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151 Cards in this Set

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man is head of family
reveres age
listen to the head of the family no matter what
the older, the wiser = more respect
family more important than the individual
a group of close-knit/interrelated families
Five Chinese Push Factors
1. corrupt government
-Qing Dynasty
-large taxes to feed military
2. overpopulation
3. imperialism
-increases overpopulation
-economic, political, and cultural takeover
4. weather
-floods and droughts
5. wars and rebellions
Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901)
Chinese try to fight imperialism. They believed that they had spiritual forces on their side and that they would win. End up defeated. Ugly and violent
How many Chinese came to the US?
Who was sent to the US? (Chinese)
young single men
What were the Chinese pull factors?
the gold rush
Gold Mountain
Gum Saan
What was the Chinese plan for immigration?
plan to come to US, work for 5 years, go to China for 5 years, then back to US for 5 years, etc.
(Should take 30-40 years)
How were the Chinese percieved?
Since the average white man was 5'8" and the average Chinese man was 5'2" they thought the Chinese men were women
Foreign Miners Tax
apply to the Chinese almost exclusively
>if you're a foreign miner working on my land, you owe me 25% of what you find
~BAD for stereotypes (feminine, unmanly)
~good for money and providing jobs
~becomes a business
How do Domestics become a business for the Chinese?
instead of living in the home to do laundry, open a laundry mat
>get together and become partners, so a group owns the place. since every 5 years people are going back and forth, this way someone is always watching the business
transcontinental railroad
~highest paying job that a Chinese immigrant could get
~about 16,000 Chinese work on it
~worked a lot with Mexicans
~From Chicago to California
highest paying job for any Chinese
>light fuses to explode the mountains >were given money before work so that they can send it home since most die
When was the Transcontinental Railroad completed?
migrant farm work
~flexible, always available, paid less, either daily or seasonal
~still get 10x more money than what they would've made in China
Bachelor society
a family like structure
The 6 Companies
-collection of different clans that worked together in Chinatown
-each company has a number of clans, not just one
-ex. Yan Wo Company
-each has a president
-the presidents were Chinese men who could speak English
-together, they ran things in Chinatown
-take care of the clan, but also all Chinese in Chinatown
-similar to Irish Church
-Chinese Mob
-where you go if you're kicked out/not in/not taken care of by the 6 companies
-all they ask for is loyalty
-if you're not loyal, you're out
-open gambling houses, have prostitutes and opium
-cause stereotypes of being criminals
~white men believed that opium was used to lure white women away
Vice District
a place to go to do illegal things and temptations (ex. Chinatown)
5 Main Causes of Anti-Chinese Sentiment
1) Vice Districts
2) Race ("yellow" because they're cowardly/feminine)
3) religion (it's nothing like Christianity; polytheistic, worship ancestors)
4) yellow peril
5) labor disputes
~Chinese work for less so they're always hired
~take jobs away from Americans and other immigrants
What is yellow peril?
fear that all Asians will band together to takeover the world
Dennis Kearney
labor disputes (Irish, loudest voice)
>"The Chinese must go!!"
Denver Riot of 1880
>Chinese laborers attacked while mining for gold
>only one Chinese person died
>all others rounded up and put in jail for their own protection
Rock Springs Massacre of 1885
>75 homes burned to the ground
>25 Chinese killed
The Chinese Question of 1867
what do we do about Chinese immigration?
-Both Republicans and Democrats running on platforms about Chinese immigration, don't want Chinese to vote
Naturalization Act of 1870
Try to keep the Chinese from voting
~you can only become a citizen if you're white or black
~it's a California state law
~not one Chinese person leaves
~they don't care, they never planned on becoming citizens
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
~federal law
~no Chinese can immigrate into US
~once you leave the country, you can't come back in
~not announced, did not tell the Chinese
~takes years for them to realize that this is happening
Scott Act of 1888
~if you go too far out of US borders, you're not allowed back in (including fishermen)
Chae Chan Ping vs. US (1889)
-challenges the Chinese Exclusion Act
-had enough money to get a lawyer and temporary stay to challenge it
-the case goes to Supreme Court and loses
-the US abides by the Chinese Exclusion Act until 1943
Cable Act of 1922
-response to fear of Chinese immigrants and women's right to vote
-if a woman marries a man who cannot become a citizen of the US, she loses her right to vote
Angel Island
-"West Coast Ellis Island" to deal with Chinese immigrants
-more of a detention center than a processing center
-can be retained there for up to three months
-about 175,000 Chinese processed here
-open from 1910-1950
Paper Sons (1906)
-earthquake in California, causes much destruction
-fire burns down the state records building
-you can come, say you were born in the US and were visiting your family
-since there are no documents to say you aren't, they let you in
-these people were called "paper sons"
the practice in American cinema/theatre/TV in which Asian characters are portrayed by American actors
What are Chinese women called?
