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116 Cards in this Set

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Nature Cure
—system of treating illness through wholly natural methods.
Developed in 1800s Europe
KEYS TO NATURE CURE: healthy diet; fresh air; pure water; exposure to sunshine; exercise; water cures; sleep and rest.
Naturopathic Medicine—Nature Cure + homeopathy, spinal manipulation and other therapies developed in early 1900s America.
“Nature” Definition:
Natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization; elements of the natural world as mountains, trees, animals or rivers
The world and its naturally occurring phenomena, together with all of the physical laws that govern them.
how does naturopathic medicine principiles fit into nutrition
1. First, Do No Harm
Keep the gut healthy (prevention)
Heal up the gut
Tidy up the diet and eating lifestyle
Supplement nutritional aids—nutrients, enzymes, probiotics, antioxidants, etc.
Remove drugs which might be interfering with nutrition

2. Tolle Causum Identify and Remove Causes
Tests to uncover nutritional obstacles: MD and ND
Types of Nutritional Obstacles

3. Doctor as Teacher
Most Important Principle of all
Compliance is based on Docere
Nutritional Handouts/Books
Diet Explanation—reason for change, reason for restrictions, how bad nutrition causes their illness and changes will improve, how to change/restrict
Reason for Supplements

4. Tolle Totem Treat the Whole Person
Nutrition is the macro and micronutrients for all cells
Nutrition affects inflammation, hormones, biochemistry, enzymatic reactions.
Nutrition affects physical, mental/emotional aspects.

5. Preventir Prevention
Do NDs do more primary or secondary prevention:
Primary—prevent disease occurrence
*Secondary—prevent return of disease*
Teach parents how to feed infants, children, themselves
Teach schools how to feed students
Teach people how illnesses have nutrition connection
Teach people how supplements can be useful
organs of digestion and detoxification
1. Organs of Digestion:
Chewing, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, , small intestine, large gut

2. Organs of Detoxification
Large gut, Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Lung, Immune System
nutritional ancestors: hippocrates, pythagoras, maimonides
Hippocrates—460-377 BCE
A collection of writings from two schools
Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Food, drink, occupation needs to be investigated in each patient.
Fasting Advocate
Pythagoras—required students to fast for 40 days to purify mind and body before entering his school.
Diet, exercise, mental outlook were vital for attaining health.
Avoid over-eating
1800s: On Food and Fasting
Multiple Ideas abounded
Whole unprocessed foods were foundation for all.
No solid Nature Cure nutrition protocol
Different spas used different diets
vegetarianism 1800s-1900s
European Vegetarian Society formed 1847
American Vegetarian Society formed 1850
Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, spices, meat
Whole grains, nuts, low fat
Unknown if ovo-lacto or vegan types in writings.
1800s ancestors: Isaac Jennigs
Isaac Jennings, MD:
1822: Began “Hygiene” movement, following nature cure exactly.
Sylvestre Graham propagated Hygiene
1852—First school of “Hygiene” created
Flexner Report destroyed Hygiene teaching institutions
Late 1920s, Herbert Shelton promoted “Natural Hygiene”
Food Varied By Practitioner
No agreement on diet
No real philosophy of gut/systemic health
Hygienists and Food
No meat, honey, oily food (only olive oil—no butter or lard)
No dairy
No fried foods
No spices, sugar, salt, seasonings
Whole grain bread
water curers and nutrition:
Water Curers and Nutrition
Vincent Preissnitz (1799-1852): bread, milk, meat, cold water in his water cure.
Johann Scroth (1798-1956): salt and fat free dry diet, no meat or milk, warm water/wine.
Dry rolls, prunes, cereals
Dry non-drinking days with drinking days.
Theodor Hahn (1824-1883)
Strong advocate for meatless, vegetarian Diet
Arnold Rikli (1823-1906): student of Hahn
Was a vegetarian for 15 years but health suffered—vegetarian diet should be temporary but not permanent
Mixed diet: healthy diet containing small amounts of meat, wine, beer, coffee, tea.
father kneipp
Father Kneipp 1821-1897: The Codicil To My Will
Daily Diet at healing center:
Whole wheat toast (yeast free), with no butter, malt coffee
Hearty vegetable soup with lentils, beans, peas, brown rice, meat substitute (or meat), baked potato, vegetables, stewed fruit.
Coffee substitute, swieback, sour milk
Beer, spirits, wine not okay--Honey mead suggested
No radicalism—not just meat, not vegetarianism
Watch salt, vinegar, spices, sweets
No coffee, tea, chocolate—irritating and stimulating
Fruit is good and green veggies (cabbage, spinach, turnips, potatoes
Drink when thirsty, don’t gulp, not when eating
Variety of foods

Kneipp: Food For Sick People
Feverish—no hot food
Non-solid food
Eat little
Something at night to prevent a long overnight fast
Lust and Brinkler trial
Benedict Lust
Formed The American School of Naturopathy—1894
Unprocessed foods—whole grains, bread, vegetables, milk—nothing processed.
Trials from his book: “Collected Works”

Brinkler from “Brinkler School of Eating”—brought to trial for suggesting that diet might help a woman with infantile paralysis.
US Agricultural Dept had eight specialists testify that food and diet had nothing to do with health.
Lust testified they did—”…75% of a recovery was in the food a person ate.”
Brinker was found “not guilty”.
louisa lust
And the Rare Woman
Louisa Lust: 1868-1925
Vegetarian: “Practical Naturopathic-Vegetarian Cook Book”—first strictly naturopathic guide for food preparation.
Anti the typical foods Americans eat: white flour, sugar, and butter.
Frugal diet—”We can lengthen our life or shorten it by eating.”
Sparse, simple diet for prevention of disease—less digestive work required.
Fruit and nut
john harvey kellogg
John Harvey Kellogg
Battlecreek, MI sanitarium
Vegetarian, enemas, yoghurt
Focus on gut health and good intestinal flora
Toxins from high protein—low protein diet, high fiber, laxatives
Corn flakes, bisquits
Henry Lindlar catechism of nature cure and wife anna
Henry Lindlahr
Key To Naturopathic Philosophy
Brought together Nutrition, Gut Functioning, Toxins
Healthy food nourishes gut/body
Unhealthy food causes gut toxemia
Gut Toxemia causes systemic disease
Acute illness is cleansing of toxemia
Chronic illness is body too over-loaded with toxins to initiate acute cleanse.
Worst thing to do is suppress a disease—way to eliminate morbid matter and restore normal function.

Catechism of Nature Cure
Return to Nature: Most important
Diet was key
Oranges (Vit C) for scurvy; brown rice (thiamine) for beriberi; green leafies (iron) for anemia; Irish moss (iodine) for goiter.

