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63 Cards in this Set

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What is research as a way of life?

- confronts question s

knowledge is a product of social process

-research contributes to knowledges and answer our question

- research as a way of life, a way of knowing

What is social science research

- a particular way of obtaining information about the social world

- the systematic and empirical exploration of human social life

what is research is social science

each social science discipline focuses on particular aspect of human life

- they develop their own theories to explain human life

- each may use certain research methods more than the other

What is a social researcher

reserchers combine a set of principles, outlooks and ideas with a collection of specific practices, techniques and strategies

What are the goals of social science research

- objectivity

-empirical verification

- building on existing knowledge or deliver knew knowledge

- share knowledge ( communication and transparency), other people can reexamine and reverify this information

scientific and non-scientific knowledge

how else do we acquire knowledge

1. Authority ( what is the actual knowledge that this person has on the subject)

2. Tradition

3. Common sense

4. Media myths ( it is on tv it must be real)

5. Personal experience

What are the common errors

1. Overgeneralization

2. Selective observation

3. Premature closing ( assuming something about someone based on their appearance)

4. Halo effect ( everyone says something is true, thus it must be true)

What are the rigorous guidelines in the scientific method

- idea


- techniques

- approaches

- objectivities

What are the attitudes in the scientific method

- professionalism

- ethical integrity


- rigorous standards

-diligance (careful for what we put out their)

What are the 8 characteristics of formal social science research

1. Start with a question or a problem

2. Requires a clear goal

3. Needs a specific plan

4. Devide a large question into easier to manage sub questions

5. Guided by specific research question

6. Accepts certain assumptions,

7. Requires collection and interpretation of data to answer the question

8. Be sceptical

What is the research process

1. Identify a general research question

2. Conduct a Literature review

3. Establish the theoretical framework

4. Identify the specific research question or hypothesis

5. Design of the research project

6. Collect the data

7. Analyze the data

8. Interpret the data

9. Report the rusts

What are the use of research: academic social research

- advance fundamental knowledge about the social world. Focus on the testing theories that explain:

how the social world operates

what makes this happen

why social relations are a certain way

why specify changes

Whata re th use of research: applied research

Address a specific concern or to offer solutions to an identified problem

quick, small scale investigation provide practical results for use in the short term

What is the epistemological position: positivist

one objective truth we can observe, we can quantify them or replicate this observation and come up with 1 generalized description about it. Generalized objective truth researcher “distant” neutral

What is the epistemological position in interpretivism (subjective truth

the goal is to understand researcher convey the experience

What is the epistemological position: critical science

action oriented, do something to change that very social condition, researcher advocates a social cause)

What is the epistemological position in the alternative approach

1. Feminist: people have different experiences based on their gender. Standpoint knowledge. The concept of human bonding and concept of accommodation

2. Post-modernist: ambiguous reality , social science - humanities

what is the purpose of a research study

- exploration: develop new areas and knowledge ( relationship between gender and career choices)

- description: present a picture of the study subject ( social trends to go vegan 0

explanation: answering why and test build social theories ( causes of the effect of alcohol on a fetus)

What is the time dimension in research

- cross sectional research: examine a single point in time

- longitudinal research: examine the feature of studies subject at multiple points in time

- time series study

- panel study

- cohort study

- case study

What are the search approaches : quantitative and qualitative

- both approaches are valuable

- very distinct form each other

- compliment to each other

some researchers combine the 2 to seek the best results

What are the approaches and methods: quantitative

use statistics, behavioural, general and large data set

- experiments

- surveys

- secondary data analysis ( existing statistics0

What are the research approaches in qualitative

experiences In depth, small data set

- interviews

- focus groups

- field research

- historical research

- content analysis

What is the qualitative reasoning

- describe social behaviours/ experiences that are difficult to measure numerically

- seek of in-depth understanding

- smaller sample sizes than quantitatibe

- interviewing and/ or observation a main techniques

What is the inductive logic

- move from data to theory

- gather information about a topic before developing theories about how to explain particular aspects

- most often use qualitative approach

observation - pattern- tentative hypothesis - theory

What is qualitative data

Qualitative data are information that come to the researcher in a non-numeric form:

- words (tone)

- pictures

- photos, symbols for individuals

- audio forms

or any other type of medium that contain information .

needs description, transcription or a process of understanding the meaning of such information

What is a sample size and sampling

target groups- individuals who have a particular experiences or characteristics

- group size- small

What are the steps in the qualitative research process

1. Select/ define the research problem

2. Develop the research design

3. Collect data

4. Analyze data

5. Review the literature

6. Draw conclusions/ formulate hypothesis

What is the quantitative approach

- converts aspects of social life into numerical data

- observe social behaviour or experience

- seek general understanding

- seek to prove hypothesis

- test relationships (+/- correlation) between variable

- characteristics of objects, people or groups that can be measured and compared

What is deductive logic

- moves from theory to data

- develop a theory or set of theories to explain or predict a pattern and then test the theory

- most often quantitative approach

theory- hypothesis -observation - confirmation

What are the steps in quantitative research

1. Select/ define the research problem

2. Review the literature

3. Formulate the literature

4. Formulate hypothesis

5. Develop the research design

6. Collect data

7. Analyze data

8. Draw conclusion

What are the levels of theories

scope of research should be reflected in its theoretical framework and the choice of method

macro: large scale : large system; healthcare system, policy, law and legislation - systemic issues

micro: small groups (individual experiences)

meso: middle groups (communities)- medium systems: neighberhoods, schools, groups of people in communities

