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29 Cards in this Set

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What is important after discussing the braided consent of contraception?
Documentation that the client understands
This estrogen ___pharmacologicially active
Ethinyl Estradiol
___must be converted into EE by the liver before it is pharmacologically active
Levonorgestrel is considered what hormone classification?
A Gonanes
Norethindrone acetate is considered what hormone classification?
An estrane
Smoking can cause what type of effects?
What is a common disease process that can cause Cervicitis?
More BTB is seen what what dose of hormone therapy and what class of hormone, the Estranes or Gonanes?
Primary mechanism of action for combined oral contraceptives is the inhibition of
If starting on the first day of the next menstrual period or immediately after an abortion or miscarriage is back up necessary?
With the Quickstart method, the first pill is given at that office or clinic visit if:
it is reasonably certain she is not pregnant, or she has been using either hormonal or non-hormonal contraception correctly and consistently.
For postpartum women, combination oral contraceptives should be started after ___
3 weeks to allow the hypercoaguable state of pregnancy to abate.
Women who are relying on breastfeeding exclusively, may want to use a progestin-only method for the first ___ because why?
six months since estrogen may decrease milk production.
The transdermal patch contains what 2 hormones?
Ethinyl estradiol + norelgestromin
What site should you avoid placing the transdermal patch?
On the breast
The copper IUD can be placed post-placentally or within the first ___
48 hours postpartum.
Estrogen-containing contraceptives may be prescribed for non-lactating women to start ___ weeks.
3 weeks postpartum.
Plan B is associated with an 89% reduction in the pregnancy rate if taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected sex, but is still effective up to ___
120 hours
Although Plan B consist of 2 pills being taken, can you take both pills at the same time, and does it cause more nausea?
yes can be taken together, and it does not cause increase nausea
A 19 year-old recently received Depo-ProveraTM and is concerned about bleeding. Should she expect a bleeding change?
Yes, irregular bleeding is a common occurance initially starting injection.
What is the statistical percentage of amenorrhea with the use of the Depo Provera injection? 1st year? and 5 Years?
Amenorrhea is normal: 50% at 1 year, 80% at 5 years
What is the disadvantage of Mirena and many other birth control methods?
Menstrual Irregularity
What are the similarities between the cervical cap and diaphragm?
they both can be inserted 6 hours before sex, both need to be in place for 6 hours after
What is a difference between the cap and diaphragm?
The cap can stay in for 48 hours, and the diaphragm for 24hr
Is spotting that occurs in the first 56 days postpartum considered menses.
Homogenous, white , noninflammatory discharge that coats the vaginal walls
Presence of Clue cells on microscopic exam
pH of vaginal fluid>4.5
Fishy odor of vaginal discharge before or after KOH is suggestive of?
Bacterial Vaginosis
Metronidizole 500 mg po BID for 7 days
Metrondiazole gel 0,75%, one applicator full per vaginal, qd for 5 days
Clindamycin cream 2%, one applicator per vagina hs for 7 days is the treatment for?
Diffuse, malodorous, yellow-green discharge
Vulvar Irritation
pH >4.5
Wet prep = trichomonads in saline
Vaginal cultures is suggestive of?
What is the treatment for trichomonas?
Tx Metronidazole 2 gm po or 500 mg BID for 7 days and treat partner