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34 Cards in this Set

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Who is John Mearsheimer and how does he relate to POLS 110?

-proposed the theory of offensive realism

-the interaction between great powers dominated by a rational desire to achieve hegemony

-Predicts China will conflict with US

-wrote "Back to the Future"

Who wrote "Back to the future"?

John Mearsheimer

What are the three levels of analysis?

1st: The Individual

2nd: States and Societies

3rd: Structure of the System (The world)

What are the three types of theorists?

Explanatory, Normative, Taxonomical

Describe an explanatory theorist

connect causes (indépendant variables) and effects (dependant variables)

Ask What happened

Describe a normative theorist

Ask if it was good that it happened (should it have happened?)

Describe a taxonomical theorist

Try to determine how it happened

What are the two laws of war?

Jus as bellum: the legal means of war and right to war (self defence or authorization for the UN)

Jus ad bello: Laws of war, how to conduct yourself while fighting and how to treat POW

Who is Woodrow Wilson and how does her relate to POLS?

-Liberal US president

-Helped create the League of Nations

-Believed collective security was the best way to run IR

Explain the Power Transition Theory

-Created by Robert Gilpin

- bipolarity is dangerous

-conflict occurs between two states when they become too close in power

What is Geopolitics?

-Approach to politics that emphasizes the impact geography has on power/politics

-Climate, Configuration, Access

What is the Trubowitz thesis?

Materials are the key to understanding US policy and you need to get a dominant coalition

Describe the Balance of Power

Automatic: countries keep each other in check without guidance, they have level of awareness that it is in the best interests that no country gets too much power

Semi-Automatic: System functions with one country that needs to be alert and jump in if another country gains too much power

Manual: States are interested in maximizing their security and need to be attentive to other countries and work to keep the balance of power (most accurate metaphor)

Which collective method embraces the balance of power and which method was created to do away with the balance of power?

Collective security: do away

Collective defence: embrace

What is ethic nationalism?

nation defined in terms of ethnicity; sharing a heritage, ancestry, language, faith

What is the MAIN thesis and what does it stand for?

-looking at the origins to WWI

M: millenarianism

A: alliances

I: imperialism

N: nationalism

What is the power equation?

Pp= (C+E+M) x (S+W)

Pp: perceived power C: critical mass

E: economic capacity M: military capability

S: strategic revision W: political will & implementations

What kind of organization is NATO?

collective defence

Explain Claire Short and her connection to POLS

-Security sector reform

-turn other military (like soviets) into functioning like western ones

-Let the citizens run the military

What were the 3 countries invited to join NATO at the Madrid summit and what were the other 3 countries that were going to be invited later?

Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary

Slovenia, Slovakia, and Romania

What did NATO promote?

Zone of peace and liberal democracy

What is the difference between a state and a nation?

State: sovereign, self-governing political entity with a permanent population, borders and on official government

Nation: group of people bound by a common language, culture, religion, history, or ethnicity

Sovereignty is what?

the authority if a state to self govern itself and protect its own citizens

How many countries have nukes?

How many of these are in NATO?

9 countries with nuclear weapons. 3 of these are in NATO (France, US, and UK)

List the 5 countries in NATO in which the US is holding nuclear weapons in

Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, Germany

What is populism?

politician or political party that claims to represent the common people. tend to fight against institutions or governments. Believe in illiberal democracy

Explain Toqueville and his connection to POLS

- wrote Democracy in America

- Predicted the US-SU tension due to their similar interests and conflicting power

Paul Kennedy wrote which book?

The Rise and Decline of Nations

-predicted Japan to be the next superpower

Fareed Zakaria wrote which book?

Post American World

-predicted the rise of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South America)

What are the 2 theories for the cause of WWI?

German paradigm: Britain-Germany rivalry. German expansion, Germany is to blame.

Balkans inception: war was caused out of tension. Instability in the Balkans wasn't n=managed properly and turned smaller wars into a big war

What are the two types of power?

Hard Power and Power as an Influence

Who is Kenneth Waltz?

-wrote "The Man, The State, and War"

-the three levels of analysis

Briefly explain the levels of looking at sovereignty

Domestic: when government excersizes its control over its people

International: everyone has legal equality and countries of big power cannot infringe on other countries sovereignty

What is hegemony?

dominance by one country over others