Wife Anna wrote “The Vegetarian Kitchen”—about diet and health.
The Nature Cure Cook Book/The Lindlahr Vegetarian Cook Book and ABC of Natural Dietetics
Nuts, cereals, dairy, egg, honey, vegetables
Lindlahr was not strictly vegetarian and was very much against radical narrow views of diet: natural but rational.
Foundation Diet—patients had bad reactions to food: Lindlahr removed most commonly reacting foods.
Precursor to “elimination diet” idea.
first catechism of nature idea
First Catechism Idea
Return to nature by the regulation of eating, drinking, breathing, bathing, dressing, working, resting, thinking, the moral life, sexual and social activities, etc, establishing them on a normal and natural basis
2nd-5th catechisms
2. Elementary remedies such as water, air, light, earth cures, electricity.
3. Chemical remedies such as scientific food selection and combination, homeopathic medicines, simple herb extracts, vitochemical remedies.
4. Mechanical remedies such as osteopathy, naprapathy, neuropathy, massage, Swedish movement, magnetic treatment, structural adjustment, and surgery (for accidents).
4. Mental and spiritual remedies such as scientific relaxation, normal suggestion, constructive thought, prayer of faith, etc.
5. New Thought—power of mind to achieve health and happiness.
Focus on self-control, discipline
Naturopathic Nutrition relies a lot on patients being taught self-control/dietary restrictions.
nutrition and the gut
concept of internal milieu - Bernard and Pasteur
“Internal Milieu”—microbe is “expression of the inherent imbalances in the terrain”.
Claude Bernard—1813-1878: “Homeostasis”—controlled stability of the internal milieu.
Louis Pasteur on deathbed agreed with Bernard: “The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.”

Effect whole person
One slight problem can have domino effect
henry lindlahr - key points on acute, subacute, and chronic disease
Henry Lindlahr
Nature Cure Philosophy:

1. All acute disease is result of a purifying, healing effort of nature.
Bacteria in acute, sub-acute and chronic diseases are not “primary causes and instigators” of those abnormal processes, but product of pathogenic conditions
Primary cause of germ activity is the “morbid soil in which bacteria breed and multiply”.
Thus do not “kill the germs” but use natural ways of living and natural methods of treatment to purify the organism of systemic waste.

2. Acute Disease: Result of nature’s efforts to eliminate from the organism waste material, foreign matter and poisons, and to repair injury to living tissues.
Cold/flu is cleanse of toxins from body through fever, secretions.
Fall cold effect
42s and fasting
Last 4-7 days
6 weeks with OTC/Drug suppression

3. Chronic Disease: Lowered vitality due to accumulation of waste material and poisons, cause consequent destruction of vital parts and organs, and progress to an extent that nature’s constructive and healing forces are no longer able to react against the disease conditions by acute healing crises (corrective efforts).
Auto-immune disease
Also advocate of Fasting: Faest=Firm/Fixed: to hold oneself from food.
otis g carroll
“Health must at all times come from and be maintained by digested foods….no drug yet offered can rectify damage done by failure of digestion.”
*** Developed constitutional hydrotherapy—solely to increase organs of digestion.
Helps body improve digestion, breakdown and eliminate toxins, which were obstructing healthy function.
30-50 treatments needed.
20 before WWII and 100 after—due to farm chemicals, pollution, suppressive drugs and other negative postwar changes.
Special stethoscope could discern 14 different heart beat changes which indicated various digestive health.
****Developed Food Allergy Testing “Food enemy” removed
7 main intolerances: dairy, fruit, meat, eggs, sugar, potatoes, salt, and grain
Combo reactions between those could occur as well: potato and grain combo, for eg.
More foods have been added to test over the years.
Fasting: Law of Crisis
Fasting patients in healing crisis 7, 14, 21 days
general fasting categories
Juice fast—Fruit or Veggie or both
Powder fast—Mediclear, Ultraclear
Food fast—only fruit, only vegetables
Ehrets: Lemon water with honey
Master Cleanse: Water with maple syrup and cayenne pepper:
2 organic lemons; 1/8-1/4 tsp cayenne pepper; 2 TBS pure maple syrup; 1 quart pure water.
Drink 6 quarts a day.
general fasting categories
Spiritual Diets/Fasts
Fasting enhances spirituality
Many religions/spiritualities historically and nowadays include fasting or spiritual diet.
Bible: Moshe, David, Elijah, Ester
Yom Kippur
Jews—Kosher diet
Bible: Jesus, Saul, Luke
Muslims—fasting during the day in Ramadan
Catholic—Meatless Friday, Lent
Greek Orthodox—many days of restricted eating/fasting a year
Buddhist, Hindu, Sihk—vegetarian diets, fasting
Aztecs, Toltecs, Incas fasted
arnold ehret
Arnold Ehret:http://www.arnoldehret.org
Fasting—”Rational Fasting”
Anti-Mucous Foods
Fruitarianism—Fruit, edible green leaves, starchless veggies
Declared war on: Meat, Alcohol (potatoes, grains, rice, milk)
Removal of Fundamental Causes of Disease and Prevention of Their Recurrence:
Fasting with purgative
Short or longer
Lemon water (unsweetened or with trace of honey)
Fruit diet

2. (If can’t do #1) Mucousless diet: no flour, rice, potato, boiled milk, cheese, meat, legumes, peas etc.
Only toasted bread if necessary
Fruit, nuts, veggies (oil and lemon juice), a few figs/dates

3. (If can’t do #1/2) Chew Food well
Ehret Methodology
Doesn’t do only water fasts—must be on mucousless diet for two years before doing water fast.
Lemon water with honey/brown sugar
Fruit juice
Vegetable juice during longer fast—does not recommend long fasts (30 days, eg).
System: 5 days fasts with days inbetween of mucousless diet with gut cleansing.
Gut cleanser—”Innerclean”: Senna (may have other things added—buckthorn, psyllium husk/seed, anise seed, fennel seed.)
Herbert Shelton
—Fasting Expert
Difficult life: Lawsuits, Bankruptcy, Parkinson’s
Dr. Russell Thrall (1812-1877): 1857 formed a Hygieo-Therapeutic College in NY
Shelton studied with Trall
MD discovered natural cure
Vegetarian—VP of American Vegetarian SocietyYears
Water Fast
Done until food reserves are consumed
Starvation is fasting after reserves are consumed
Autolysis—self-loosing: “…the process of digestion or disintegration of tissue by ferments enzmes) generated in the cells themselves. It is a process of self-digestion—intracellular digestion.”
Fat and morbid tissues eaten first
Shelton Fast
Shelton: What Fasting Does
Gives vital organs a complete rest
Stops the intake of foods that decompose in the intestines and poison the body
Empties the digstive tract and disposes of putrefactive bacteria
Gives the organs of elimination an opportunity to catch up with their work and further promotes elimination.
Re-establishes normal physiological chemistry and normal secretions.
Promotes the breaking down and absorption of exudates, effusions, deposits, diseased tissues, and abnormal growths.
Restores a youthful condition of the cells and tissues and rejuvenates the body.
Permits the conservation and use of energy
Increases the powers of digestion and assimilation
Clears and strengthens the mind
Improves function throughout the body
Not a cure of anything
Removes toxicity
Healing is normal physiologic response once toxins are eliminated.
Pure Example of Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Does Four Things
Physiological rest so tissues repair, renew and replenish themselves.
Physiological rest, affords an opportunity for recuperation of depleted energy.
Autolysis of bad unhealthy tissues
Enables the body to regenerate itself to marked degree
Healing of Organs and Tissues During Fasting
Reserved food sources used to heal tissue
Occurs quicker than when eating
Rest of digestive organs
Over-eating weakens and impairs them
Fasting allows recuperation to full, healthy functioning
Allows rest of other body systems—cardiovascular, nervous system
Excretory system is only one which increases in action
Do not use enema--unnecessary and dangerous
Not seen in nature
Shelton Diet
Main Dietary Ideas:
Raw Foods—raw fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts
Shelton Fast
Best benefits by at least three days

1 Short Fasts
Always in acute feverish diseases or GI diseases (enteritis, dysentery, typhus, cholera, etc.)

2. 3-4 days
When body has undertaken a strong elimination via skin, bowels, mucous membranes.

