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28 Cards in this Set

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What is crime?
A conduct or failure to act in violation of the law forbidding or commanding it, and for which a range of possible penalties exist upon conviciton.
Actus Reus
bad act
Mens Rea
Guilty Mind
Mala in se
Wrong by nature - don't need to be told they are wrong. Obvious. Ex. Murder
Mala prohibita
behaviors that are wrong by statutes, we had to think about it.
over criminalization
behaviors prohibited by law but should be lawful. ex gambling, prostitution, homosexuality, drugs.
under criminalization
behavior not prohibited by law but should be unlawful
ex gambling, prostitution, etc
Elements of a crime.
Some are conceptual. Not all need to exist to be crime.
1. harm
2. legality
3. causation
4. concurrence = act must occur at the same time as or close to the inent.temporary connection from thinking and doing.
5. punishment - if we can't punish then why call it a crime
6. actus reus
7. mens rea
Age - children are't always responsible
insanity - not to be confused with mental illness. this is different.
Duress - forced to commit a crime. must be immenent threat
self defense
theories of crime
provides a general explanation of crime
encompasses psychological, social, and biological factors in a logical framework.
empirical spirit
social criminology
relationships of demographic, group, environmental, social factors to crime. ex: gangs, born into faith or none.
Psychological Criminology
Individual behavior
Cognition(mental processes) distortions
- Detect, Acquire, retain(maintain), modify, access, apply
mental illness
Personality Traits
Relatively stabble, enduring tendacies of behavior. a collection of traits = our personality = makes us predictable
How do we measure crime?
uniform crime reports - compiled by FBI.
Law enforcement agencies report to FBI Voluntary(this is a process)
Problems with UCR
heirarchy rule - FBI records only the most serious of crimes but don't just disappear in court.
Definitions are old and controversial
Results in "Dark Figure"
"Dark Figure"
result of lack of:
Detection = we dont detect all the crimes that occur they have to come and report it to local authorities.
Reporting = dont report because of embarrasment or other reasons.
self report studies or surveys
Interviews, questionares of offenders, victims.
Most aadmit only to major violations.
Strengths = you can go back to the records to see if these reports are accurate in their responses
status offense
Behavior that is illegal only for juvinilles
(because of their age)
Difficult to conceptualize/measure.
Rite of passage?
Aging out = maturing, you'll grow out of it" , its a phase.
Developmental Risk factors
Social, biological, psychological factors that affect development. Increase the possibility that an individual will engage in criminal behavior
Social Risk factors
Poverty - early peer rejection - association with anti social peers - Inadequate pre school child care- inadequate after school care - school failure
Family Risk Factors
Single parent household? permissive parental style? minimal monitoring from parents?
Psychological Risk Factors
cognitive and language deficiencies - low IQ - ADHD (Attention, hyperactivity, impulsive ) - conduct disorder (persistent violation of rules/rights without remorse)
Strain Theory
Inability to achieve one's goals - influenced by the values and attitudes of the society. we want what other people want.
Social control theory
contends that crime and delinquency occur when an individual's ties to the conventional order or normative standards are weak or largely nonexistent.
social learning theory
we are products of what we learned from our environments - if we are exposed by things/experiences we be better off.
3 perspectives of human nature
conformity, nonconformity, norms conformity = getting along - we want as humans to cooperate we are more likely to benefit if we work together. - NOnconformity = interested in ones own interest.
Explain the most with the least. You have enough info to make a decision
Hate Crime
a criminal offnse committted against a person, property, or society which is motivated, in whole or in part by the offender's bias against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin"