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29 Cards in this Set

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Hiltorf Tube is an early model of the...
Crooke's Tube
Who discovered the harmful effects of xrays
Thomas Edison
William Goodspeed is noted for what?
the 1st radiograph
what year were xrays developed?
xrays were used immediately in diagnosis (True or False)
Michael Fairaday is noted for what
electromagnetic induction
Edison contributed to radiology by discovering
radioactivity & fluoreoscope
Roentgen observed xrays by
light emitted by chemical compound
widespread in given area (pandemic/ epidemic)
worldwide spread (pandemic/ epidemic)
how many deaths occur from prostate cancer annually
HIV mortality rate has increased or decreased since 1995
what is the primary cause of infant mortality
general malformation, deformation and abnormal chromosonal
children born in the 21st century can expect a life span of....
77.6 years
top 2 leading causes of death are
cancer & heart
women outlive men by how many years
5 years
at 65, the average american can expect to live how many more years?
18 years
when incidents of diseases of infectious origins begin to increase they are called what?
emerging infections diseases
what 2 characteristics of critical thinking
they are rational & analytical
an unbiased solution is reached by
latitude, humility and respect
what 2 situations would emotions run high?
religion & gun control
group loyalty is
all of the above
critical thinking may be hindered by
all of the above
maintaining status quo is
critical thinking requires
humble approach in weighing evidence
critical thinking is based on
universal values
analytical thinking means
gathering evidence
critical thinking applies
weighing all aspects of situation
Early xray uses were:
abused rampid, circus entertainment, shoe sizing (ALL OF THE ABOVE)