3 Long Fasts
For chronic diseases
Fasting Expert

Dr. Russell Thrall (1812-1877): 1857 formed a Hygieo-Therapeutic College in NY
Shelton studied with Trall
MD discovered natural cure

Vegetarian—VP of American Vegetarian SocietyYears

Water Fast
Done until food reserves are consumed
Starvation is fasting after reserves are consumed
Autolysis—self-loosing: “…the process of digestion or disintegration of tissue by ferments enzmes) generated in the cells themselves. It is a process of self-digestion—intracellular digestion.”
Fat and morbid tissues eaten first

Does Four Things
1 Physiological rest so tissues repair, renew and replenish themselves.
2 Physiological rest, affords an opportunity for recuperation of depleted energy.
3 Autolysis of bad unhealthy tissues
4 Enables the body to regenerate itself to marked degree
Healing of Organs and Tissues During Fasting
5 Reserved food sources used to heal tissue
Occurs quicker than when eating
5 Rest of digestive organs
6 Over-eating weakens and impairs them
7 Fasting allows recuperation to full, healthy functioning
Allows rest of other body systems—cardiovascular, nervous system
Excretory system is only one which increases in action
Do not use enema--unnecessary and dangerous
Not seen in nature
Shelton Diet
Main Dietary Ideas:
Raw Foods—raw fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts
Shelton Fast
Best benefits by at least three days
Short Fasts
Always in acute feverish diseases or GI diseases (enteritis, dysentery, typhus, cholera, etc.)
3-4 days
When body has undertaken a strong elimination via skin, bowels, mucous membranes.
Long Fasts

Shelton: Contra-Indications
Fear of fasting
Extreme emaciation
Extreme weakness or degeneration—TB, cancer later stages
Inactive kidneys accompanied by obesity—too many toxins that can be eliminated
In marked deficiency diseases: anemia, malnutrition
Difficult breathing—Nervous cases, Heart Impairment
Old Age, Pregnancy, Infants, Children (okay when acutely ill)
Shelton Fasted All Of The Above When Appropriate
water fasting/how patients feel?
Water Fasting
Honor the process: Follow the Rules
Do at Home or Clinic
Nature Cure: Keep input peaceful, soothing, positive; Fresh Air; Sun exposure.
Gentle bathing
Drink when Thirsty
Keep warm
Do not live regular life

How Patients feel:
Lowered pulse
Anorexia (after a couple of days)
Tongue and breath clear up
Require less sleep
veggie fasting/how patients feel?
Veggie Fasting
Can live life more fully
Work, gentle exercise
Getting calories
Should still rest, keep emotions happy/calm
Good sleep
Keep warm
How Patients Feel
Much better overall (due to calories)
Good mood
Fasting Effects
Fasting Effects*
Increased macrophage activity.
Increased cell mediated immunity.
Decreased antigen-antibody complexes (thus helps with auto-immune processes).
Increased healing.
Diseases we might use it for: Arthritis, IBS, pancreatitis, skin afflictions, thrombophlebitis.
physiology of fasting
(1) Early fasting:
Liver uses up glucose stores
Liver uses up glycogen stores
Liver begins gluconeogenesis.
Kidneys begin gluconeogenesis.
60-84 gm protein catabolized a day.
Ketones appear in the urine by the third day.
Hypovolemia occurs as the body initially loses K, Na, and water, as well as Ca and Mg.
(2) During Fasting
Body uses TG as fuel: in liver, muscle, and other tissues.
Glucose still needed: needs met by forming glucose from glycerol of TGs, gluconeogenesis, and breakdown of rbcs in liver.
70 kg male has enough fat stores to fast for 2-3 months.
(3) Starvation
Body’s fat reserves are depleted and the body has to switch back to using protein for fuel.
Vital organs are broken down for proteins, and death ensues.
Risks of Fasting*
Metabolic acidosis from ketone acids:
Body usually compensates with increased respiratory rate to increase CO2 excretion, and increased ketones in urine.
Electrolyte imbalance--watch Na and K; if get K gets too low OR too high (which can happen), break the fast.
Watch faintness and falling as a result: low BP, hypovolemic.
Rapid, feeble, weak pulse.
Risks of Fasting*
Metabolic acidosis from ketone acids:
Body usually compensates with increased respiratory rate to increase CO2 excretion, and increased ketones in urine.
Electrolyte imbalance--watch Na and K; if get K gets too low OR too high (which can happen), break the fast.
Watch faintness and falling as a result: low BP, hypovolemic.
Rapid, feeble, weak pulse.
how fasting goes
First Two Days—hardest
Appetite is still present
Withdrawal of stimulation and beginning detoxifying:
Headache, dizzy, N/V, irritability, achy
Early symptoms all Cease
Crisis: eruptions, discharges, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
(Dangerous complications--Rare): extreme weakness, erratic pulse, M/E fears/concerns, vomiting, difficult breathing, etc.
Herbert Shelton
—Fasting Expert
Difficult life: Lawsuits, Bankruptcy, Parkinson’s
Dr. Russell Thrall (1812-1877): 1857 formed a Hygieo-Therapeutic College in NY
Shelton studied with Trall
MD discovered natural cure
Vegetarian—VP of American Vegetarian SocietyYears
Water Fast
Done until food reserves are consumed
Starvation is fasting after reserves are consumed
Autolysis—self-loosing: “…the process of digestion or disintegration of tissue by ferments enzmes) generated in the cells themselves. It is a process of self-digestion—intracellular digestion.”
Fat and morbid tissues eaten first
Shelton Fast
Shelton: What Fasting Does
Gives vital organs a complete rest
Stops the intake of foods that decompose in the intestines and poison the body
Empties the digstive tract and disposes of putrefactive bacteria
Gives the organs of elimination an opportunity to catch up with their work and further promotes elimination.
Re-establishes normal physiological chemistry and normal secretions.
Promotes the breaking down and absorption of exudates, effusions, deposits, diseased tissues, and abnormal growths.
Restores a youthful condition of the cells and tissues and rejuvenates the body.
Permits the conservation and use of energy
Increases the powers of digestion and assimilation
Clears and strengthens the mind
Improves function throughout the body
Not a cure of anything
Removes toxicity
Healing is normal physiologic response once toxins are eliminated.
Pure Example of Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Does Four Things
Physiological rest so tissues repair, renew and replenish themselves.
Physiological rest, affords an opportunity for recuperation of depleted energy.
Autolysis of bad unhealthy tissues
Enables the body to regenerate itself to marked degree
Healing of Organs and Tissues During Fasting
Reserved food sources used to heal tissue
Occurs quicker than when eating
Rest of digestive organs
Over-eating weakens and impairs them
Fasting allows recuperation to full, healthy functioning
Allows rest of other body systems—cardiovascular, nervous system
Excretory system is only one which increases in action
Do not use enema--unnecessary and dangerous
Not seen in nature
Shelton Diet
Main Dietary Ideas:
Raw Foods—raw fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts
Shelton Fast
Best benefits by at least three days
Short Fasts
Always in acute feverish diseases or GI diseases (enteritis, dysentery, typhus, cholera, etc.)
3-4 days
When body has undertaken a strong elimination via skin, bowels, mucous membranes.
Long Fasts
For chronic diseases
Fasting Expert