either Porcelain/China Dolls or Dragon Ladies
Naturalization Act of 1943
ends the Chinese Exclusion Act
Chinese Communist Revolution
-led by Mao Zedon
-"people's republic of China"
-Oct. 1, 1949
-primarily female immigration
Chinese today
-"model minorities"
-start spreading out across the country
-once they became focused on education, their incomes went up
when Jews are forced out of their homeland
Jewish push factors
~Anti-Semitism (the dislike of Jews)
~"Christ Killers"
~blamed for all the bad things
>even though they only make up less than 1% of the population wherever they are
>work in banking and financing
*Christian belief that profiting off of someone else's suffering is a sin
*lend them money and you won't owe them interest (unlike
a bank)
>causes more resentment
Results of Jewish Anti-Semitism
-placed in Jewish ghettos
-could only work in certain places
-denied an education
-denied basic civil rights
Where are Sephardic Jews from?
The Spanish Inquisition
~religious persecution
~wanted to ensure 2 main goals
>that Spain and all of its colonies were Catholics
>that the Pope is not the head of the church, but rather the King and Queen of Spain
What if you are Jewish and someone asked you if you are Catholic?
>yes (lie, but you need to prove it)
>no, I'm Jewish
*you need to convert
*usually answer no
*either thrown in jail or killed
>no, but I'm willing to convert right now
*thrown into jail with a bible
*asked to perform "acto de fe"
("act of faith")
-say some kind of prayer in front of court and
prove your Christianity
Alhambra Decree
~"Edict of Expulsion"
~March 31, 1492
~all Jews expelled from Spanish Empire, whether you're converted or not
Jewish Formative Wave Immigrants
-to colonial America
-some came over with Christopher Columbus
-go to New Amsterdam (now known as New York)
-3,000 in the New World
-small numbers
-come over with money
-portable wealth (diamonds, jewelry, etc.)
-location is more or less spread out
-Jewish stereotypes is NEVER good
~the best one is that we tolerate them
German Jews
-First Wave (1830s) -positive stereotypes (they're German)
-treated pretty well until people find out they're Jewish
-want religious freedom
-30,000 come into the US
~not all upper-class
-tended to be peddlers if you were lower class
~most common job for German Jew
~help German Jews make money
~spread them all over the country
~sell high quality goods for the minimal cost
~do so well they can build stores
~then they sell things by catalog
-also becoming more conspicuous
-only work with each other (very clannish)
Reformed Judaism
-German Jews
-wanted to fit into a Christian area, this way of practicing Judaism develops
-hold services in the country's language, not Hebrew
-services on Sunday, not Saturday
-synagogues look like churches
Jewish Second Wave Immigration (1880-1920)
-"New Immigrants" (bad stereotype name)
-pull factor = industrial revolution
What are the 4 defining characteristics of New Immigrants?
~religion (Jews are not Protestant)
~language (it's not English)
~unskilled laborers
>now industrial revolution
>often poor
>little to no wealth or education
>more workers than we need
Eastern European Jews
-Ashkenazic Jews (2nd wave, Eastern/Central Europe, Russia)
-Sephardic, then German, now Ashkenazic
~they "blow all the good stuff to hell"
~causes a HUGE problem for the American Jews
~policy of Russian Empire to turn subjects into "good Russians"
~state sponsored population elimination without killing
~taking over other nations to turn them Christian
~military service
~go after children, if the son is the age of 5, draft them into the military
~forced to serve for 25 years
>they won't remember religion, think they're Christian
~marriage laws
>Jewish women cannot marry Jewish men
What are some ways Russification was fought back?
>prevent the child from being a good soldier
*cut off a limb
>"hurt the child to save the child"
-state sponsored eliminations by killing
-Tsar Alexander II treats surfs (lowest class) like slaves. When he frees them,
everyone gets pissed off (surfs have no work/place to live, employers have no free work). Multiple failed assassination attempts, successfully assassinated March 13, 1881. First bomb injures some men, he helps. Second bomb takes his legs, he's brought back to the castle and dies. Tsar Alexander III way worse. He's the real tyrant.
