phase.

Interphase death (Apoptosis)

Cell dies without attempting to divide.


Cell division

69.53 kev is the ebe of ____.

The k-shell of tungsten.


Division of a germ (sex) cell

Mitotic (genetic) death

Cell goes through one or more mitotic phases and then dies.

Mitotic delay

Caused by as little as 01. Gy or 10 mgy. Mitotic activity resumes after a short delay.

Reproductive failure

Cell does not die as a result of radiation exposure, but loses it’s ability to procreate. Can result from 1-100 gy exposure.

Somatic effects

Somatic effects are those that are limited to the exposed population.

Long term somatic effect

Are those that occur years after exposure. (Cancer, cataracts)

Short term somatic effects

Are those that occur relatively soon after exposure - minutes, hours, days, weeks. (Epilating, nausea, vomiting, erythema, and fatigue.)

Acute exposure

More harmful than chronic. Large dose delivered over a short period of time.

Chronic exposure

We, as techs, receive this. Radiation delivered in small increments over a long period of time. .01 gy or 10 mgy = 10 days of life span shortening.

Most light sensitive part of the eye?


Outermost shell number of electrons is called ___. And never exceeds ___.

Valence number; 8