Dr. Russell Thrall (1812-1877): 1857 formed a Hygieo-Therapeutic College in NY
Shelton studied with Trall
MD discovered natural cure
Vegetarian—VP of American Vegetarian SocietyYears
Water Fast
Done until food reserves are consumed
Starvation is fasting after reserves are consumed
Autolysis—self-loosing: “…the process of digestion or disintegration of tissue by ferments enzmes) generated in the cells themselves. It is a process of self-digestion—intracellular digestion.”
Fat and morbid tissues eaten first
Does Four Things
Physiological rest so tissues repair, renew and replenish themselves.
Physiological rest, affords an opportunity for recuperation of depleted energy.
Autolysis of bad unhealthy tissues
Enables the body to regenerate itself to marked degree
Healing of Organs and Tissues During Fasting
Reserved food sources used to heal tissue
Occurs quicker than when eating
Rest of digestive organs
Over-eating weakens and impairs them
Fasting allows recuperation to full, healthy functioning
Allows rest of other body systems—cardiovascular, nervous system
Excretory system is only one which increases in action
Do not use enema--unnecessary and dangerous
Not seen in nature
Shelton Diet
Main Dietary Ideas:
Raw Foods—raw fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts
Shelton Fast
Best benefits by at least three days
Short Fasts
Always in acute feverish diseases or GI diseases (enteritis, dysentery, typhus, cholera, etc.)
3-4 days
When body has undertaken a strong elimination via skin, bowels, mucous membranes.
Long Fasts
For chronic diseases
For chronic diseases
Shelton: Contra-Indications
Fear of fasting
Extreme emaciation
Extreme weakness or degeneration—TB, cancer later stages
Inactive kidneys accompanied by obesity—too many toxins that can be eliminated
In marked deficiency diseases: anemia, malnutrition
Difficult breathing—Nervous cases, Heart Impairment
Old Age, Pregnancy, Infants, Children (okay when acutely ill)
Shelton Fasted All Of The Above When Appropriate
water fasting/how patients feel?
Water Fasting
Honor the process: Follow the Rules
Do at Home or Clinic
Nature Cure: Keep input peaceful, soothing, positive; Fresh Air; Sun exposure.
Gentle bathing
Drink when Thirsty
Keep warm
Do not live regular life

How Patients Feel
veggie fasting/how patients feel?
Veggie Fasting
Can live life more fully
Work, gentle exercise
Getting calories
Should still rest, keep emotions happy/calm
Good sleep
Keep warm
How Patients Feel
Much better overall (due to calories)
Good mood
Fasting Effects
Fasting Effects*
Increased macrophage activity.
Increased cell mediated immunity.
Decreased antigen-antibody complexes (thus helps with auto-immune processes).
Increased healing.
Diseases we might use it for: Arthritis, IBS, pancreatitis, skin afflictions, thrombophlebitis.
physiology of fasting
(1) Early fasting:
Liver uses up glucose stores
Liver uses up glycogen stores
Liver begins gluconeogenesis.
Kidneys begin gluconeogenesis.
60-84 gm protein catabolized a day.
Ketones appear in the urine by the third day.
Hypovolemia occurs as the body initially loses K, Na, and water, as well as Ca and Mg.
(2) During Fasting
Body uses TG as fuel: in liver, muscle, and other tissues.
Glucose still needed: needs met by forming glucose from glycerol of TGs, gluconeogenesis, and breakdown of rbcs in liver.
70 kg male has enough fat stores to fast for 2-3 months.
(3) Starvation
Body’s fat reserves are depleted and the body has to switch back to using protein for fuel.
Vital organs are broken down for proteins, and death ensues.
Risks of Fasting*
Metabolic acidosis from ketone acids:
Body usually compensates with increased respiratory rate to increase CO2 excretion, and increased ketones in urine.
Electrolyte imbalance--watch Na and K; if get K gets too low OR too high (which can happen), break the fast.
Watch faintness and falling as a result: low BP, hypovolemic.
Rapid, feeble, weak pulse.
Risks of Fasting*
Metabolic acidosis from ketone acids:
Body usually compensates with increased respiratory rate to increase CO2 excretion, and increased ketones in urine.
Electrolyte imbalance--watch Na and K; if get K gets too low OR too high (which can happen), break the fast.
Watch faintness and falling as a result: low BP, hypovolemic.
Rapid, feeble, weak pulse.
how fasting goes
First Two Days—hardest
Appetite is still present
Withdrawal of stimulation and beginning detoxifying:
Headache, dizzy, N/V, irritability, achy
Early symptoms all Cease
Crisis: eruptions, discharges, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
(Dangerous complications--Rare): extreme weakness, erratic pulse, M/E fears/concerns, vomiting, difficult breathing, etc.
fasting in acute illness
Food avoidance is natural
Digestion is poor during illness
Patients recover quicker when not fed
Less added toxins
Less unnecessary body work
Steven Bailey, ND
Practice based on fasting
Pre-Fast Protocol
Start Day with 3 TBSP extra virgin olive oil, 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic, juice of one lemon.
30 minutes later add fiber powder and 1 capsule of “42” with 8-16 oz water.
30 minutes later eat breakfast—all fruits—unsulphured prunes, banana, 2-3 others of juice.
Lunch—all vegetables. Large salad with mixed vegetables, 1-2 TBSP sunflower seeds. Oil/vinegar/lemon.
Pre-Supper—Repeat fiber, laxative and water.
Supper—all vegetables (can repeat lunch salad). Cook cruciferous veggies.
Snacks—whole fruit, raw vegetables, raw nuts, 50/50 water/fruit, or 100% veggie juice
Fluid—water or uncaffeinated herbal tea
If starving—add some brown rice at meals.
Salt and baking soda
Probiotic enema
Wheat grass
May start with colonic
Practices before all fasts
Cut back on activities
Dry brush skin
Enemas and/or colonic
Rest, Meditate, Journal, Pray, Educate, Laugh, Daydream, Massage, Guided Relaxation.
Avoid loud/noisy/disruptive areas/people/news
water fast protocol
Do for 3-7 days max
Drink pure water—distilled or reverse osmosis
5 liters a day
Can drink uncaffeinated tea
Need to stop life—and ideally stay at home
Very light activities
veggie fast protocol
Can do for up to one month and continue to live life but have to cut back on activities.
Drink 5 liters of veggie juices a day—no tomato or citrus.
Have to be organic
Can also drink non-caffeinated herbal teas
No supplements needed!
veggie juices
Veggie Juices
50/50 carrot/celery
33/33/34—carrot, celery, beet
Cucumber, Cabbage, Garlic—50 cuke, ½ cabbage, 3 cloves garlic
The Juicing Book all veggie pages
Many on-line
When/ how to break the fast
1. Famous Axiom:
Any idiot can not eat, but it takes a wise man to break a fast.
2. When To Do So:
When reached fasting goal
Hunger returns
Breath is sweet
Tongue is clean
Skin and other reactions are gone
Urine is light; bowels lose odor.
Feeling of rejuvenation and good health
3. DO NOT overeat!

