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77 Cards in this Set

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Tacrolimus/ cyclosporine
Inhibit calcineurin

Inhibition of IL-2 production in T-cells
Inhibits mTOR

Inhibition of IL-2 receptor signaling cascade
Inhibits t-cell proliferation
Morphine/ Codeine
Substrate for CYP 2D6

Morphine undergoes some first pass metabolism
Codeine becomes morphine (active) through O-dealkylation
Codeine is metabolized by CYP 2D6

Effects of codeine are diminished in poor metabolizers
Patients with hyperactive CYP 2D6 can have codeine/morphine toxicity
CYP 1A2 inhibitor

Increases the half-life of tizandine because it blocks CYP 1A2
CYP 1A2 substrate

Has a longer half-life when given with fluvoxamine (CYP 1A2 inhibitor)
Side effects include drop in BP/sedation
CYP 2D6 substrate

Used to measure CYP 2D6 activity (hyperactive in 30% east Africans and absent in 7% caucasians)
Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor

Also inhibits CYP 2E1
Causes buildup of acetaldehyde in ethanol metabolism (undesirable effects)
Xanthine oxidase inhibitor

Prevents the formation of uric acid in gout

Inhibition of Vitamin K
Metabolized by CYP 2C9
CYP 2D6 substrate

Usually, metabolized to endoxifen - this does not occur when CYP 2D6 is inhibited
Cleaves Ig into 2 Fab and 1 Fc region

Acts on the hinge region above disulfide bonds
Keeps the hinge region connected to the Fc region
Cleaves Ig into F(ab')2 and pFc' region (cut up)

Acts on the hinge region below the disulfide bonds
Keeps the hinge region connected to the F(ab')2 region
Venom from black widow spider
Blocks Ach action

Lipase which breaks up the Ach nerve terminal
Bochilinous toxin
Blocks the calcium influx transporters at the presynaptic terminal

Blocks Ach release from the nerve terminal
Most toxic chemical on a mg/mg basis - sold as BOTOX
Snake venom
Ach ANTAgonist

Stops respiration
Poision which activates muscarinic Ach receptors

Acts on CV system/glands/smooth muscle
Ach muscarinic (M2) agonist (NOT nicotinic)

Acts on Heart/CV Sytstem
Longer duration than Ach, not as easily degraded
Used in asthma challenge test (causes bronchoconstriction)
Ach muscarinic (low dose) and nicotinic (high dose) agonist

Acts in Eyes (Canal of Schlemm) - indicated for Glaucoma
Not easily degraded by Cholinesterase; longer duration than Ach
Ach muscarinic agonist

GI System - used after GI surgery to promote motility - long duration of action
Ach nicotinic agonist

Nicotinic receptors (ganglia, Adrenal gland, NMJ)
Ach muscarinic ANTAgonist (Competitive)

Acts on all muscarinic receptors (does not discriminate)
N has 3 bonds, so it is a neutral molecule: can get into the brain
Ach muscarinic ANTAgonist

Acts on Muscarinic receptors
Treats motion sickness, nausea, vomiting
Ach muscarinic ANTAagonist

Acts in eyes (dilation)
Short-acting, used by ophthamologists
Ach muscarinic ANTAagonist

Bronchi/bronchioles (dilation)
Quaternary nitrogen (charged)
Ach muscarinic ANTAagonist

Bronchi/bronchioles (dilation)
Quaternary nitrogen (charged)
Ach muscarinic ANTAgonist

Bladder retention
Can cause systemic effects, so use with care
Ach nicotinic (submuscular) ANTAgonist

Used to paralyze muscles during surgical procedures
Ach nicotinic (subneuronal) ANTAgonist

Blocks adrenal gland/ganglia - lowers BP
Used for hypertensive crisis
Also blocks PNS systemically, causing harsh side effects
Ach nicotinic (subneuronal) ANTAgonist

Blocks adrenal gland/ganglia - lowers BP
Used for hypertensive crisis
Also blocks PNS systemically, causing harsh side effects
Ach nicotinic (subneuronal) ANTAgonist

Blocks adrenal gland/ganglia - lowers BP
Used for hypertensive crisis
Also blocks PNS systemically, causing harsh side effects
AchE inhibitor (Class I - carbamate)

Steric hindrance
Tertiary compoind (can cross the BBB), not used anymore
AchE inhibitor (Class I - carbamate) - reversible

