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132 Cards in this Set

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abnormally high amounts of IgE antibodies
thick mucus production
albuterol bronchodilator
beta 2 adrenergic agonist
mag sulfate
bronchodilation in acute asthma
What are the risk factors of PE
venous inj, smoking, clotting
peripheral diabetes
failure of glucose transporter
Prereceptor diabetes
abnormal insulin receptor
What inhibits insulin release from the beta cells
What increases GLUT 4 transporters
What is a halmark of Diabetes insipidius
low urine specific gravity 1.001-1.01
Urine osmolality in Di
200mOsm/kg of water or less
What drugs can you use for DI?
vasopressing or DDAVP...acts on V2 receptors 10 mcg
What is Hemoglobin S
deoxygenated form, the hemoglobin binds to one another....leads to ischemia, pain and organ disfunction
What are treatments of Sickle cell?
bone marrow transplant...genetic counseling
hand off to T cell
What is the halmark of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria?
dark morning urine
What drug do you use in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
What EF does early onset diastolic heart failure have?
> 45%
actin is a
globular protein with a myosin binding site which when polymerized forms two twisted strands
tropomyosin runs along
the groove of the twisted actin strands and functions to block the myosin binding site
is a globular protein composed of complex of three subunits
Troponin C
binds Ca
when Ca is bound to troponin C, a conformational change occurs
which removes the tropomyosin inhibition of actin myosin interaction
cardiac action potential is initiated in the
myocardial cell membrane and the depolarization spreads to the interior of the cell via the T tubules
What are the steps of the cardiac action potential
1. Ca enters cell during plateau
2. Ca induced Ca release from SR
3. Ca binds to troponin C
4. Cross bridge cycling
5 Tension
Unique feature of the cardiac action potenital is its
Ca induced Ca released
inc in intracellular Ca concentration triggers the release or more Ca from stores in the sarcoplasmic reticulum through Ca release channels
Relaxation occurs when
Ca is reaccumulated in the sarcoplasmic reticulum by Ca ATPase
Contractility or inotropism is the
intrinsic ability of myocardial cells to develop force at a given muscle cell length
postitive inotropic
inc contractility
Contractility correlates directly with
intracellular Ca concentration
What is phospholamban
a protein that regulates Ca ATPase resulting in greater uptake and storage of Ca by the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Transverse T tubules carry
action potentials to the cell interior
heart muscle contracts via
sliding filament model and cross bridge cycling between myosin and actin
Increased Ca+ uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum will allow for
a faster relaxation and have a greater amount of storage for the next beat
circulating catecholamines released during sympathetic innervation increase
Inc peak tension
inc rate of tension development
faster rate of relaxation
sarcolemmal ca channels increase triggers
Ca current
phospholamban helps stimulate a greaters amount of
Ca stored in the SR
circulating acetylcholine during parasympathetic innvervation of the heart muscle decrease
contractility on the atria
acetylcholine decreases the
Ca current during the plateau phase of the action potential and
shortens the duration of the action potential
What is the staircase effect
heart rate inc then tension increases
increase in tension causes an inc in
the amount of calcium during plateau phase and that is stored in the SR until it is at max storage
Postextrasystolic potentiation
is an extra beat essentially with inc tension. very next beat less than normal tension but the next beat has more than normal tension
digoxin is a
cardiac glycoside
WHen is digoxin primarily used
during CHF to improve ventricular contractility
Digoxin has a
positive inotropic agent
inhibits Na-K ATPase pump which in turn inhibits the movement of Ca OUT OF THE CELL so if intracellular calcium inc and tension is diretly proportional to the amount of intracellular ca
Stimulation of PNS has a
negative inotropic effect on the atria
The neg inotropic effect is mediated via the
muscarinic receptors
caridac glycosides are a class of drugs that act as
positive inotropic agents
when the Na K ATPase is inhibited less Na is pumped out of the cell inc
intracellular Na concentration
What is the Frank Starling principle?
If preload is inc the ventricular fiber length is also inc, resulting in an inc tension of the muscle
CO is directly related to
preload (per FS law)

Greater stretch=greater contraction
Preload is the
left ventricular diastolic volume...resting length from which the muscle contracts
After load for the left ventricle is the
aortic pressure
Stroke volume is the
volume of blood ejected by the ventricle on each beat
EF is the
feaction of the end diastolic volume ejected in each stroke volume
cardiac output is the
total volume ejected by the ventricle
Stroke volume =
end diastrolic volume - end systolic volume
cardiac output =
stroke volume x HR
stroke volume/end diastolic volume
volume work is
cardiac output
pressure work is
aortic pressure
cardiac minute work
volume work +pressure work
pressure work uses more
oxygen than volume work
aortic stenosis does what
inc consumption (pressure work) r/t higher pressures to make it through plaque
fick principle equation
CO=O2 consumption/(O2 pulm vein)-(O2 pulm artery)
Total peripheral resistance
7 steps of cardiac cycle
1. atrial systole
2. Isovolumetric ventricular contraction
3. rapid ventricular ejection
4. reduced ventricular ejection
5. Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation
6. rapid ventricular filling
7. reduced ventricular filling *diastole*
cardiac and vascular function curves intersect when
venous return equals cardiac output---steady state
Un stressed
blood in veins.