4. Breaking the fast: DO NOT OVEREAT!!
Takes four days to get to eating normally from a week long fast:
5. First day
Breakfast: Eat one whole apple
Lunch: small bowl of steamed veggies or raw veggie salad
Dinner—Fruit bowl and more veggies.
6. Second day,
Breakfast: Soaked prunes or figs for breakfast.
Lunch: Small bowl of fresh veggie salad
Dinner: Veggie soup at dinner.
Two apples eaten between meals.
Can add in millet or brown rice
7. Third day
As second day, but add a bowl of unsweetened plain yoghurt (dairy, goat, soy, coconut) and a few raw nuts for breakfast.
Increase the salad portion at lunch, and add a boiled or baked potato, sweet potato, yam, squash.
Dinner: A slice of gluten free bread with organic butter or Earth Balance or ghee or olive oil or nut butter.
8. Fourth day, can begin to eat normally.
If fasting more than 7 days, the break-in period should be extended one day for every four days of fasting.
11 days would require 5 days to begin eating normally.
Watch patients closely!
Hard part of fast
Vital part of fast
9. Add in one at a time:
Citrus Fruits
Taste sensors adapt to low salt intake.
Enzymatic Recalibration—
Enzyme changes enhance detoxification of endogenous and exogenous substances: persist after fasting.
Detoxification—cholesterol, uric acid, PCBs, dioxin, etc.
Insulin Resistance—
dramatically improves
Naturetic effect (diuresis): eliminate excess sodium and water.
Reducing Gut Leakage—
reducing foreign peptide molecules entering blood stream.
Normalizes autonomic nervous system, reducing increased sympathetic n.s functioning
Modern Nutrition
What do you think of when you think of a typical Supermarket?
Refined foods: Sugar, flour
Preservatives, Flavorings, Colorings, other chemicals
Sugary, alternative sugary, caffeinated beverages
Veggies and Fruits
Would you exchange your food cart for anyone else’s?
When was "white sugar" invented?
600 BCE
refined sugar history
BCE: sugar cane harvested in PolynesiaAsia
India: 510 CE
Persians: 642 CEspread to Europe
Europeans: 1099—first recorded use in England
Expensive and hard to refine
Columbus: 1493—took sugar cane to Caribbean where it thrived and fed into slavery.
Spain had the most sugar control of Europe until the 1700s.
1747—Sugar beet identified
1750—120 refineries in Britain—30,000 tons/year
Highly taxed until 1874—tax abolished and then ordinary citizen could afford it.
1880—sugar beet in Europe overtook sugar cane use
US: 1690 first refinery established by 1830s but not viable until 1872.
120 million tons/year—increasing 2 million tons/year
Hawaii: 6 billion tons of sugar cane
1900—around 15 pounds/year
Now: 150 pounds/year eaten by Americans
7.3 billion pounds of candy/year ($23 billion/year)
flour When did human start making flour from wheat grains? and history

9000 BCE

When did white bread in Europe start being seen as the ideal by the common masses? Catholic Church in middle ages only ate white bread
9000 BCE—wheat germ was crushed into flour
3000 BCE—Egyptians added yeast to have bread rise
Romans (200 BCE—400 CE): invented grinding grains between stones
Late 1800s: removed germ to stop rancidity of grain, as fats ruined grain between 6-9 months.
1930s: White flour enriched with nutrients
What culture used chocolate as a focal point of their life and originated it as a non-sweet, bitter drink? Aztecs
2000 BCE: Known in the Amazon
600 century CE: Mayan culture called it “xocoatl”
1200 CE: Aztecs had it throughout their culture as drink with peppers, corn meal.
1492: Columbus brings chocolate beans to Europe where they are promptly ignored.
1528: Cortez adds sugar, nutmeg, vanilla and chocolate drink is now a success. Spain does not spread to Europe for 100 years. Chocolate beans used as currency
1643: French took up chocolate and used it as an aphrodisiac.
1657: London’s first chocolate shop opened. Spreads to rest of Europe, but pricey.
1765: First chocolate shop in U.S.
1830: Solid eating chocolate in Britain invented
1875: Milk chocolate invented by Swiss.
Do you love chocolate? Yes; How often do you eat it? At least once per month.
weston price
Dr. Weston Price?
His Book: Nutritional and Physical Degeneration
On-line: http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/price/pricetoc.html
His work goes on in the Price/Pottenger Foundation:
Studied 14 major tribes evaluating health in nature habitat and disease upon moving to cities. Based work on teeth and changes in teeth in kids.
Showed health of natives in their original environment and changes which occurred to them eating *processed foods.*
Tribal foods very different but all fresh and natural and whole.

Price Summary
Native folks eating native foods are very healthy, thrive, great teeth, few or no cavities, primitive jaw arch, no physical degeneration.
Native folks eating white sugar, white flour, canned foods dental caries, arthritis, tuberculosis, narrow face structure leading to poor breathing, and other Western illnesses.
Price Diets
Great variety of native diets
No ONE diet everyone was eating
Combination of healthy foods, walking, good air, good community all lead to long life and little degeneration.
• Do Americans eat healthy foods?
• Do Americans walk?
• Do Americans have good air to breathe?
• Do Americans feel close to and bonded to their community? Do you know the names of all your neighbors?
swiss diet
• Whole rye bread
• Dairy products from grazed animals
• Meat (grass fed) once weekly
• Various vegetables
• Laboratory analysis of the dairy products showed “the vitamin content to be much higher than the average throughout the world for similar foods during the same seasons. The milk in these high valleys is produced from green pasturage and stored green hay of exceptionally high chlorophyll content.” p. 259 NPD
• Mineral contents compared to displacing diet of processed foods:
• 3.7 times more calcium
• 2.2 times more phosphorus
• 2.5 times more magnesium
• 3.1 times more iron
• At least 10 times more fat-soluble nutrients (A, D)
• Examining three children would find one cavity in Price communities
• In Swiss folks living in cities, there was a much higher preponderance of cavities.
gaelic diet
Seafoods: cod, lobster, crab, oysters, clam; Oats; Green vegetables
Micronutrient levels compared to displacing diet:
2.1 times as much calcium
2.3 times as much phosphorus
1.3 times as much magnesium
times as much iron
At least 10 times more fat-soluble activators
NPD p. 275.
Gaelic Primitive: 0.7 cavities per 100 teeth
Gaelic Modern: 16.3 cavities per 100 teeth
eskimo (inuit) diet
Sea mammals (whale and seal), caribou, and fish, including bones, organs and glands. Some vegetables including sea vegetables. Kelp, A few berries, sorrel grass.
Micronutrients compared to displacing diet.
5.4 times as much calcium
5 times as much phosphorus
1.5 times as much iron
7.9 times as much magnesium
1.8 times as much copper
49 times as much iodine
At least 10 times more fat-soluble vitamins
Native Inuit: Zero caries
Folks living on modern store food: 12-19% of teeth examined had cavities.
Weston Price’s quote re: Search for Healthy Vegans
“It is significant that I have as yet found no group that was building and maintaining good bodies exclusively on plant foods. A number of groups are endeavoring to do so with marked evidence of failure.” p. 282 NPD
Dietary Changes and Effects On People
First Stage—Primal Diet: Largely animal products eaten raw and cooked with or without various wild plants
People remain immune to chronic degeneration diseases such as allergies, cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, organ or glandular failures.
Examples: Maori, Australian Aborigines, Natives of North America