Steric hindrance
Used for myesthenia gravis
Quaternary compound
Taken orally, but has slow absorption rate, used in surgery
AchE inhibitor (Class I - carbamate)

Steric hindrance
Used for myesthenia gravis
Quaternary compound
Taken orally, but has slow absorption rate
AchE inhibitor (Class I - carbamate)

Steric hindrance
Used for Alzheimer's (stabilization)
Given in a patch form (because patients may forget to take the correct dosage at the correct time)
Tertiary compound (cross the BBB)
Donepezil (aricept)
AchE inhibitor (Class I - carbamate)

Steric hindrance
Used for Alzheimer's (stabilization)
Tertiary compound to cross BBB
AchE inhibitor (Class II) - reversible

Shortest acting cholinesterase inhibitor
Quaternary compoind, used as a diagnostic for myesthenia gravis, used in surgery along with neostigmine
AchE inhibitor (Class III - organophosphate) - irreversible

Acts in eyes - treat glaucoma (like carbachol) long-acting
Long-duration of action drug
Be careful when putting echothiophate into the eyes
AchE inhibitor (Class III - organophosphate) - irreversible

Insecticide - crop dusting
Converterd to paraoxon in the body
AchE inhibitor (Class III - organophosphate) - irreversible

Insecticide - common household
Converted to malaoxon, human liver is able to destroy malaoxon to protect us
AchE inhibitor (WMD)

Most potent man-made WMD
Very lipid soluble
Build up Ach everywhere
Bronchoconstriction/bronchial secretions
Shut down the cardiac and respiratory centers
AchE inhibitor (WMD)

Very lipid soluble
Build up Ach everywhere
Bronchoconstriction/bronchial secretions
Shut down the cardiac and respiratory centers
AchE inhibitor (WMD)

Very lipid soluble
Build up Ach everywhere
Bronchoconstriction/bronchial secretions
Shut down the cardiac and respiratory centers
AchE inhibitor (WMD)

Very lipid soluble
Build up Ach everywhere
Bronchoconstriction/bronchial secretions
Shut down the cardiac and respiratory centers
MARC 1-kit
Atropine (Ach muscarinic receptor ANTAgonist) + Pralidoxime (nucleophile)

Antidote for gas poisoning
Atropine: can partially offset cardiac/respiratory center malfunction
2-PAM is a highly nucleophilic drug
Alpha-1/2, Beta-1/3 agonist

NT for SNS
Vasoconstriction at systemic blood vessels, to the GI system
Contraction to get dilation of the eyes
Contraction of the bladder sphincter to maintain urine
Increased contractility of the heart
Increased HR
Increased renin secretion in the kidney to increase blood volume
Alpha-1/2, Beta-1/2/3 agonist

Sympathetics and BETA-2 receptors
Vasoconstriction at systemic blood vessels, to the GI system
Contraction to get dilation of the eyes
Contraction of the bladder sphincter to maintain urine
Vasodilation to the skeletal muscle and liver
Increased potassium uptake for skeletal muscle
Increased glycogenolysis at the liver
Increased contractility of the heart
Increased HR
Uterine muscle relaxation
D1 agonist (and partial beta-1 agonist in the heart)

Dilates renal blood vessels
Alpha-2a/c agonist

Rostroventrolateral medulla (RVLM)
Causes inhibition of NE release, treats HTN, Tourret's and withdrawl abuse from drugs
Theophylline/ Aminophylline
Non-selctive PDE-4 inhibitor

Bronchial smooth muscle (for asthma)
Increases vasodilation

Since it is nonspecific, it can increase contractility in the heart as a side effect (not good for asthma patients since heart will demand more oxygen)
Increases histone acetylation (depresses inflammatory response)
Affects adenosine receptors
VMAT inhibitor

Acts on VMAT in dopaminergic/noradrenergic nurons
Blocks transport of dopamine (catecholamines) into vesicles
No longer used to treat HTN and schizophrenia
More selective drugs discovered
Caused profound depression
Irreversibly blocks VMAT (affects serotonin also)
Selective beta-1/2 agonist

Acts on Heart/CV System
Increases contractility/HR without affecting mean BP (systolic BP increases but diastolic BP decreases)
Causes vasodilation of arteries
Alpha-1 agonist

Blood vessels (vasoconstriction)
Increases TPR/BP
Nasal decongestant
Decreases HR
Alpha-1/2 ANTAgonist

