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75 Cards in this Set

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How many bones are in the foot?
26 Bones
How many phalanges are in the foot?
The superior suface of the foot is term what?
The inferior aspect of the foot is called?
How many phalanges are in the great toe?
How many metatarsal bones are in the foot?
How many tarsal bones are in the foot?
What is largest and strongest tarsal bone?
The second largest tarsal bone and the one that occupies the highest position in the foot?
What is the second largest bone in the body?
How many bones make up the leg?
What is the name of the small round bone located on the plantar surface typically at the MTP joint?
Which of the following forms the ankle mortise?
-inferior surface of tibia
-Medial malleolus of tibia
-Lateral malleolus of fibula
Where does the fibula articulates with the tibia?
Distal and proximal ends
How many degrees of angulation are required to open the IP joint spaces of the toes on a AP projection?
15 degrees
How many degrees of the lower leg and foot rotated for the AP oblique projection of toes with medial rotation?
The central ray angulation for AP oblique projection of toes is?
Ap projection of the toes the central ray is directed to the what?
3rd MTP
How is the patient placed for the lateral projection of the great and second toe?
Recumbent on the unaffected side
What is the patient position for lateral projection of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th toes?
Lateral recumbent om affected side
In order to better demonstrate the TMT joint spaces of the foot, a posterior angulation of how many degrees is required?
Then central is directed to which of the following AP or AP axial of the foot?
Base of the third metatarsal
The most commonly preformed oblique projection of the foot is what ?
Ap, oblique, medial rotation
For an AP oblique projection of the foot medial or lateral rotation the plantar surface should form an angle of?
The central ray for AP oblique projection of the foot is located where?
Perpendicular @ 0 degrees
Which of the following will clearly demonstrate the cuboid?
AP oblique with medial rotation
For a lateral projection of the foot, the central ray is directed where?
Tibia talar joints
Which lateral projection of the foot is most commonly preformed?
Medial Lateral
Which projections of the foot will best demonstrate the structural stratus of the longitudial arch?
Weight bearing
What exam do you flex the foot?
Axial calcaneus
What is the anglulation for the axial calcaneus projection?
40 degrees
The projections for the calcaneus are what?
-Axial plantar dorsal
-Lateral and medial lateral
For axial projection of the calcaneus the ankle should be dorsal flexed so that the planter surface is what degrees of the IR?
The central ray angulation for a lateral projection of the calcaneus is what?
Which of the following is the essential lateral projection of the calcaneus?
Medial lateral
What is the central ray angulation of the AP projection of the ankle?
For a AP projection of the ankle the central ray must enter where?
Ankle joint midway between the malleoli
Which of the following is not clearly demonstrated on the AP projection of the ankle?
To prevent lateral rotation, how should the foot be positioned for for a lateral projection of the ankle?
Dorsal flextion
CR projection for a lateral projection of the ankle?
For a lateral projection of the ankle, the central ray must enter where?
medial malleolus
Where will the fibula be located on a properly positioned lateral radiograph of an ankle?
Over the posterior half of the tibula.
Which of the following are the essential oblique projections of the ankle?
AP oblique 45 degree medial rotation
15-20 degree medial rotation for the ankle mortise.
Which of the following must be rotated for all oblique projections of the ankle?
Leg and foot
To demonstrate the ankle mortise, the leg and foot should be rotated medially how many degrees?
15-20 degrees
When the malleoli of the ankle are positioned parallel with the IR, the ankle is in position for which projection?
Mortise view
The medial and lateral oblique projections of the ankle require the leg and foot to be rotated how many degrees?
45 degrees
Which ankle projection will clearly demonstrate the ankle mortise in profile?
AP oblique Medial rotation
Central ray angulation for an AP oblique projection of the ankle is
Which projection will clearly demonstrate the joint spaces between the Talus and both malleoli?
AP oblique 15-20 degree internal rotation
Which projections of the ankle are performed on a patient following inversion or eversion injury?
AP stress studies
What specific projection of the ankle are performed to diagnosis the tear of the medial or lateral ligament?
Eversion and inversion stress
What is the central ray angle for an AP projection of the leg?
What is the position of the femural condyles when the leg is properly positioned for an AP projection?
Parallel to the IR
How far should the IR extend beyond the ankle or knee joint for an AP projection of the leg?
1 1/2 inches
Often, the leg is too long to fit onto the IR for a radiograph. Which joint or joints should be included on the IR when the sight of the lesion is known?
Joint closest to the lesion.
Which of the following objects should be available in the radiography room for performing radiographs of the lower limb?
A.angle sponges
B.sand bags
C.pull straps
answer: All of the above
Which of the following should be clearly demonstrated on a lateral projection of the leg?
A. Knee joint
B. Ankle joint
C. entire femural condyles
D. Combination
Answer: Knee and ankle joint
The superior portion of the calcaneus contains a groove called the calcaneal sulcus. The inferior portion of the talus contains a groove called the sulcus tali. Collectively, these sulci form the ___.
Sinus tarsi
Which tarsal bone lies directly anterior to the talus?
On which aspect of the foot does the cuboid lie?
The Talus articulates with how many bones?
The proximal end of the tibia presents two prominent processes called the__.
Medial and Lateral Condyles
The two flat-like superior surfaces of the tibia are called the
tibial plateaus
The tibial plateaus slant how many degrees?
10- 20 degrees posteriorly
On the anterior surface of the tibia is a prominent process called the
tibial tuberosity
The circular fibro cartilage discs or pads that lie on the tibial plateaus are called__.
(I'm not sure about this one)
Which projections of the foot will show the cuboid in profile?
Medial rotation
Where is the CR directed for a lateral projection of the calcaneus?
1in distal to the medial malleolus
The only ball-in-socket joint in the foot is the__.
What type of joint is the ankle mortise?
Synovial hinge joint
Which of the following bones does not bear body weight?
Avulsion fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal is called a __ fracture.
The incomplete separation or avulsion of the tibial tuberosity is called__.
Osgood-Sclatter Disease
Which of the following projections would benefit from the use of a compensating filter?
A.AP Toes
B. AP foot
C. Axial Calcaneus
D. Combination
B. & C.