Second Stage—Pastoralism: Large amounts of milk and meat eaten raw or cooked with or without various plant foods.
People remain largely immune to dental decay and the diseases of civilization.
Examples: Masai, Fulani, Swiss
Dietary Changes/Effects

Third Stage—Primitive Agriculture: diet based largely on unprocessed starches.
Significant increase in incidence of dental caries and emergence of skeletal disorders, other deficiency diseases, epidemic infectious diseases.
Examples: Rise of nation states

Fourth Stage—Commencing degeneration of the diet: Use of refined, processed and deficient foods among the wealthy.
Dental caries, obesity, diabetes in privileged groups
Decline of soil and thus quality of food.
First stage of decline of health of civilization
Dietary Changes/Effects

Fifth Stage—Moderate Degeneration (Westernization of Diet).
Constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, appendicitis.

Sixth Stage—Full Westernization of diet plus soil depletion.
Chronic degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, heart disease, cancer.
Cobalt-60 used—
made in nuclear reactors
Levels of “Why” (4)
First Why---Diagnosis
Second Why—What is causing the diagnosis
Third Why-What were the factors that caused the conditions which caused the diagnosis
Fourth Why—What is the life lesson?
Examples of Why Levels
1: Diagnosis—Asthma
2: Due to Food allergies to dairy and wheat
3: Food allergies due to unhealthy gut: bad diet, antibiotics, lack of regulation of “stress” reactions.
4: Life lesson—Learn how to feed entire family healthier. Start a foundation on how to cure asthma naturally.

Why of Chronic Diarrhea
What is diagnosis?
What is causing the diagnosis?
What is the cause of the cause?
What is the life lesson
Restoration of health; recovery of disease.
A method or course of treatment used to restore disease.
To relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorder, but when medicine stops, same symptoms return.
To stop symptom but weaken body so that when the medicine is stopped the disease returns more intensely.
Actually or Potentially harmful to the body
What is therapeutic order and Morestein's examples in each?
1. Establish the conditions for health:
2. Remove obstacles to cure and instituting healthy regimen.
3. Stimulate healing power of nature:
Low force modalities like hydrotherapy, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture.
4. Tonify weakened systems:
Use modalities to strengthen the immune system, decrease toxicity, normalize inflammatory function, optimize metabolic function, balance regulatory systems, enhance regeneration, harmonize life forces.
5. Correct structural integrity:
Exercise, massage, craniosacral technique, spinal manipulation.
6. Address pathology:
Prescribe specific natural substances (vitamins, minerals, and herbs), modalities, interventions.
Address pathology:
7. Prescribe pharmaceutical or synthetic substances for pathology.
8 Suppress or surgically remove pathology.
nutrition as cure
Seems this should be easy to pinpoint
Change in diet -> entire removal of patient’s condition. no drugs needed to control
Local and systemic improvement
nutritional truths - benefits of dietary modifictions
Patients develop pathology which means diets have to change.
Food allergy removal
Food imbalances—
Remove some foods/types of foods
Add in/increase other types
Portion control
Cure oftentimes comes with dietary limitations, changes, restrictions.
curative foods
1. Adding in food
Vegan is iron deficient—add in red meat
2. Removing Food
Eggs cause psoriasis
3. Changing balance of food
Low carbs in diabetic patient
High fat in ketogenic seizure diet
4. Changing quality of food
Using whole grains, unprocessed foods, protein variety to control ADD
nutrition as cure
Nutrition as Cure
52 year old female with eczema x 25 years on hands
48 year old man with fluish symptoms after exercising
48 year old man scheduled for surgery for severe GERD
Insomniac x 10 years (morning drink)
8 year old with seizures
Celiac and gluten removal
Osteoarthritis eradication—sugar/EFA
nutrition as cure examples
1. 52 year old female with eczema x 25 years on hands
2. 48 year old man with fluish symptoms after exercising
3. 48 year old man scheduled for surgery for severe GERD
4. Insomniac x 10 years (morning drink)
5. 8 year old with seizures
6. Celiac and gluten removal
7. Osteoarthritis eradication—sugar/EFA
8. Removing Dairy to Eradicate Ear Infections in Child - Cure of ear infections
(Partial cure—Whole cure would be healing up gut so child can eat dairy without developing ear infection.)
10. Palliation of infections—if eats dairy, infections return.
medical palliation examples
1. When the symptoms are insufferable: Pain in a burn victim
2. When lessening the symptoms is life-saving: Malignant hypertension
3. When the patient cannot focus on initiating curative changes to their lives due to intensity of symptoms: Menopause hot flashes
4. When relieving a symptom will convince patient to delve deeper into a cure: e.g. Hospitalize patient to lower dangerously high blood sugars in DM2, which enables patient to commit to diet change and weight loss.
5. When there is nothing else to do: Dying patient needing pain control.
6. When the patient refuses to do anything to help heal their condition: Diuretic in CHF when patient won’t stop smoking or begin to exercise.
7. When we need a little time for our naturopathic protocols to work: Maintaining low dose prednisone in IBD patient just starting protocol.
8. When our naturopathic protocols have not been effective. Cannot reduce RA presentation, so you medicate.
nutritional palliation
1. Patient drinks coffee in AM, as will not have bowel movement otherwise.
2. Patient eats cookies when depressed to temporarily raise mood.
3. Patient eats frequently when pregnant to reduce nausea.
4. Patient eats to decrease stomach ulcer pain.
5. Patient drinks hot milk or otherwise has problems falling asleep.

6. Removing egg, thus clearing up psoriasis
7. removing carbs in T1 diabetic patient to control blood sugars
8. drinking red wine for heart protection
9. telling patient to drink 1 gallon of reverse osmosis water a day “CPSD”?

If activity is done rarely is it better than if it is done everyday?
How often does a patient need to palliate a problem nutritionally before we want to focus on a cure?

