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54 Cards in this Set

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One way for thorax to expand

Vertically-superior inferior dimension

Not manipulated by bony portion, depends on diaphragm muscle

Primary muscle of inspiration


Forced expiration muscles

Internal intercostals and abdominal muscles


Broad, thin dome shaped muscle that separates lung from abdomen

Action of diaphragm

Pushes abdominal wall out, lifts lower ribs, increases rib cage volume

What happens when muscles around the diaphragm contract?

The thoracic cavity is altered in size and diaphragm contracts.

Where does diaphragm originate?

Xiphoid process and costal cartilages from ribs 7-12, lumbar vertebrae

Insertion of diaphragm

Medically to central tendon


Sheet like tendon, layers of flat broad tendon

Sterna portion of central tendon

From xiphoid process of sternum

Costal portion of central tendon

Costal area of the cartilages of the last 6 ribs

Vertebral portion of central tendon

Originated from upper lumbar vertebrae from corpus of L1-L4 and transverse process of L1

What do openings of diaphragm do?

Allow for descending aorta, esophagus, arteries, and inferior vena cava

Where are inspiration muscles located?

Neck and chest

Role of external and internal intercostals

Effect space between the ribs. Connect ribs to each other. Elect are the ribs at inferior attachment.

External intercostals origin

Between ribs, there are 11 pairs. Begins at inferior portion of the rib bone then connects to superior rib bone

Serratus posterior superior origin

Spinous process of c7-t3

Serratus posterior superior insertion

Ribs 2-5 on to the angle of the rib, then muscles will pull ribs upward

Costal elevators

Also called levator costarum because they elevate the costal area, 2 parts brevis and longis


Fibers come from transverse process of c7-t11 then insert at the dorsal aspect of the ribs


Originate from transverse process of t7-t10 and inserts at the dorsal aspect of the ribs


Accessory muscle of the neck

Elevation of sternum increases anterior and posterior thoracic cavity

Origin and insert of sternocleidomastoid

Origin: anterior surface of the manubrium and upper sternal ends of clavicle

Insertion: vertically up to the mastoid process of temporal bone


Name means uneven. Has 3 different parts: anterior, middle, and posterior. All originate from cervical vertebrae

Anterior fibers of scalenes

Originate from transverse process c3-c6 and insert to rib 1

Middle fibers of scalenes

Originate from transverse process of c2-c7 and insert at rib 1

Posterior fibers of scalenes

Originate from transverse process of c5-c7 and insert to rib 2

Normal (quiet) breathing is....

A passive process. No muscular contraction is involved. Dependent on elasticity of the lungs, allowing them to naturally return to their original position

Forced expiration is....

Active, needs muscular contraction. Happens in higher levels of inhalation

Interchondral portion of internal intercostals works in....


Interosseous portion of internal intercostals

Differentiates from the cartilage that connects the sternum and the bony part of the ribs. Expiratory function

Anterior posterior dimension in forced exporation

Pulls down on ribs in the back and inside of the thoracic cavity

Superior inferior dimension in forced expiration

All abdominal muscles pull down the thoracic cavity to decrease the thoracic portion of the body

Role of transverse thoracic and serratus posterior inferior

Work opposite serratus posterior superior muscle

Transverse thoracis origin and insertion

Origin at inner body of the sternum

Insertion at interchondral area of ribs 2-6 laterally

Subcostal portion of thoracic wall

Origin at angle of the ribs and inserts below second or third rib

Posterior portion of thoracic wall

Near the spinal cord

Serratus posterior inferior origin and inseritonn

Origin from spinous process of t11 and t12 and l1-l3

Insert to lower margin of ribs 7-12

Serratus posterior inferior origin and inseritonn

Origin from spinous process of t11 and t12 and l1-l3

Insert to lower margin of ribs 7-12

Function of serratus posterior inferior

To pull down the back portion of the ribs

Boundaries of the abdomen

Bounded below the diaphragm and above the pelvis. Form a wall anteriorly between pelvis and lower rib cage

Why are boundaries of the abdomen important?

Attach to Skelton and other structures through abdominal apeneurosis, where all muscles from abdomen are attached together

Function of anterolateral abdominal group

Anchors lower ribs to resist forces of diaphragm

Quadratus lumborum

Part of posterior abdominal group. Quadrilateral shape and flat sheet at dorsal aspect of adbokinal walls

Quadratus lumborum origin and insertion

Origin: iliac crest

Insertion: transverse process of l1-l4 and the lowest ribs

Two portions of abdominal apeneurosis

Linea alba-middle portion

Linea semilunaris-lateral portion

Lumbodorsal fascia

Two layer sheet on lower portion of the vertebral column

Role of apeneurosis for muscle fibers

Muscle fibers insert into apeneurosis, which splits to the bones of the pelvic girdle, vertebral column, sternum and ribs

4 muscles that attach to the iliac crest of pelvic girdle

External oblique

Internal oblique

Transverse abdominis

Text us abdominis

External oblique

Wraps around torso and inserts at ribs 5-12 in posterior portion to abdominal apeneurosis then to iliac crest

Strongest and largest abdominal muscle and most superficial

Role of external oblique

Compress abdominal contents and bend and rotate torso

Internal oblique muscle

Deep to external oblique and works with it. Comes from iliac crest and inserts to apeneurosis and cartilage of ribs 8/9 to 12

Rectus abdominis

Begins at pubic symphysis and inserts at xiphoid process and rib area 5-7

Transverse abdominis

Very deep. Arises from iliac crest then lumbodorsal fascia and inserts deep inside of apeneurosis