Stressed = blood in arteries
a dec in TPR causes
clockwise rotation of the vascular function curve....for that give right atrial pressure venous return is INCREASED
a inc in TPR causes
counterclockwise rotation of the vascular fx curve. for a given right atrial pressure venous return is DECREASED
Pa or MAP =
The baroreceptor reflex keeps
arterial pressure constant by changes in the SNS and PNS
afferent info is integrated from CN
IX and X at the nucleus tractus sollitarius
Vasoconstrictor Center
Efferent neurons of SNS that hit target organs via the spinal cord and cause vasoconstriction in arteries and veins
Cardiac Accelerator Center
Efferent neurons of SNS that hit the heart via the spinal cord to increase heart rate by increasing firing of the SA node
Cardiac Decelerator Center
Efferent neurons of PNS that travel via CN X and decrease firing of SA node to decrease HR
microcirculation happens via
simple diffusion
Starling forces
states that fluid movement across a capillary wall is determined by
1. net pressure across the wall

hydrostatic +oncotic presssure
filtration is movement
out of the capillary
absorption is movement
into the capillary
hydraulic conductance
water permeability of the capillary wall
capillary hydrostatic pressure
favors filtration out of the capillary.
Highest at arteriolar capillary end and lowest at venous end
interstitial hydrostatic pressure
opposes filtration. should be zero
capillary oncotic pressure.
opposesfiltration. determined by protein concentration so inc in protein concentration causes a dec in filtration
interstitial oncotic pressure is determined by
interstiltial protein concentration so proteins are usually not in interstitial fluid so this value is low
myogenic hypothesis
vascular smooth muscle stretches it contracts. arterial pressure inc leads arteriole stretch and smooth muscle contraction and constriction
contracts to return the wall tension of the arterioles back to normal after being stretched
Active hyperemia
blood flow is proportional to its activity. if skeletal muscle is exercised it will get more flow
reactive hyperemia
inc in flow in reaction to a previous decrease. repaying oxygen debt from an occulsion
metabolic hypothesis
O2 delivery to a tissue can be matched to the oxygen consumption of the tissue by altering the resistance of the arterioles
hormonal control involves vasoactive substance:
histamine, bradykinin, serotonin, prostaglandins
histamine and bradykinin are
vasodilators that inc filtration out of the capillaries and produce local edema
serotonin is a
vasoconstrictor also released in response to blood vessel damage
Coronary blood flow
Controlled via local metabolites hypoxia and adenosine
cerebral blood flow control
Most important vasodilator is CO2
Exhibits autoregulation and reactive hyperemia
best way to control body heat
maintainng of body temp is controlled by
ANTERIOR hypothalamus
heat stroke
body temp inc to the point of tissue damage
malignant hyperthermia caused by
inhalation anethetics
Compensatory responses
Decrease in arterial pressure
Baroreceptor response
Renin-Angiotensin II-aldosterone response
Capillary response
ADH response
malignant hyperthermia is characterized by
massive inc in metabolic rate, o2 consumption and heat production
Cardiac glycosides block
Na+K+ ATPase pump and increase contractility or the pumping action. We use this in CHF patients and these are medications like digoxin.
C. Mechanisms in our body that help control pH are
a. Buffering of H+ in the ECF and ICF
b. Respiratory compensation
c. Renal compensation
most important extracellular buffer is
a. Two types of acid are produced
volatitle and fixed
Arterial pH is slightly alkalotic at
CO2 is a
volatile acid and is the byproduct of aerobic metabolism
together with water CO2 makes
carbonic acid via the enzyme carbonic hydrase
Proteins generate fixed acid in the form of sulfuric acid and phospholipids generate
fixed acid in the form of phosphoric acid
CO2 is called volatile because
it will be excreted by the lungs. the fixed acids will need to be buffered until the acids can be excretedy by the kidneys.
Fixed acids can also be as a result of
pathophysiological processes id DM, ASA OD, strenuous exercise
A buffered soln will only have a minimally changed pH if
the hydrogen concetration changes
acidemia stimulated chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies that produce
immediate inc in the ventilation rate
The most significant intracellular buffer is
HCO3 /CO2 is
the body's first line of defense when hydrogen is gained or lost in the body
inorganic phosphate
also serves as a buffer
To utilize ICF buffers in the acid/base disturbances,
H+ first must cross the cell membrane by
1. CO2 itself can cross the cell membranes... Co2 rapidly enters the cells, and the H it generates is buffered
2 way H can cross the cell membrane
H+ can enter or leave the cell with an organic anion such as lactate
3 way H can cross
H exchanges with K to preserve electroneutralitiy
In acidemia there is an excess of H in the blood. because more H is bound to plasma proteins,
less Ca is bound producing free Ca
in alkalemia, there is a deficit of H in the blood. because less H is bound to plasma proteins, more Ca is bound
producing a decrease in free Ca concentration
In respiratory alkalosis symptoms of
hypocalcemia occus....tingling, numbness and tetany
the pK of oxyhemoglovin is
6.7, which is in the range for effective physiologic buffering
First part of renal buffering
reabsorption of HCO3...an imortant ECF buffer so we dont want it to be Excreted in urine
Second part of renal buffering
excretion of H+ via a titratble acid or as NH4
The synthesis of new bicarbonate is also important in the ecretion of hydrogen because
it replenishes the stores that were used to buffer H+ in the first place
What part of the kidney reabsorbs most of the bicarbonate?
proximal tubule
Titratable acid is excreted as H+ with
urinary buffers throughout the nephron
the first mechanism for H+ secretion is
H ATPase, stimulated by aldosterone.