Summary: Nutrition as Palliation: patient is better when you use palliative Tx, but if you stop Tx, condition comes back. Example: Will not have BM without morning coffee.
nutrition as suppression
Can nutrition ever suppress disease so that the body is weakened and comes back in worse shape?
How about chronic on/off low calorie dieting, ruining metabolism, so easier to regain weight after you get off of diet and resume usual eating.
Any other ways Nutrition can SUPPRESS health, e.g. by eating inflammatory foods, sugars, bad fats, etc.
Nutritional Dangers
A. Dangerous Nutrition—May injure person by Nutritional Advice, e.g. :
1. Too much fasting or fasting the wrong patient
2. Too many food restrictions deficiencies, M/E upset
3. Sense of failure/low self-esteem if cannot do protocol
4. Social restrictions
5. Raw food diet or vegannutrient deficiency
6. Initiate new diet and patient reacts to it

B Mal-Nutrition As Danger
1. Eating high saturated fat and agri-industry meat with hormones in it in post-breast cancer patient.
2. Alcoholism
3. Nutrient Deficient diets

C. Non-Therapeutic Nutrition As Danger
1. “Bad nutrition”: S.A.D diet
2. T2DM female teen eats high CHO diet without injecting insulin—in attempt to lose weight.
3. Patient decides to not eat any fat as it is “bad” for him.
4. Unhealthy diets: e.g. Poorly done veganism, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulemia
nutrition as cure
Seems this should be easy to pinpoint
Change in diet -> entire removal of patient’s condition. no drugs needed to control
Local and systemic improvement
nutritional truths
Patients develop pathology which means diets have to change.
Food allergy removal
Food imbalances—
Remove some foods/types of foods
Add in/increase other types
Portion control
Cure oftentimes comes with dietary limitations, changes, restrictions.
curative foods
1. Adding in food
Vegan is iron deficient—add in red meat
2. Removing Food
Eggs cause psoriasis
3. Changing balance of food
Low carbs in diabetic patient
High fat in ketogenic seizure diet
4. Changing quality of food
Using whole grains, unprocessed foods, protein variety to control ADD
nutrition as cure
Nutrition as Cure
52 year old female with eczema x 25 years on hands
48 year old man with fluish symptoms after exercising
48 year old man scheduled for surgery for severe GERD
Insomniac x 10 years (morning drink)
8 year old with seizures
Celiac and gluten removal
Osteoarthritis eradication—sugar/EFA
nutrition as cure examples
1. 52 year old female with eczema x 25 years on hands
2. 48 year old man with fluish symptoms after exercising
3. 48 year old man scheduled for surgery for severe GERD
4. Insomniac x 10 years (morning drink)
5. 8 year old with seizures
6. Celiac and gluten removal
7. Osteoarthritis eradication—sugar/EFA
8. Removing Dairy to Eradicate Ear Infections in Child - Cure of ear infections
9. Partial cure—Whole cure would be healing up gut so child can eat dairy without developing ear infection
10. Palliation of infections—if eats dairy, infections return.
medical palliation examples
1. When the symptoms are insufferable: Pain in a burn victim
2. When lessening the symptoms is life-saving: Malignant hypertension
3. When the patient cannot focus on initiating curative changes to their lives due to intensity of symptoms: Menopause hot flashes
4. When relieving a symptom will convince patient to delve deeper into a cure: e.g. Hospitalize patient to lower dangerously high blood sugars in DM2, which enables patient to commit to diet change and weight loss.
5. When there is nothing else to do: Dying patient needing pain control.
6. When the patient refuses to do anything to help heal their condition: Diuretic in CHF when patient won’t stop smoking or begin to exercise.
7. When we need a little time for our naturopathic protocols to work: Maintaining low dose prednisone in IBD patient just starting protocol.
8. When our naturopathic protocols have not been effective. Cannot reduce RA presentation, so you medicate.
nutritional palliation
1. Patient drinks coffee in AM, as will not have bowel movement otherwise.
2. Patient eats cookies when depressed to temporarily raise mood.
3. Patient eats frequently when pregnant to reduce nausea.
4. Patient eats to decrease stomach ulcer pain.
5. Patient drinks hot milk or otherwise has problems falling asleep.

6. Removing egg, thus clearing up psoriasis
7. removing carbss in T1 diabetic patient to control blood sugars
8. drinking red wine for heart protection
9. telling patient to drink 1 gallon of reverse osmosis water a day “CPSD”?

If activity is done rarely is it better than if it is done everyday?
How often does a patient need to palliate a problem nutritionally before we want to focus on a cure?

Summary: Nutrition as Palliation: patient is better when you use palliative Tx, but if you stop Tx, condition comes back. Example: Will not have BM without morning coffee.
nutrition as suppression examples
Can nutrition ever suppress disease so that the body is weakened and comes back in worse shape?
How about chronic on/off low calorie dieting, ruining metabolism, so easier to regain weight after you get off of diet and resume usual eating.
Any other ways Nutrition can SUPPRESS health, e.g. by eating inflammatory foods, sugars, bad fats, etc.
Nutritional Dangers
A. Dangerous Nutrition—May injure person by Nutritional Advice, e.g. :
1. Too much fasting or fasting the wrong patient
2. Too many food restrictions deficiencies, M/E upset
3. Sense of failure/low self-esteem if cannot do protocol
4. Social restrictions
5. Raw food diet or vegannutrient deficiency
6. Initiate new diet and patient reacts to it
B Mal-Nutrition As Danger
1. Eating high saturated fat and agri-industry meat with hormones in it in post-breast cancer patient.
2. Alcoholism
3. Nutrient Deficient diets
C. Non-Therapeutic Nutrition As Danger
1. “Bad nutrition”: S.A.D diet
2. T2DM female teen eats high CHO diet without injecting insulin—in attempt to lose weight.
3. Patient decides to not eat any fat as it is “bad” for him.
4. Unhealthy diets: e.g. Poorly done veganism, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulemia
Roles of Diets in NDs' practices
1. NDs Tidy up, Balance, Change the Diets of nearly every patient.
2. NDs Remove foods in most patients.
3. NDs Encourage a radical shift to analyzing foods for: Being refined, Having hormones, chemicals, refined sugars in them, Being processed with colorings, flavorings, preservatives, etc., Portion size, Individual foods reactions (food sensitivities)
eating right v. getting obsessed
Warning : Radical Views
Radical views on doing things one way
Taking medical advice too far (into politics, sexual habits)
Best doctors are flexible with patients (to a certain degree)
Patients got well in all clinics with many different therapies/diets.
*** BASIC NATURE CURE is the key—not wholly the specifics.
warning: orthorexia
1. Coined by Dr. Steven Bratman, MD, in Colorado, 1997
2. Eating disorder: excessive focus on eating healthy foods.
3. Can become fixation -> extreme malnutrition
4. OCD type disorder
5. Avoidance of certain foods: fats, preservatives, animal products, other ingredients, etc. View that Avoided foods are dangerous
6. Can become too thin due to wanting to be healthy and natural.
7. How do we advise patients without promoting orthorexia?
8. Is extremism necessary to turn habits around?
9. Pros and Cons of focusing on quality of food: Mental/emotional effects, Anxiety vs. Confidence, Physical effects, Is “cheating” okay? What about moderation? What needs intense restriction in food? What can we be lenient with?
pros of supplements
1 .Aid full regimen—synergistically work with Diet and Exercise and Lifestyle changes to remove obstacles to cure and return/maintain health.
2. Can quickly heal nutrient deficiencies -> increases Vis. (One of the best ways to use supplements!)
3. Can affect all body areas—all organ systems, hormones, cytokines, mental/emotional, etc.
4. Make up for lowered nutrients in food, higher pollutants, more drugs used, poorer diet.
5. Lots of positive studies showing benefits.
how supplements increase vital force
1. Synergistically work with diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, stress relaxation, environmental awareness to:
2 Reverse low or deficient nutrients
3 Heal, rebalance, grow, strengthen tissues
4 Reduce inflammation and pain
5 Balance hormones
6 Balance neurotransmitters
7 Specifically reverse illnesses
the cons of supplements
1. “Health Food Store” medicine mentality among students.
2. Winds up being FIRST thing considered as treatments of patients.
3. May enable patients to continue bad diet/lifestyle.
4. May mask actual obstacles to cure.
5. May imbalance patients or cause problems of their own.
6. May interact with drugs.
green allopathy
“health food store medicine”, The WORST of alternative care:
Exchanging Rx drug with somewhat equivalent supplement as valid treatment.
pros of selling supplements by nd
1. Better Alternative than Health Food Store or Internet.
2. ND took intake, did labs, did diet diary—you know which nutrients are needed to heal patient.
3. ND knows which doses will benefit patient.
4. ND knows what is contra-indicated for your patient.
5. ND carries high quality products at reasonable prices.
6. ND offers patient one stop shopping so it’s easy and convenient.
7. ND is available to answer questions, deal with any side effects promptly and safely.
8. ND can start, continue and end supplement dosing based on patient health requirements.
9. Save patient time and money vs. buying poor quality or unnecessary, or duplicative etc. supplements.
10. it’s an Income supplement aspect of practice which makes up for low number/cost of office visits.
cons of nds selling supplements
#1 Con: based on unethical and immoral physician—will sell what patient doesn’t need. (That’s why we Teach ethics and morals in medical school.)
2. Green allopathy—relying more on supplements than on foundational naturopathic cures.
3. Large expense and time for physician to carry dispensary.
4. Expensive for patient (but that’s everywhere, not exclusive to NDs).
5. Others may judge NDs selling them from their office.
using supplements to cure -- with other treatments (examples)
1. Your patient is on Metformin and is now B12 deficient -> You give B12 injections, and control blood sugar so he can stop using Metformin.