What is qualitative research ( characteristic)

quakitative research in an interpretive research approach the relies on multiple types of subjective data and investigate people in particular situations in their natural environment :

- interpretative

- multi method

- natural setting

What is the goal of holistic account of the studied issue

- preserve knowledge (experiences)

- exploration of an issue

- potential assessment and solution

What are the qualitative research methods

- ethnography: holistic cultural characteristics of a group

- case study: detail analysis of one or more cases who shares certain characteristics

- phenomenology: human experiences in a particular situation

ground theory; theory emerges from an analysis of data collected about a phenomenon

narrative research: experiences understood narratively moving from field from the persons POV - ongoing, negotiating and navigating experiences through the social time and fast changing setting

What is the qualitative methods and its data collection technique

ethnography: in-depth interview, participant observation, non participant observation ( emerge in the evironment)

Case-study: in depth interview, open-ended survey , archival records, contextual analysis

pheonomenology: in depth interview, open ended questionnaires

What are qualitative research methods and data collection techniques 2

Ground theory: any type require creative and descriptives skills and the use of empirical data common Tyler: interview and observations

narrative research: in depth interview, focus groups, relfection, journal entry, storytelling , observation

Qualitative research - data collection techniques

observation: participant and non participant

interview: structured, semi-structures and unstructured interviews

content analysis: media, text , newspaper, recording, archival, material

survey: open ended questionnaires

focus group: observation + interviews

life narrative: in depth interview, journal and audio recording

Find research - aim

- to discover and describe patterns of social life as they occur naturally

- to understand a group members POV

- to get a complete picture of a groups way of life (beliefs, customs)

to describe and account for patterns in social interaction from the participants POV

Field research- purpose

1. To be on the spot

2. To be am eyewitness/drectly experience group life

3. To observe group life without upsetting or disturbing it

4. To understand the insiders POV without losing the analytic perspective

5. To notice both explicit and tacit aspects of culture

Field research purpose (2)

6. To notice the ordinary and unusual events and activities

7. To understand the activities as part of a complete whole

8. To apply various research techniques and be flexible as the situation demands

9. To produce data in various forms

What is does the observer notice?

- the kinds of people who interact with one another

- the content and consequence of the interaction

- detail accounts of action, interaction, maps, verbatim transcription of the conversation

What is the goal of the observation

to records people’s daily life matters in details

observation is rarely used as the core and solely research method for contemporary scientific studies

What are the types of observations

- participant observation

- semi- participant observation

- non participant observation

What are the observation approaches

The participant knows that their are being observes : overly

covertly: the participants does not know they are under observation

What is content analysis

it is a technic for gathering and analyzing the content9 words, meaning, pictures, symbols, ideas, themes or any message that can be communicated) of the text

What is the goal of content analysis

observe the manifestation of content (propaganda)

What are the characteristics of content analysis

- use segment of text

- frequency (how often)

- observation: intensity of the content, spacing and font size, time, duration of the content and length

numerical data collected via coding system: manifested coding and latent coding

- statistical analysis

What does content analysis do?

- problem involves a large volume of content (text records)

- problem that needed to be studied at a distance

- historical

- problem that is difficult to see with casual observation

- unintended stereotype, discrimination- series to add

What is the qualitative content analysis

goal: discover the meaning attributed to the content

What are the characteristics of qualitative content analysis

- examine the whole text at once

- coding procedures

- look for patterns

- identify themes ( through the coding process

- use the texts as a form of result (quotes)

What are the 3 approaches of qualitative content analysis

- summative: keywords (from literatures)

- conventional: observation of themes (from data)

- directed: use predetermined code and theory to test a theory

What are the major distinction to compare quantitative content analysis

- approach coding

- how the codes are interpreted

- reveal the implicit meaning and motives

- several approaches to the content analysis

What are the content analysis steps

1. Identify research questions

2. Identify the co,,unification medium

3. Specify the unit of analysis

4. Specify the categories

5. Sample coding schemes

6. Edit coding scheme

What are the content analysis steps (2)

7. Collect data

8. Reliability/validity

9. Analyze and interpret data

What is interview

-interactive communication

- facilitate the collection of research data

- gathering information on feelings, opinions

- combine use with survey- quantitative research

- use by itself as a qualitative research technique

What is a semi structures interview

- exploratory/pilot testing

- discover what participants think about and the language use of the topic

What is an explanatory interview

- gather data why people experiences or understand a social phenomenon in a particular way

What it the evaluator interview

- what people think about social phenomenon

What are the advantages and issue of interviews

advantages: see the world from the other perspective, rich and detail data, development of new theories, new avenue of research issues,

issues: archival process, time consuming, store the data, deposit the data, interview bias

What is interview bias

when someone is bias due to your gender, ethnic background and language

Validity and reliability

- sample size

- generalizability

What material would you need for an interview

- recoding device: video and audio

- set- up related material: lighting, mice, water, tissues, cup, plant

- note taking kit

questions for the interview

- get approval from the ethical board

-consent form

What do you do post-interview

- transcribing the recorded data (verbatim + specific notes such as emotions, gesture, micro expression)