-the Jews are blamed for ALL of that ^
-this is what causes the pogroms
-over 100,000 killed that we know of
-dig ditch, go in ditch, and be burned alive
Eastern European Jews in America
-2nd wave
-2 million
-have no money by the time they get to America
-live in Lower East Side, NYC
-speak Yiddish
Orthodox Jews
~use both the Torah and the Talmud (interpretation of the Torah)
~reformed follow Torah, Orthodox follow Talmud
~women and men separated, women sit in balcony
>so that women don't distract men from prayer
What are some differences between orthodox and reformed Jews?
>dress code
>holy day (Saturday for Orthodox, Sunday for Reformed)
>the way the worship and the location
>the days they work
>Orthodox keep kosher
>they don't get along
>reformed synagogues look like churches, orthodox don't
How did the American Jews help out the Eastern European Jews?
~give them jobs in sweatshops
~let them live in tenements
>10 people per apartment, 300 square feet, chamber pot on first floor, 5 stories high
Education and Jews
~both public and religious school
~1st community to offer scholarships to students
~sends kids to college no matter what
Politics and Jews
~try not to get involved
~want separation of church and state
~wanted very little immigration laws
Conservative Judaism
~only exists in US
~in between reformed and orthodox
~holy day is Saturday
~dress code and kosher laws (kashrut) up to you
~synagogues don't look like churches
~men and women sit next to each other
Who found the original KKK?
William J. Simmons
Leo Frank
Jewish American manager of a pencil factory in Atlanta lynched in 1915 for the murder of a girl who worked there. Not sure if he was actually guilty or the African American Janitor.
Henry Ford
-created Model T, makes cars and automobiles
-bought a newspaper called "Dear Born Independent"
~had a column called "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem"
~included the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in 1920 - a document created by Russians who claimed Jews wrote it
to blame them for all the problems in the world
Article 231
an article saying that since the Germans caused the war, they owe everyone a
certain amount of money. They only finished paying that debt in Fall, 2010.
>living/elbow room
>Germans need this; there's too many people
>subhumans (Jews, gays, cripples, gypsies)
>they're dragging down Germany
~goal = get rid of untermensch, have lebenstraum
The Final Solution
~state sponsored elimination by killing
~ a way to solve Germany's problems, get rid of the untermensch
~create Death Camps/Concentration Camps, bring untermensch to live in them, get burned alive/die of illness and starvation/put into ovens/shot/gas chambers
-about 16 million killed in the Holocaust, at least 6 million Jews
Post WWII immigration
-people given political asylum status
-status given to individuals which allows them to enter the country
-ex. Albert Einstein
-called "New Intellectuals"
-worked on the Manhattan Project
~made atomic bombs
~worked with J. Robert Oppenheimer
~the atomic bombs dropped on Japan = fat man and little boy
Zionist Movement
-movement to create a homeland for the Jews
-Israel was created March 14, 1948
-US is the first country to recognize Israel as a legitimate state
-Reverse Diaspora
~Jews go back to Israel
~returning to homeland
~most Jews in US do not go to Israel
Jewish Voting Blocks
after WWII, develop liberal voting blocks
Rosenberg Trial
-Julius and Ethel Rosenberg found to be communist spies leaking information about the atomic bomb
-convicted March 29, 1959
-executed by electric chair in NYC's Sing Sing Correctional Facility June 19, 1953
-Julius dies after first course of shocks, Ethel dies after about 3 courses and there's smoke coming out of her head
Jewish Americans Today
-about 6 million is US
-more involved in politics, have smaller families
-35% reformed
-11% orthodox
-26% conformed
-90% have college degrees
-most live in NYC or Boca Raton
-tend to marry other Jews
When do Northern Italians come? Southern?
Northern come in the formative wave, Southern come in the second wave
What year was Italy unified?
Northern Italians vs. Southern Italians
-Northern are "white", Southern and darker skinned
-Northern are Protestant, white collar, upper-class, talented
-Southern are unskilled laborers, 85% illiterate, Catholic.
