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188 Cards in this Set

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child safety

dont over protect. keep the guns and ammo in different lockers

dislodged trach tube

extend the clients neck

ileostomy stoma

area should be cleaned with warm water and dried. DONT GIVE LAXATIVE to a stoma patient and avoid enteric coated medications

post antiobiotics

client may develop c diff after antibiotics, place on contact precautions.


take with low protein diet

urine sample

into sterile container not clean


no meat or poultry given at the same time as dairy

hemovac drain

similar to jackson pratt. surgical drain

note: nurse should never ever change the md dose

bilateral yellow exudate

colustrium. is a normal finding

moderate facial edema

facial edema during pregnancy indicates pre ecclampsia

muscle spasms during traction

if spasms increase, patient is recieving too much traction


assess oxygen first before looking for signs of overdose


v tach - lidocaine

v fib - shock

asystole - compressions

client depressed or chemo not eating

ask what your favorite foods/ here and now. normal daily intake falls under long term assessment

nclex and abuse

need to report signs of abuse . don't make assessment yourself, use the chain of command. note in scope of practice?

crushing headache

could be a migraine. assess a burn to the face first because it could involve and airway problem, especially if the client RR is out of range

stroke patient

at risk for aspiration or respiratory assess. ALWAYS ASSESS AIRWAY. potential vs actual always

chicken pox

isolate for 6 days

observed nurse using drug

dont confront the observed nurse, this is confrotational. report directly to the supervisor

irregular periods

normal for the first 2 years


librium is a benzooo. given to help with withdrawal. lpn can stay with agressive client

different from antabuse or disulfram which makes it impossible for the client to drink. not given until 12 hrs after the client had the last drink.

dumping syndrome and pernicous anemia

can occur. client gets vitamin b 12 shots once a month

metform before invasive procedure

hold for 48 hours

lumbar laminectomy

like a lumbar punture, client has to lay flat.

risk of hyponatremia

neurological depression with risk of seizure. takes priority over fluid retention. fluid retention is a potential problem, hyponatremia is an actual problem.

normal spoken voice

normal voice is a good indicator of the ability for the client to talk. a client will able to swallow before they can talk, therefore talking is a better indication of a patent airway. also children that are able to cry.

do you have chest pain

always the answer. nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, contra indicated in client with circulation problems

trach cuff pressure

should be below 20. cuff is there to prevent aspiration

alzheimers patient

needs to be stimulated, dont put down a hallway and leave them. upper respiratory is contact, semi private room

ace inhibitor and cough

dry non productive cough seen with ace inhibitors only


is tegretol. anti seizure, tetragenic to infant

normal ALT and AST

10 - 20

psych patient election

can vote from hospital by absentee ballet. who cares tho

inactivated polio vaccine IPV

can be given to hiv patient

PN therapy

vitals every 4 hours, has a high level of glucose. its important to take sugar levels with PN nutrition


has 4 stages involved. primary concern is safe sex

infant vitals

take the RR while they are still sleeping

placenta previa

must deliver c section, do not deliever a previa vaginally

PTSD client

place them in a support group first before allowing them to densistise

braxton hicks

occur before 38 weeks and are normal. hot flashes and chills arent normal

sterile gauze with jelly


psychotic patient

treat in ascending order. all try the less invasive first.

apnea monitor

doesnt have to watched at all times

head injury

assess every 3-4 hrs

jackson pratt

attach to the clients cloth, not the bed

bulge test

indicates prescence of fluid in the knee. client should lay lay and extend knee


RYE, WHEATS, OATS AND BARLEY. apperantly no carrot or celery

stool specimen

collected over period of 3 days. 3 stools in 3 days


patient must remove a nitro patch

renal failure

usually caused by hypovolemia

which observation is most important to report to the next shift


first trimest

white vaginal discharge is expected


WBC AND RBCS are expected

hepatitic encephalopathy

difficulty describing what they do, diffficult sleeping, writing changes

sensitive breast

cold pack and tight bra

imaginary friend

normal for a 4-6 year, allow client to play. explaining the friend will increase anxiety


elevated hematocrit is normal . pH below 5 isnt normal

psych patient

rules change. set limits, can say that i feel uncomfortanle.