Blood vessels (causing vasodilation)
Blocks high doses of EPI from causing vasoconstriction of alpha receptors
Tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor

TH in catecholaminergic neurons
Not widely used
Used before treatment of pheochromocytomas to reduce amount of catecholamines present before/after surgery
Substrate for aromatic L-AA decarboxylase

Effects in Catecholaminergic neurons
Bypasses the rate-limiting step of catecholamine synthesis
?????Uncouples VAMPs and SNAPs (used for vesicular exocytosis)

Presynaptic membrane
Does not allow vesicular Ach release from presynaptic terminal
Known as BOTOX
Used for muscle spasticity disorder
MAO, VMAT and uptake inhibitor

Presysnaptic terminal
Increase release of NE, dopamine and serotonin
Used for ADD, narcolepsy, general stimulant
Increases NE release

Presynaptic terminal
Product of bacterial degradation of tyrosine in the gut
found in many aged foods
Increases NE release and beta-receptor agonist

Presynaptic terminal
Can be converted to methamphetamine (abused drug)
Similar to tyramine
Causes bronchodilation, stimulates heart, raises BP
Uptake inhibitor

Presynaptic membrane (uptake)
In the periphery, cocaine blocks only the NET
In the brain, it blocks serotonin, dopamine and NE uptake
NET selective inhibitor

Stronger NET blocker than amphetamines
Trycyclic antidepressants
NET selective inhibitor

Stronger NET blocker than amphetamines
MAO inhibitor

Allows for increased NE and reversal of uptake pump
Selective PDE-5 inhibitor

Targets PDE-5 (bronchi) - used for asthma
Decreases pulmonary HTN/ARDS
Increase cerebral blood flow
Also causes increased male erection
Increases NO release from NANC nerves to increase cGMP
Terbutaline/ Albuterol
Selective beta-2 agonist

Lungs (for asthma)
Stimulates the heart as well (like isoproterenol), but not as much
Overuse causes resistance/desensitization
Selective beta-1 agonist

(for heart failure)
Not used chronically because it has to be infused
Racemic (+ and - form)
Stronger inotropic vs. chronotropic effect
Can cause downregulation/desensitization over time
Selective beta-2 agonist

Causes relaxation of the pregnant uterus to allow baby to develop longer
Alpha 2 agonist

CNS (and periphery to some extent)
At low doses, given orally,does not stimulate peripheral receptors, but still can affect the CNS
Inhibition of NE
Also used for withdrawal signs from opiates
Non-selective beta receptor ANTAgonist

Heart (blocks EPI action)
Metabolized by liver, so we have to give a higher dose orally than through IV

Decreases HR, and thus, BP
In HTN, decreases CO
In angina, it causes less use of oxygen by heart
Stabilize heart in cardiac arrhythmias
In chronic heart failure, decreases chance for arrhythmia and prevents remodeling of heart;
Selective beta-1 ANTAgonist

Heart (blocks EPI action)
Decreases HR, and thus, BP
In HTN, decreases CO
In angina, it causes less use of oxygen by heart
Stabilize heart in cardiac arrhythmias
In chronic heart failure, decreases chance for arrhythmia and prevents remodeling of heart
Selective beta-1 ANTAgonist

Heart (blocks EPI action)
NOT used in renal insufficiency b/c it is metabolized in the kidney
In HTN, decreases HR and BP, decreasing CO
In angina, it causes less use of oxygen by heart
Stabilize heart in cardiac arrhythmias
In chronic heart failure, decreases chance for arrhythmia and prevents remodeling of heart
Beta-1 ANTAgonist and partial beta-2 agonist

Heart (blocks EPI action in times of stress)
Maintains resting HR, but decreases stressed HR
Alpha-1a ANTAgonist

Used for BPH
Dilates prostatic vessels
Alpha-1a, b and d ANTAgonist

Blood vessels; Treats HTN
Alpha-1/2 ANTAgonist (irreversible)

Blood vessels; Treats HTN
Alpha-1 ANTAgonist AND beta-ANTAgonist

Used for heart failure
Blocks alpha-1 receptors responsible for heart thickening/remodeling; has anti-proliferative properties
Alpha-1 ANTAgonist AND beta-ANTAgonist

Used for heart failure
Blocks alpha-1 receptors responsible for heart thickening/remodeling; has anti-proliferative properties