-Most land in southern Italy is owned by the Church
Italian Formative Wave Immigration (Colonial America)
-push factor is voluntary migration
-Northern Italians, so they set up bad stereotypes for the Southern Italians ahead of time
-spread out to NY, CA, FL
-open Grocery stores/Restaurants in NY
-open vineyards in CA
-open citrus businesses in FL
-have money
-Americans happy that they bring over wine and tomatoes
-stop coming to US around 1830
-long period of no incoming Italians
-also called "model minorities"
Southern Italians in Italy
-Church is like an oppressor
-amoral familism
~the family is the most important thing
~all people are inherently bad
-most worked as Contadini
~like a sharecropper
-must protect the family's honor
-the family name means everything, without it you are nothing
Men's Honor
~protect it publicly, often very violent
~usually in the form of a vendetta (ex. Romeo & Juliet)
~either this problem is squashed right away or it escalates like crazy
>it's never ending, some families forget why they started fighting
in the first place
Women's Honor
~generally not allowed to leave the house
~dynastic marriages
>based on bringing families together, not on love
~a woman's honor is based on her virginity
~Showing of the Sheets
Showing of the Sheets
>proves that a couple is actually married
>during wedding party, newlyweds go to bed and do it
>they come out and hold the sheets up
>everyone looks for blood on the sheet
>even if you were a virgin and you didn't bleed your first time,
the husband has options
*he can believe her (either he had sex with you himself or
you had a bad fall), so he cuts himself to get blood on the
*he does not believe her, she is kicked out of her family
and becomes either a nun or a prostitute
>women who know they've had sex or won't bleed sneak vials of blood of some sort into bed, while they're doing it opens the vial so that it appears that they've bled
~the men marry when 18, women marry when 13
Religion for Southern Italians
~non-institutional Roman Catholic
~only go to church for a wedding, baptism, funeral, or maybe private prayers when no one else is in there
~believe in "magic"
>the evil eye, etc.
>ongoing battle between good and evil
>this stereotype works against them in the US
Southern Italians in the US
-push factors:
~poverty caused by Catholic church
~ the Catholic church
-come in the 2nd wave
-7 million (too many)
-between 1880 and 1920
-move into the Lower East Side of NYC
-no money
-BAD stereotypes
~black, African blood, criminals, mongrels, magic, religion
-practicing return migration
~work for 5 years, make money, go home, support family for the rest
of their lives
~take about $1 billion from America to Italy
-a lot end up staying in the US
~changes from return to chain migration
ethnic enclaves
~little Italy
~do whatever they want to do, make their own laws
~causes more stereotypes
~kids don't go to public schools
-a person who helps the southern Italians find jobs and a place to live
-they disappear by the 1920s
-run sweatshops
-even the children work
-girls work until "womanhood" (8 years of age) and then go back to learning
things from their mothers
-about 15 people working together make $20 a week
Mutual Aid Society
-2 or 3 families come together, those that have historically gotten along, and help each other out
-like the mafia
What is prevention, by law, of the manufacturing and sale of alcohol?
-"place of refuge"
-causes more bad stereotypes
-yellow press
~tabloid news
~give people the idea that all mobs are Italians
Mafia Myth
-all criminal activity in the US is the mafia
-all Italians are in the mafia
Only .0003% of Southern Italians actually in the mafia
Al Capone
non-secretive mobster
Rosie the Riveter
an Italian model citizen "we can do it!" poster
Frank Sinatra
a famous Italian musician
What effects did the WWII Internment have on the Italians?
Prison/work camp that made the Italians make a bigger effort to assimilate and move out of ethnic enclaves.
-involves American Imperialism
-Spanish American War (1898)
~America makes Cuba a US territory
~create easy access immigration
-125,000 go to Hawaii
-75,000 to California
-become migrant farm workers
-no ethnic enclaves
-different languages and cultures
-earn some of the lowest wages of anyone in the US
-1946, their country becomes a republic again and a lot return home
by 1924, 175,000 in US
Japan is called The Island Kingdom in the 1800s
-150,000 square miles
-ruled by military leaders called shoguns
~emphasis on conformity
~reinforces the idea of conformity and submitting to authority
3 most dominant Japanese religions
Shintoism (oldest & most popular; culture meets nationalism), Buddhism (eternal life; Nirvana; be a good citizen now), Confusciuism (mortality; ancestor worship; conforming = honor)
Meiji Restoration
~overthrow tokugawa shogunite
~bring back an emperor
~modernizing is the main priority
First generation Japanese in the US
-they thought they would group together and own farms, but instead they are
day laborers
Second generation Japanese in the US
-American citizens since they were born in the US from the Issei
-become assimilated
- 3 problems
~the Issei (their parents)
~numbers (too many)
~Japanese Exclusion League
>did not want Japanese to America, tried to prevent them
Picture Brides
one way to successfully immigrate over was to be a picture bride
~the ceremony is conducted in Japan between the man's photo and his "wife"
What did the Nissei create?