burns and pain

must give narcotics, but when they experience the expected side effects its time to explore alternative routes of administration


excessive thirst and weight loss

daily weights

normal for over hydration, not necc in fluid volume deficit.

bottle feed

different from breast feed. use cold packs, well fitting bra, can use tylenol po, be patient. do not massage the breast or milk with pump


pushing should be discouraged until the 2nd phase of labor. during transition phase of labor, use pursed lip breathing.

kaposi sarcoma lesions

appear purple or brown and are open areas on the arms and back, upper. should clean with soap and water and then leave them uncovered


nothing can be done, except pap smear in 6 months?

after vaginal delivery

check the lochia flow immediatly, takes priorty.

cleft lip in an infant

position the client on ONE side. dont suction and dont elevate the head of the bed


place the client in low fowlers position with the affected arm elevated. AFFECTED ARM MUST BE ELEVATED

hep a child

can return to school right away.


low sodium.

chief complaint

reported in the clients own words



weight gain

2-5 pounds per week first trimester, 1 pound a week after


give a hypotonic solution, not an isotonic.

sagenmore blake tube

used for esphogeal varices. if the client is having trouble breathing, remove the tube first. always have sissors by the bed.


flexing muscles are stronger than extrensor muscles, thts why paralysed patients get flexures.

nasogastric tube

hissing sound means the pump is funtioning

DI following craniotomy

will need to take replacemtn hormones for life.

normal cvp

3 - 12

heat in cast

a sign of pressure .

withdrawn cancer patient in pain

give pain meds first . makes it easier for them to talk


leads to high calcium levels. highest priority for the patient is assessing for kidney stones, done by looking for hematuria.

pain and incentive spirometer

when a patients pain decreases, there use of the incentive spirometer will improve.

ms patient

ambulate as tolerated, avoid heat and cold, include strength and stretch excercise, participate in social activites.

neccessary activites of ADL

comb hair, brush teeth and eat.

thumb sucking

is normal until 18-20 months of age. will subside after 24 mnths.

elevated pulse in alcohol

elevated pulse is an indication of worsening alcohol withdrawal

thin white sputum

means pneumonia is getting better

assessment of newborn

edema scalp is normal initially, circumoral cyanosis is the oral cavity and not normal,

fat on burn

increased risk of infection. can wash with soap and water to remove

internal radiation

3 hrs a day, must roate staff, dont need lead apron for all care just limit time,

frequent swolling in tonsilectomy

can indicate hemmorage. ok to check rr q1hr for thyroidecomy

prenatal vitamins

take with orange juice at bedtime

ostomy bag

change once a week

lost central line

lower the head of the bed and place on the left side


give lofenalac

new hip replacement

needs home care assessment


duty to act, breach of duty, causation and injury

bowel obstruction

semi fowlers, immediate surgery

postural drainage

positioning the patient so that mucus is expelled

thick yellow mucus

indicative of pneumonia. look out for in a client that has cystic fibrosis

psych patient

indicate the wrong action and tell them how to fix it


right upper abdominal pain is expected. if the client experiences jaundice it is a bad sign


need calcium and vitamin D equally. encourage weight bearing excercises


sustained contractions can lead to rupture of the uterus. no longer than 90 seconds

meds and confused

even the elderly confused client has the right to have their meds checked again

inseruton of a subclavian cather

patient should lay supine with head looking away

i think i have an ulcer

do you have mid epigastric pain

palpate the abdomen

have the client breathe slowly to relax the abdomen

full liquid

orange juice is considered a full liquid, apple juice isnt

patient with hyper emesis

NPO to rest the stomach, start an iv, need input and output every 4 hrs, need to check weight and put them on bed rest.

h flu menigitis

need antiobiotics and isolation for 24 hrs after they are started

kidney stones

drink alot of water, eat diet low in sodium to keep water, limit coffee

visiting hours

a nurse is a patient advocate and can adjust the visitng hours

4 year old

cant write a letter yet

normal ammonia levels

15 - 45


should be taken with food because it upsets the stomach


anti cancer, will cause alopecia.

hip fracture

can cause a fat embolism.

