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10 Cards in this Set

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What do successful relationship builders rely on

The well timed, well structured and appropriate question

What question to ask to broaden thinking

Give me an example...

What exactly are you saying about this...

Tell me how you know this...

What questions challenge views

So, put another way it could be...

How does that seem to you...

If you compared it to...., how would that be?

Let's explore the difference between ... and ...

Questions to probe about yet unquestioned values, beliefs and assumptions about an issue

What are you assuming that makes you think that way...

What would happen if...

How can you back up this assumption...

Questions to explore rationale and reasoning; encourage deeper thinking and understanding for both parties

What makes you so sure about this...

What causes you to think this way...

What evidence do you have to back up your case

How can I be certain of what you are saying...

What questions can be asked to consider the future and implication of their suggestions

What might be the consequences of this approach...

What are the implications of going in this direction...

How might htis work out in the longer term...

What do questions help achieve

- ascertain facts and positions

- indicate interest in others and get buy in

- help you get useful information to share

- they involve others

- enable views and perspective on issues

- enable probing of underlying feelings and thoughts

What are examples of probing questions

Say a little more...

Help me understand by giving me another example...

What's your reasoning on this...

How do you feel about this...

Examples of clarification questions

So, let me just summarise what I think you are saying...

Can I just clarify...

Are you suggesting...

I'd like to make sure I fully understand...

What I think you are getting at is...

What is the basic function of the socratic technique of questioning

Challenging and expanding thinking

Delve deeper into thoughts, views, values, beliefs, rationale, reasoing assumptoins and implications or outcomes