The Japanese American Citizens League
What happened on Dec. 7, 1941?
Pearl Harbor - US declare war on Japan, only one senator says no
executive order 9066
~signed by FDR Feb. 19, 1942
~can forcibly relocate Japanese/Japanese Americans into internment
~40,000 Issei
~70,000 Nissei
War Relocation Authority
-in charge of Internment camps, reinforcing and taking care of them
Korematsu vs. US (1944)
the court case that found internment illegal
Anti-Japanese Sentiment
-Dr. Seuss did a lot of this
-there's a racist bugs bunny cartoon!
-WWII was particularly brutal
-soldiers send the body parts of Japanese killed to their loved ones as souvenirs
Rape of Nanking
-"forgotten Holocaust"
-Dec. 13, 1937 Japanese invaded China
-their heroes are Nazis
-about 350,000 killed over 6 weeks
-the author of the book committed suicide after writing the book
Civil Liberties Act of 1988
-Reagan's Administration
-acknowledges that internment as wrong
-offers sum of money ($20,000) to any Japanese in US who can prove they were interned
~not a lot come forward since it's not a lot of money compared to what they lost
~they are also suspicious of the government
the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against immigrants/outsiders
intense/irrational dislike/fear of people from other countries
Native American Party
-political party in the 19th century that started questions about immigration
-never actually pass legislation
Know-Nothing Party
-secret fraternal organization
-becomes a political party called the "American Party"
-largest 3 party to ever exist
-passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
What did Madison Grant call the increased atmosphere of scientific racism?
It is the "passing of the great race" and says that races should not be mixed and white people need to have more babies
Ellis Island
-if you are visiting, you must prove that you can go home by already having a round-trip ticket.
-both racist and classist
-1st class just goes through, if you're 3rd class you hope that it doesn't take more than 24 hours
-go in groups of 100, inspectors look for diseases
-mainly looking for TB (tuberculosis)
Immigration Act of 1921
-maximum of 357,000 allowed to immigrate per year
-looked at the 1921 census, let in 3% of how many people in that race were in the US in 1921
Immigration Act of 1924
-now it's 2%
-164,000 allowed per year
-look at the census from 1890
Naturalization Act of 1943
puts an end to the Chinese Exclusion Act
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarrn-Walter Act)
-give Asian Immigrants numbers to come into the country
-if the country has 0 as the quota, we will let in 100 per year
-2,000 immigrants allowed total
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
-president Johnson
-abolish national origins quota and the idea neighbors can come and go
-numbers are now based on hemisphere
~Eastern=170,000 per year
~Western=120,000 per year
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
-attacks illegal immigration
-says that the problem of immigration comes from both sides of the border
because we hire them
-goes after labor; puts the burden of control on employers
-some trick you into hiring them or you hire them anyway
-also says that for a limited time, if the illegal immigrants show themselves, you will be given amnesty and become a citizen
~the problem is, people thought it was a trick and so very few came forward
Citizenship Process
-living here a minimum of 5 years
-there is a marriage loophole
-must pass the citizenship test
Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
John Roberts
K1: Fiancee Visa
~"adjustment status"
~very expensive
Green Card
proof of a non-citizen living in the US
F2: Student Visa
~easiest kind of visa to get
~given this when studying abroad
Immigration Act of 1990
-no longer goes by hemispheres
-just 400,000
-3 exceptions to the new law
~family visa
~job visa (very hard to get)
~diversity visa (from a country not overly represented)
What 5 things are the Hispanics defined by?
