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56 Cards in this Set

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First line therapy for osteoarthritis
What is not an MOA of Acetaminophen?
max daily dose Acetaminophen
moderate to severe OA knee pain
glucocorticoids/ hyaluronic acid injections
non-biologic DMARDS
MTX, leflunomide, hydroxychloroquine, sulfasalazine
1st line for active RA
1st line for early/mild RA
Hydroxychloroquine, sulfasalazine
dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor (DNA synthesis inhibitor)
how often is MTX dosed?
SC/IM Q week
Myelosuppression, hepatotoxicity
What labs need to be checked with MTX?
CBC, SCr, LFT; liver biopsy after 3.5-4g, then every 1.5 g after
What patient populations should not use MTX?
Pregnancy cat x
hepatic insufficiency
What needs to be given with MTX?
folic acid (1mg/day)
MTX drug interactions
NSAIDS --> increase MTX
Theophyline --> increase THEO
Bactrim/septra --> Increased myelosuppression risk
Leflunomide MOA
Pyrimidine synthesis inhibitor (inhibits T cell activity)
Leflunomide ADE
diarrhea, immunosuppression, hepatotoxicity
What labs should be checked with leflunomide?
CBC, SCr, LFT (Q6mo)
What pt populations should not use leflunomide?
What is Cholestryamine?
Overdose antidote for Leflunomide
Leflunomide dosing
???LD: 100mg PO qd x3
Then: 10-20mg PO qd
What should be checked prior to hydroxychloroquine initiation?
baseline opthalmic exam - drug causes retinal damage
Sulfasalazine MOA
prostaglandin inhibition
Sulfasalazine should be avoided for?
pts with known sulfa allergy
What labs need to be checked with sulfasalazine use?
CBC q 2-4wks x3mo; then q3mo.
TNF alfa inhibitors?
Infliximab, adalimumab, etanercept, certolizumab pegol, golimumab
what TNFa inhibitor cannot be used as mono tx? why?
Infliximab; 25% mouse, causes Ab rxn - leads to less efficacy of med
infliximab dosing
3-10mg/kg IV q 8wks
What test should be done before using ANY TNFa inhibitor? why?
PPD TB test; all TNFa inhibitors cause reactivation TB
ADE of TNFa Inhibitors
TB, HA, liver tox, other infx (meningitis), CA such as lymphoma
Adalimumab dosing
40mg SC every other week
Etanercept dosing
25mg SC twice weekly or 50mg weekly
Certolizumab pegol onset
certolizumab pegol dosing
400mg SC Q 2wks x 3 --> then 200 Q 2wks or 400 Q month.
Golimumab onset
2-6 days!
golimumab dosing
50mg SC Q month
why can't you use a TNFa and IL agent together to treat RA?
makes pt too immunocompromised --> kills them
When is it appropriate to use a biologic (TNFa or IL) agent in RA?
when pt has failed MTX and 1 or 2 other DMARDs.
For what condition is it appropriate to begin immediate therapy with biologic agents?
Ankylosing spondylitis
IL inhibitors?
Anakinra (IL 1)
Ustekinumab (IL 12, 23)
Tocilizumab (IL 6)
Why is Tocilizumab not widely used?
anaphylaxis rxn
Anakinra place in therapy?
mono tx or in combination with MTX or ORAL DMARDS
Anakinra dosing
100mg SC q day
Anakinra ADE
Neutropenia and severe infx
NO TB reactivation!!
Ustekinumab place in therapy
plaque psoriasis
Ustekinumab dosing?
weight based SQ at 0 and 4 wks; then every 12 weeks
labs needed for Ustekinumab
Abatacept MOA
selective co-stim modulation (prevents full T-cell activation)
Abatacept dosing
weight based IV Q 2wks x3; then q 28 days after
Abatacept labs?
can you combine abatacept with other biologic agents?
Rituximab MOA
chimeric monoclonal Ab --> targets CD20 B lymphocytes
Rituximab place in therapy
effective for RA refractory to TNFa agents (may be in combo with MTX)
CA also
Tofacitinib MOA
JAK inhibitor
Tofacitinib dosing
5mg PO BID
Tofacitinib ADE
hypotension, HA
what should be done if RA remission is obtained?
taper drugs