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23 Cards in this Set

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What is the basic way that positional formatting is done in Python?




-> 'x and y'

print('{} and {}'.format(a,b))



print(____________.format(b, a))
-> 'first and second'

print('{1} and {0}'.format(b,a))

What flags are used to indicate the str() and repr() representations?

str = '{0!s}'

repr = {0!r}

What flag is used to use the ascii value of the repr() method?

a = '{0!a}'

How do you left-pad a string to a minimum of 10 spaces?


How do you right-pad a string to a minimum of 10 spaces?


How do you centre-align a string in a 10 total character string?


How do you pad with other characters (ex: '_')?


How do you truncate a long string? (ex. to 5 characters)


How do you truncate a string to 5 characters and right pad it to 10 characters?


What are the flags for integers and floats?

'{:d}' and '{:f}'

How do you pad a number to width 4?


How do you pad a float so it has 2 decimal places, total width 6, and pads with 0s?


How do you always show a +/- sign in front of a number?


How do you insert a space to positive numbers to retain consistent spacing with negative signs?

'{: d}'.format(42)

How do you control the total number of spaces allotted for the '-' and the number?

'{:=5d}'.format((- 23))

data = {'first': 'Hodor', 'last': 'Hodor!'}


-> Hodor Hodor!

'{first} {last}'.format(data**)

data = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]


-> 8 4

'{d[2]} {d[4]}'.format(d=data)

class Plant(object):

type = 'tree'




from datetime import datetime

d = datetime(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5)


-> 2001-02-03 04:05

'{%Y}-{%m}-{%d} {%H}:{%M}'.format(d)

Given prec = 3, str = "Gibberish", and n =2.7182,

use parameterized precision to output:

-> Gib = 2.718

'{:.{prec}} = {:.{prec}f}'.format(str, n, prec)

How do you define custom formats for objects passed to the format() method?

modify the __format__ function