~region (Central/South America, Caribbean)
~Spanish Influence
~mixture of 3 cultures
The Borderlands: The First Movement
-Spain colonizes Mexico 1521
-ethnic hierarchy
~Mestizo (Spanish Father, Mexican Mother)
~Mulatto (Spanish Father, African Mother)
-the Mestizo get angry, move into the Borderlands
American Expansion
-frontier thesis (America is at best when expanding)
-Mexican American War (1846-1848)
~only fought for land expansion
-Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
~states that America wins the war
~all the borderlands are American if you pay $15 million
~keep the 80,000 Mestizos in the borderlands
>receive immediate citizenship
>go to sleep in Mexico, wake up in America
Mexicans in America
-Mestizos lose all their land
-end up working (sometimes forcibly) on the land they used to own
2nd Movement: Mexican Revolution
-Porfirio Diaz
~last Spanish dictator
~uses a lot of violence
-Mexican in Mexico live as Peons
~work so that they have food and a place to live
-push for industrialization
-1.5 million Mexicans go to the US
-pull factor: migrant farm work
Bracero Program (1942-1964)
~"guest workers"
~Mexicans get ~50,000 visas per year to work in the US
~4.5 million ended up here legally
Dwight D. Eisenhower
-Operation Wetback (1954)
~find Mexican looking people, put them in the truck, drive them back to Mexico
~just drop them off and leave, no one sticks around to make sure they stay in Mexico
~extreme failure
Jimmy Carter
-offers 20,000 extra visas per year for Mexicans
-didn't work, still a lot of illegal immigration
~either because they run out of visas or can't afford one
Mexican-Americans today
-myth of illegal immigration still persists
-both institutional and non-institutional Catholics
-not assimilated
-not a lot of money
-low education levels
What is the push factor for the Cubans?
Fidel Castro
Spanish American War (1898)
~America signs the Teller Amendment
>they will only intervene in the war against Spain and then leave Cuba
Free Cuba
puppet dictatorship
~Cubans that are put in power by the US, keep themselves in good lifestyle
~do whatever America wants
Name 3 Puppet Dictators
~Mario Menocal (1913-1921)
~Fulgencio Batista (1940-1958)
>the worst
>looked out only for himself
>75% of industry is owned by the US
~Fidel Castro (1960-today)
-exiled after his first attempt at revolution
-gathers a bunch of people, comes back for a second revolution
-the 2nd one is called the 26 of July Movement
~does not actually happen on that date
-says he will make "Cuba for the people"
Bay of Pigs Invasion
-April 1961
-an unsuccessful action by CIA-trained force of Cuban exiles to invade southern Cuba
to overthrow Fidel Castro
What does Castro admit and promise?
-land reform
-ending economic dependence from the US
-revolution turns violent
-can't deliver on promises, give speeches that make people worry, rejects parliament and becomes a dictator
Castro comes out and says that he is a Marxist and has been all along
First Wave Cuban Immigrants (1959-1962)
-come in planes, either 1 class or private jet
-upperclass men
-cannot bring wealth with you
~have farms, can't bring farms to America!
-given refugee status and refugee visas
-Cuban American Adjustment Act
~Cubans can apply for citizenship after 5 years
-100,000 come over
-go to Miami, FL and Union, NJ
-called "golden exiles"
Second Wave Cuban Immigrant (1956-1974)
-Cuban economy in decline
-middle class
-freedom flights
~series of flights from Miami to Cuba
~picks people up and brings them back to Miami
~also called the Peter Pan project
~families are disrupted
-model immigrants
Third Wave Cuban Immigrants (1980)
-Peruvian embassy in Cuba stormed by a few thousand people
-want to be allowed to leave Cuba
-Castro opens a boat port in Mariel, if you want to leave and know someone with a
boat, you leave in Mariel Boatlifts
~those who did this were called "Marielitos"
-Castro is pissed off
-race works against them
-lower class
-these people are political prisoners
-Castro claims to have opened all jails and send those people to America
~not the rapists and the murderers, just releases all political prisoners
-less than 1% are actually prisoners
Fourth Wave Cuban Immigrants
-cuban economy shrinks 40%
-this time, Cubans come over in rafts
~these are called Balseros
-Cold war ends in 1991, Cuba's ally the Soviet Union falls
-lower class/no money
-US government no longer giving money to help them
-race works against them
Freedom Tower
~processing tower for Cuban immigrants
~not anymore, but it's still there
US-Cuban Immigration Agreement of 1994
~America will stop promoting itself for Cubans if you patrol your borders better
~20,000 visas a year for Cubans
~claim to have a lottery system to come to the US
"wet feet, dry feet"
~if the Cuban immigrant makes it to the US and touches land, they can stay
~if not and the Coast Guard gets to you first, you go back to Cuba
Cuban-Americans Today
-Elian Gonzalez
-most in Little Havana in Miami
-politics: very conservative
~only republican voting block
-institutional Catholics
-do well economically