2. arthritis patient gets high dose fish oils as anti-inflammatory agent and diet recommendations to stop eating sugar and refined flours -> patient has no more pain, stiffness in knees.

3. diabetic patient has neurological damage to feet. They follow your diet, exercise and treatment recommendations including taking supplements to help heal nerves -> Neuropathy goes away.

4. Treating IBD with supplements to reduce inflammation, recover beneficial bacteria, soothe and heal gut lining, while avoiding food allergies and processed, poor quality food and doing stress relaxation, constitutional hydrotherapy.

Oftentimes, one can eventually reduce dosage of supplements used, or remove many of these types of supplements.
using supplements solely (as cures)
1. 75 year old patient is tired, depressed and has glove-stocking neuropathy. You diagnose pernicious anemia and give regular B12 injections.

2. Chemo patient getting chemicals which definitely cause mouth sores and intestinal upset. You give high dose l-glutamine and patient has minimal side-effects of chemo.

3. Patient has MTHF reductase gene mutation and thus very high levels of homocysteine. You give L-methylfolate -> their homocysteine levels return to low normal and they have more cardiac stamina.

Patient may need to be on these supplements forever, but also may be temporary.
using supplements to palliate
Many illnesses where this is done
1. Osteoarthritis—Give glucosamine sulfate.
2. Hypertension—Give hypertensive supplement to HTN patient.
3. DM2—Give chromium.
4. Acne vulgaris—Give 100,000 IU Vitamin A.
supplements as suppression
Suppression—symptom is suppressed and then comes back worse or goes deeper into Vis.
Can supplements do this? Yes, e.g. supplement cream on skin rash to help remove, Panthodex on psoriasis.
dangerous supplementation
1. Patient has G6PD genetic condition and receives high dose Vit C IV causing hemolytic crisis.
2. Patient gets high dose Vit A for acne and develops liver inflammation.
3 Female patient gets high dose Vit A, becomes pregnant and baby has birth defects.
4 Toxicity of vitamins/minerals
5. Give multiple to patient with gout and niacin initiates attack.
5. Give HCL capsules to senior and cause stomach ulcer
6. Folic acid in colorectal cancer
7. Iron toxicity in children
8. negative Reaction to supplements or Ivs
9. Beta-carotene in smokers
dr morstein's basic nutritional rules re: patients
1. DO NOT give diet handout to patient and tell them to read it on their own.
2. DO NOT give diet handout to patient and tell them to read chapter in book.
3. DO NOT give out supplements before test results are back (except for MV and fish oils).
4. Explain to patient why Tx is waiting (not on first office visit).
6. Ensure patient understands protocol and AGREES with it.
7. Be aware of financial aspect of your plan.
nutritional individuality - what affects nutrition
1. Genetics: Family history to Polymorphisms
2. Acquired lifestyle habits: Sleep to smoking to exercise to stress management
3. Diet habits: Nutrient deficiencies, SAD, Overeating
4. Where they live—pure rural air vs. polluted city
5. Past and present Medical conditions
6. Past and present medical Tx
diet diary
Lancet—Studies using nutrition are more accurate with DD than with FFQ (food frequency questionnaire), e.g. Fat and risks of Breast Cancer, e.g. Fiber and risks of Colorectal Cancer
Do not ask patients to review diet in the intake—just do diet diary!
Seven Day Diet Diary analysis and full hour of discussing necessary dietary changes, educating patient how diet improves/worsens mood.
UNDERLINE all the bad stuff first.
Then review all the GOOD things.
Standard fixes include the following:
1. Increase EFA--remove PHO
2. Decrease Sugar
3. Increase Protein (and protein variety)
4. As much organic as possible
5. Beverages
6. Whole Grains
7. 3-5 cups veggies a day
8. Remove fast food, junk food, stick with good processed food.
9. Remove food colorings, flavorings, preservatives, etc.
10. Focus on meals, not grazing.
Connect the diet to the patient’s presentation (Sx)
food elimination guidelines
1. Removing patients from foods to see if they will improve.
2. Can Remove: gluten, dairy, egg, soy, nightshades, corn, peanuts, coffee, red meat, alcohol, sugar.
3. Can also do food allergy test.
4. Can be useful for R.A., Psoriasis, Gut problems and other illnesses.
5. Lastest Trend: Remove Gluten and Dairy
Best Methodology For Seeing Patients (per Morstein)
1. First Visit: Good intake Analyze DDx, PE, Decide on lab/imaging tests, Have patient do DD, read chapters, etc.
2. Second Visit: Treatment: Go over test results, diet; Decide upon supplements and Discuss lifestyle changes
*** Unless presenting with acute illness, do not do treatment on first visit
auto immunity workup
1. Food Sensitivity Test
2. CP (Stool) x 3 test
3. Heavy Metal test
4. Celiac (a common autoimmune condition you can test for)
5. Vitamin D
6. EFA analysis—diet diary or labwork