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67 Cards in this Set

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Elements of Social Stratification (3)
1. Class (material resources)
2. Status
3. Power
Major Stratification System (Historically) (3)
1. Slavery
2. Caste
3. Class
In caste system, social status is for _____
Caste system is based on _____
skin color, religion, etc.
Social Stratification
classification of persons into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions
Characteristics of Class System (4)
1. Fluid
2. Class is partly achieved
3. Economically Based
4. Large Scale (not personal)
Fluidity in Class System
categories aren't established by legal system and not bound to class
Indentured Servitude lasted _____
3-7 years
Indentured Servitude is based on ____
first contact between english voyagers and Africans
Dutch Company kidnaps 11 Africans
Desire's first slave trade for America
Mass legalizes slavery (first state)
Connecticut legalizes
Rhode Island restricts slavery and forbids indenture servants to serve more than 10 years
Virginia passes law than baby born to slave inherits slave status
VA Colony in Mid 1600s
Top - Elite (smallest percentage)
Middle - Middle Class (Predominantly white Irish)
Bottom - Indentured Servants
Quakers pass first formal bill for equal rights in US
African slaves server longer and harsher punishment than ______
the irish
Early 1700s Africans are ____ of population
To cause rebellion Francis Bacon _____
wiped out two Indian tribes with a militia of poor people
Elite decide to recognize society by ____
race and class
Whites freed from servitude received _____ (4)
1. 10 Bushels of Corn
2. 30 Shillings
3. Musket
4. Land
Items received after freed whites was symbolic _____
to make them think they are better off than blacks
No disincentives to steal freed blacks property was encouraged by ____
not having citizenship
Slave property was given to _____
freed whites
Free whites get their own _____
Race comes into existence _____
after laws when white were freed from servitude
refers to cultural practices and outlooks of a given community that have emerged historically and to set that community apart
Two qualifications for Race
1. same ethnic difference that is stigmatized and can't be changed (ex. religion)
2. Stigma becomes reason for hierarchy
classification system that puts people in groups arranged in hierarchy
process that which formally distinct and separate ethnic groups come together and share common culture
exists when groups maintain cultural identity
Robert Park Assimilation Theory (4)
1. Contact
2. Competition
3. Unstable Accommodation
4. Assimilation
interpretation and diffusion process when persons of groups admire memories, attitudes, and sentiments of other groups by sharing history
fighting over jobs, etc.
Unstable Accommodation (2)
1. forced to change and adopt new culture
2. regard as part of community but lower status
Takes ____ generations to assimilate
Milton's Cultural Assimilation
migrant groups adopts values, beliefs, language, dogma, symbols of culture
Milton's Cultural Assimilation takes ___ generations
Milton's Structural Assimilation
migrant groups develop primary social ties to dominant host group
Primary Associations in Milton's Structural Assimilation
family, dating, friends from host group
Secondary Associations in Milton's Structural Assimilation
school, work, activities
Milton's Structural Assimilation takes _____ generations
What white means for Irish
they can work anywhere (can practice outside of segregation)
Why Irish in Ireland protest slavery in US (3)
1. Irish Values (Catholicism)
2. History as slaves
3. Freedom from British rule
Irish in US ____ to Americans
assimilate (consider to be American)
Freeing african slaves means ____ to Irish Americans
they might lose employment (africans will work for less)
Split Labor Market Theory (2)
1. Economic (class and profit)
2. Political Power
Split Labor Market Theory explains
racial/ ethnic tensions and segregation labor market
Irish gained political power because of _____ (2)
1. Ability to Vote
2. Had guns
Power is ____ (2)
1. Political Power
2. Economy
To maintain slavery politicians need ____
Irish voting block
Irish become voting block by (2)
1. Using religion (catholics vs. protestants)
2. Extend political rights
Why the Good Reverend Doctor thinks Angie is dating Flipper
to be rebellious against her family
How slavery affects why white women want black men (according to the good reverend doctor)
were put on a pedestal since slavery times, can't have black men but white men can have black slave women, be rebellious against it
Good Reverend Doctor's critique of Angie
is willing to break up a marriage
Flipper flips on Angie after cop scene because ____
of her racial naivete
Violence in Jungle Fever surrounds _____
Theories about the end of the Jungle Fever (2)
1. perpetuation cycle of racial progression (could be his daughter)
2. Flipper stepping out of marriage for white women undermines value of black women (price of BJs go down)
Four Political Parties in 1860 Election
1. Southern Democrats
2. Northern Democrats
3. Republicans
4. Constitutional Union Party
Stances on Slavery in 1860 Election
1. Southern Dem - Endorsed Slavery
2. Northern Dem - Slavery should be decided locally
3. Republican - denounced Slavery
4. Constit Union Party - protect union at all costs
Emancipation Proclamation of 1863
freed slaves in enemy states upon arrival of troops
did not free slaves in Union-allied slaving holding states
13th Amendment of 1864
abolished slavery
Main Points of MLK Speech (4)
1. Blacks are owed freedom
2. Non-violence (so not to alienate white community)
3. Hope in a better future
4. Not just a problem for black community but America as a whole (freedom)
Points of Ballot or Bullet (4)
1. Black Nationalism (govern own communities)
2. Exercise the Right to vote
3. Advocate human rights over civil rights (God-given rights)
4. Self-Defense
Points of Obama Speech (2)
1. Racial tensions stem back from slavery and Jim Crow
2. Racial Statement (grievances from both whites and blacks are legitimate but go now where if focus on race