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51 Cards in this Set

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1-dimensional Schrodinger Equation?

Ĥψ = Eψ

Ĥ = -ħ²/2m.d²/dx² + V(x)

How do we interpret a wavefunction?

interpret as telling us the probability of the particle(s) being at that point in space: the square modulus of the wavefunction is proportional to the probability density

solutions to the Schrodinger equation

corresponding energies E to solutions to the schrodinger equation
for this course what do we need to work out the Hamiltionian for a system?
The kinetic energy operator, potential energy as a function of the coordinates
1 dimension operators?

3 dimensions operators?

What are postulates?

basis of phisical laws that are not obvious in themselves, but when followed through describe nature as we observed it (with some approximations)
Postulates of Quantum mechanics?

1)The state of a system is fully described by its wavefunction

2)Each observable quantity (energy, position, momuntum, etc) is represented by an operator

3)if ψ is an eigen function of the operator for an observable, an attempt to measure the quantity will always give the corresponding eigenvalue, if it is not an eigenfunction then successive attempts to measure the quantity will give a random one of the eigenvalues

expectation value of an operator?

probability of observing eigenvalue an? and if
ψ = ψn


ψ = ψn

= ∫ψ*A(hat)ψ dτ

=>A(hat)ψn = anψn

Operator addition?

When are two operators equal?

when they have the same effect on any possible operand

d/dx exp(x²) = 2x exp(x²)

but d/dx ≠ 2x because the operators would give different results on other functions


[B,A] compared to [A,B]

[B,A] = -[A,B]

therefore if [A,B] = 0, [A,B]=[B,A] therefore the two operators commute

Linear operators?

all operators encountered in QM are linear

A is linear if A(c₁f₁+c₂f₂)=c₁Af₁+c₂Af₂

=>if Af=af

=>A(cf) = cAf = caf= a(cf)

=>any constant times f is also an eigenfunction with the same eigenvalue a


Eigenfunctions that differ only by a constant factor describe the same state so we choose a multiplying factor that makes manipulation as easy as possible: we normalise it

∫ψ*ψdτ = ∫|ψ²|dτ = 1

allowing us to treat ψ² as a probability densitiy

How to normalise?

Harmonic Oscillator?

Classically forbidden?
wavefunctions can tunnel into region where V(x) > E which is not allowed in classical mechanics
Removing centre of mass motion?

for a vibrating diatomic molecule with two atoms of mass m₁ and m₂

-Translational motion of the molecule with mass

M= m₁+m₂

-Vibrational motion of the nuclei as a single particle with reduced mass µ = (m₁m₂)/(m₁+m₂)

kinetic energy operator T(hat) = -h(bar)²/2µ d²/dx²

guessed functional form of harmonic oscillator?

solve for the guessed functional form?

Reduced units?

raising operator?

need operator such that [H,A] = A

[H,A] = HA -AH

consider H(Aψ) = (AH+[H,A])ψ = AHψ + Aψ

=AEψ+Aψ = (E+1)(Aψ)

A = raising operator - allows us to generate a new eigenfunction of H with a larger eigenvalue

General energy level expression for harmonic osciator?

Exactly soluble problems in QM?

Approximate mechods in QM?

Basis set?

functions that we know before we start, chosen on physical grounds to give the flexibility we think is needed

Kronecker delta notation?

Dirac notation?


imply integration over all space and spin coordinates <m|n> is the overlap integral

-If we write a state vector |n>, we imply that it is normalised

expectation value?

is the average value of a quantum-mechanical observable

<n|Ahat|n> abbreviated to <Ahat>n

Hermitian operators?

opertator for which <m|Ahat|n> = <n|Ahat|m>*

=>swapping over the two functions merely changes a matrix into its own complex conjugate

=> operators corresponding to observable quantities (including the Hamiltonian) are always Hermitian

Two important properties of Hermitian operators?

Their eignevalues are real

Eigenfunctions corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal

Variation principle?

The expectation value of the Hamiltonian calculated using an approximate wavefunction is always greater than or equal to the true ground state energy of the system
linear variatinoal method?

write the trial wavefunction as a linear combination of basis functions, and seek of coefficients that minimize expectation value of H(hat)
Functional variation approach?

trial wavefunction is written with parameters and the parameters are varied to find the lowest and best energy
Heisenberg Uncertainty principle?
∆A∆B ≥ ½|<[Ahat,Bhat]>|
Conserved quantities?

commute with the Hamiltonian

-Orbital angular momentum (sometimes)

-spin angular momentum (often)

-Total angular momentum (always)

use these to define quantum numbers

magnitude of orbital angular momenum?

Symmetric and antisymmetric spin functions?
represent triplet and singlet states respectively
Pauli principle?

total wavefunction of a 2 eletron system is a product of its spatial and spin parts

-the total wavefunction is always antisymmetric with respect to exchange of identical fermions and symmetric with respect to exchange of identical bosons


Electrons and other particles with half-integer spins such as odd-mass nuclei


photons and other particles with integer spins such as even spins are bosons
what space functions must a singlet spin function be paired with?

singlet = antisymmetric

space = symmetric

Hunds first rule?

when two atomic or molecular states arise from the same electron configuration, the one with higher spin multiplicity is lower in energy

explain Hunds first rule?

since there is a coulomb repulsion between electrons, keeping them apart lowers the energy

conversely, two electrons with spins paired tend to pile together raising the energy

Component of l in z direction?

hbar ml
number of values of ml

for each l there are 2l +1 allowed values of ml

0, ±1,±2...±l