right adrenalectomy

client can go into shock . monitor for blood pressure alterations

young children in the family

involve in the plan of care. give a reason and a soultuon for care of the family

dissociative disorder

client is suffering from a major levels of anxiety

dtap and fever of 103

do not give to the client

adult tubing

15 drops/ min

h2 blockers

taken 1 hr before meals


must be given with vit c or negligence

psych patients

maintain civil rights. can vote and mail letters to whomever they want

turp w/ cbi

should not leave the bed


changes libido, increase sry eyes, should stop smoking

comfortable come off alcohol

chloroepoxide aka librium . a benzo

htn and temp

a htn client is usually 1 degree lower in temp

pregnant women

can excercise normally but should rest

arm red and warm

infection , stop. if extravasation then give cold?

perotoneal dialysis

turn client side to side before checking for kinks in the tubing?

complete heart block

dont give lidocaine


warm moist packs are correct, stockings on both legs, once heparin therapy is started they should be encouraged to ambulate.

vitamin k

easy bruising. check after using the blood pressure cuff.

normal urine

30 ml / hour is expected


can not make cold. drink up to 4 liters of water


caused by strep. can cause periorbital edema


client can not have seeds

peritoneal dialsis

semi fowlers


ok to fall over own feet. should have increased sweat due to hormone production

fetal heartbeat

can be heard aroudn 12 weeks. definite sign of pregnancy.

radium inplant

every 8 hours, low residue diet, strict bed rest, high fluids with radium, take anti nausea


do not forcefully restrain the client unless they are actively a threat.

heparin and new mother

can breastfeed a baby while the mother is on heparin

manic phase

will not sit down to eat. provide with only healthy finger foods.

psych patient

safe enviroment first before assessing the patient

annoying elderly client

may feel vulnerable. interact at reg intervals

onset of labor

decreased fetal movement, feel gush of fluid, bloody show, low back ache, contrational are normal even but not always


monitor blood glucose, q6hr. check electryolytes several times a weeek

Non stress test

is a presumptive emasure, not done with oxytocin. tell the doctor.

pregnancy and analgesic

can not be given during transition phase of labor or active labor

heptatitis b and liver

can affect pt and ptt. should check before the client goes to surgery


assess for swallow reflex before given ice chips, even if ordered

cytomegaly virus

standard precautions

mechanical ventialtion

needs someone there with them to care for it


liver toxic. dont give to patient with impaire dliver.

dishcarge home

who is going to help you when you get home takes priority over sleeping and weight. think right now


can work aslong as lesions are covered. avoid preggo and immunocompromised

bucks traction


harrington rod

must monitor respiratory status for 48 hrs. asesss bowel and urinary also. take 10 deep breathes every 2 hrs.


normal to feel flushed and will need a complete bowel prep. no desire to cough

intubation equipment

place the blade in a bag and give gas sterilization


with vit c, not antacids, stools normally turn black


knee chest position


bedrest 24 hrs 30 degress, fluids needs before and after test. fluids are most important to flush dye.


steriods cause fluid retention, steriods taken in the morning

mag sulfate

decreased urine can lead to toxicity, if blood pressure goes up dont have enough magnesium.


pulse should never be below the set rate on the pace maker


urine will not turn burn. see periphral neuropathy and alterated liver funtion

viral pink eye

highly contagious. out of school for 3 - 10 days.

muscle weakness and lethargy


adult htn

2 readings 5 minutes apart

sigmoid colostomy

irrigate once a day. can go without a patch


gi bleeding


do not give to a patient who is pregnant. assess when the last period was.

gas pain

ambulate frequent, position on right side, give laxative suppository.

water in ear

cold water can cause dizziness, should warm the solution.


affects adh, affect urine output. must monitor.


count qrs in a 6 second strip and multiply by 10

soapsuds enema

allowed to be 105, insert 3-4 inches, irritation held 8-12 inches above rectum.

pleurevac comes out

place in sterile saline

tylenol overdose

charcoal within 2 hrs, need abg's, acdosis and the temp.


should be under 200. f over 250, needs meds.

descrbes feelings to the nurse

trusting behaviors!

extrusion reflex

disapears at 3-4 months,